Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 3 Chapter 72/4: Walk Home

The night was settling in with twilight, and I was waiting for Sarah's reaction. Her shyness was cute, and I already knew the answer at this point. I needed her to say it at this point to move forward. Her previously demanding personality was gone as I could see the red tint on her face looking at me.

"I would like to go to you to escort me to your place," Sarah had almost whispered. I wanted to tease her more but decided against it.

I smiled, nodded, and motioned with my head, "This way," I told her. I noticed that I felt a lot less annoyed with her since her confession. It was kind of hard to hate someone, though, when they told you that they liked you romantically.

We started to walk away from the school, and I saw some eyes watching us, and I knew that the rumors were about to worsen. I felt a buzz and checked my heavy bag, grabbing my phone. I opened up the phone, and I couldn't help but sadistically grin when I got the notification that the plug had been put back in. Jake then sent a message seconds later, making my smile grow more significant.

Jake: Thank you, Mistress; it is back in.

"That smile," Sarah said, and I turned to look at her. "That smile sends shivers up my spine," Sarah clarified.

"Oh," I said, turning to her as I put back my phone and put it back onto my back. "It is a smile that tends to come out when something fun just happened for me." I grinned, thinking how that sissy must be suffering. I knew that he must have been desperate when he started to text me. I wondered how he felt at practice with that stimulating him.

"You look like a villainess when you smile like that. Like some evil plan that you concocted came to fruition and you are reveling in a job well done." Sarah replied, surprising me.

"Oh, That is interesting," I said, turning to her with a grin. "Sarah," I said, looking at her more fully as I walked at her pace towards my home, "Tell me, do you know what a Dom or a Dominatrix is?" I asked as we moved in the twilight before true nightfall hit.

"Isn't that some type of Sex thing?" Sarah replied.

"Yes, Yes, it is in a way," I replied as I walked, "You know Sarah, Your reply to my earlier question did not reply to my question last week," I said, looking at her and moving my bag up my shoulder. The weight was still getting to me, but I readjusted it as I looked at her as we slowly walked towards my house. "You confessed to me, and in return, I was honest with you. So I will continue being honest with you." Sarah sighed and looked wistful, from what I could see. "I do have a girlfriend. She not only knows about you confessing, she knows that you are interested in me. She knows that tonight or in the future that we might have sex. It isn't just you either." I decided that I needed to address this thoroughly, and I moved my bag back in front of me and pulled out my phone.

I pulled up the group chat with Debbie and Grace, and I pulled up the chat. It was something small, but there was no way I was about to show her texts with Hilda. Showing her texts with Crystal might backfire, and those with Jake weren't a good idea to show. Tracy might not be a bad idea, but those tended to be more around orders. Alex was the same, so this group text was the best I could work with. I showed her the chat as I put my bag back on my back.

"This is Debbie and Grace, some ladies I met last week that I think I might have a threesome with. I will fuck them with my long cock, and I will probably do more things like this in the future." I told her bluntly that I knew she needed to hear.

"Why are you telling me this?" Sarah asked, looking at the texts and then up at me.

"I am telling you this because you never gave me an answer," I said, raising my voice a little. "You are a good-looking woman Sarah. But there are things about me that when you told me that you come from a Christian family tells me we might not be compatible." I said, and Sarah looked away.

"You like me; I know that I can tell from your reactions. Everything I say invokes a reaction, and since you confessed to me, that is obvious. But liking or even loving me doesn't make a relationship work." I couldn't help but bark out a laugh, "Okay, Let me say this," I paused, taking a deep breath and readjusting my backpack again as we reached a corner of a street we needed to cross. I waited for a car to go by and turned to her. "I am not some relationship guru. Hell, I have no fucking friends but some playmates and a girlfriend. I move with as much honesty as I can, though."

"What are you getting at?" Sarah asked, looking at me. I noticed the slight tears in her eyes, and I wanted to sigh again.

"I am saying that I will not be in a monogamous relationship," I told her, my tone rising slightly. "I need you to understand that if you are going to be with me. Accept that or get over me." I finished my tone severe towards her.

We stood there at the corner, and this time Sarah sighed. "I know," Sarah replied slowly. Then motion to continue walking before continuing. We started to walk, and she continued, "All week," Sarah began, "All week, I have been thinking about this. I didn't know what to think, though." Sarah said, looking up into the twilight of the night. "You haven't made it easy either." Sarah said it as she turned to me, "You have made it obvious that at this point, my confession almost means nothing to you. You repeatedly have told me that you would also be looking at others even if sometimes you look at me. How am I supposed to react to that?" Sarah asked.

I didn't reply and waited for her to continue what she wanted to say. I knew she didn't want me to say anything, and she wouldn't be following me home if she had decided differently. "You know, You are a bit of a bitch, and I kinda like that," Sarah confessed, making me raise an eyebrow. "Oh, Don't act surprised," Sarah said, looking at me. "You have left me wanting to be with someone I like to myself. You made me think long and hard about you and told me that if I wanted to be with you, I could. I just have to decide if I wanted to be in a polyamorous relationship from the get-go." Sarah started to chuckle, "In the end, you left everything up to the one that confessed to you. If I wanted to be with you, then I get to be with you, and you would talk and play with me. I am not even sure what this relationship would entail. I have always watched Disney and hoped for that happily ever after." Sarah looked back up into the sky as she continued while we walked closer to my home, "After I saw your cock for the first time. I couldn't get it out of my mind, you being my prince. A very Feminine prince, But my Prince nonetheless." Sarah looked back at me with a severe look. "You broke that dream last week. Then I saw you take another volleyball member home with you."

Sarah looked down after her last sentence. She sighed, "That night, I was so jealous," Sarah confessed, "I played with my pussy the entire night till I fell asleep. My clit felt so swollen the next day, and I still couldn't get the thought of you and Alex out of my head. I wanted to be Alex. Alex, The girl who never thought about anything but volleyball. The Fit half, Latino girl that always had a serious expression that never cracked for anything gave you smiles without restraint. I could see the excitement on her face as you took her home. I want to be that girl that you bring home!" Sarah confessed again, looking at me. "I don't know how I will feel next week," Sarah told me, "I don't know how I will feel about it the week after that or the one after that. I just don't know. I don't know if this will be long-term or short-term. Whether you will take my virginity and I will feel that that was all I needed from you."

I watched her as some tears started to leak out of her eyes; and she looked beautiful, and my cock was slightly hardening in my panties. "You know what I do know?" Sarah asked. I looked at her and waited for her to answer her own question. "I want to try being with you." Sarah answered, "I don't know if I will regret this choice in the future. I always thought that I would only be with one person, who would only be with me. But what I do know is that at this point, I will regret it if I don't try being with you. I will regret what might have become an open and honest relationship with you." I watched her as she took a deep breath, "I only ask one thing, please, Angela," Sarah was serious, looking at me, "Please, don't lie to me. Be honest, like you were with me from the start. Being frank and honest with me and what you are doing." Sarah paused, looking at me, and I knew that she wanted an answer.

"Sarah," I said, breaking my silence. "I will be honest with you," I stifled a sigh and took a deep breath, "Even if I lie, I tend to tell the truth. I will tell you again, and I am not perfect; I will do what I can to be honest and open with you if you want a relationship with me." I told her honestly, "Don't think of me as some person with a lot of relationship experience. I simply don't have it. I have been alone most of my life, and I am just stumbling through my current relationships." I took a deep breath, and I adjusted my backpack again as the weight was starting to become straining over a long period of time, and my back was starting to hurt more than usual. "I will confess something to you," I said, turning to her, "You want my honesty. You can have it. I am not perfect, and there will be times I fuck up on communicating. I will say this over and over again since I think it is important. But there is something else that I think you need to know about me." I said, and I took a breath as I knew we would soon reach my house.

We came up to a corner, and I knew we were only a couple more houses to my place. I stopped, and Sarah came to a stop beside me as I turned to her, fully adjusting my backpack again, struggling with my sore shoulder. "I am a Dominatrix; hopefully soon to be a Professional Dominatrix. I like to see you cry a little. It makes me hard, and I am not going to lie about that. This is part of who I am. I will play with you and call you names; I will do that because I think you are beautiful, and that is what I like to do. There is no real good way of explaining what I like to do without showing you. But I believe I have already told you that. So, Instead of me explaining this all again. I want to hear you say it in the most direct way." I took a breath, and I brought my hand up and wiped one of those hot fresh tears off her face.

"Sarah, Do you want to be in a relationship with a Polyarmous Dominatrix like me?" I asked her leaving no doubt in the question.

Sarah turned silent, and things felt awkward, but then Sarah nodded, and I closed the distance. "Good," I told her, "But I want you to say it," I told her, "Tell me what you want."

"I want to be in a relationship with you; I want to be with you," Sarah replied, and I could see the conviction.

"Okay," I replied, and I turned to look forward towards my house. "Come with me, and we can have some fun. Also, What did you tell your parents that you were doing tonight?" I asked, and Sarah immediately blushed.

"I told them I was going to a friend's house," Sarah replied as we were moving down to my house again.

I couldn't help but grin and reply, "Here you are telling me to be honest. But the Christian girl here is already lying to her parents to be with another woman." I teased.

Sarah blushed harder, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get enough at these subtle jabs at her. Her situation made it that it was understandable that she would hide the fact that she was a lesbian. Or at least into Futanari women. Still, I didn't want to pick on her too much this early. I didn't want to scare her away after all. Sarah was a nice athletic girl, and I wondered if I would see that pushy girl again.

I hoped not a little. I liked her a little more shy and not annoyingly pushy. I think that her pushiness came from her overwhelming desire to be around me. Sarah stayed quiet now, though, as we reached my house. I grabbed my keys, and I unlocked it before opening the door.

Instantly I heard yelling upstairs with my mom clearly being angry at my dad. I didn't know what to do about that, but I knew that it had become increasingly more common lately. I shook my head, and Sarah looked up but noticed the shake of my head, and I brought her to the kitchen. On the table was a plate for me with a lot of leftovers for me to grab a second plate. It seemed my mom knew me, and she decided worst came to worst and that she would have lunch for tomorrow.

I put my bag down near the basement steps before looking at Sarah, "Want to eat first?" I asked, "There is more than enough for the two of us, and it doesn't look that cold." I finished.

"Yeah," Sarah replied, looking all around even with the awkwardness of my parents yelling indistinctly in the background.

We sat in silence as we ate, hearing the yelling without hearing what the argument was about. I shook my head, "Sorry about that," I said, motioning my head up towards my parents. "I don't know what has been going on with them lately, but it is what it is. Their marriage." I finished.

Sarah raised an eyebrow at me, "That is a pretty cold way that you are talking about your parents." Sarah replied before continuing to eat.

I thought about it as I ate a couple more mouthfuls of food, and I nodded, "To be honest, I have my reasons to be angry with both of them. Not really a topic I want to get into right now. But let me say that I think that it is something that I am having a hard time forgiving. It still pisses me off when I think of it, so I try not to." I shook my head again, "Still, what I said is true, it is their marriage, and they are the ones that have to make it work." I finished, and I continued to eat, and Sarah seemed to be lost in thought.

I was just about to finish my food with Sarah, over halfway through hers, when I started to hear lighter steps coming down the stairs. I already knew it was my mother, and I turned to her as she entered the kitchen.

"Fucking asshole," My mother cursed as she stepped into the kitchen; then, her face completely blanked when she noticed Sarah and me.

"Good evening, Mom," I said, trying to hide the smile growing on my face. "This is Sarah; She is spending the night."

My mother turned sharply to me and then looked at Sarah. "Another girl?" My mom asked, and I raised an eyebrow. "Do you know my Daughter at least has two other women in her life?" My mom asked. I knew my mom was pissed when she was flatly ratting me out like this without a second thought.

"Yes, yes, I do," Sarah replied, making my mom's eyes widen.

My mom stared for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath. Slowly she exhaled, and I knew that she was getting herself back in charge of her emotions. I continued to eat, watching her, and I thought that I would give a compliment, "Dinner is good, Mom; thank you for leaving some out." I told her.

"Yes, Thank you," Sarah added, "After volleyball practice, I was starving, and this really hit the spot." Sarah finished with a polite smile.

My mom seemed stumped, and I saw her look at me. "Thank you," My mother replied, and I could see her calm down a little visibly. "Angela, We do need to talk soon, like in the note I left you this morning. But since you have a guest, I will not bring it up now." My mom continued before looking at Sarah. "Enjoy your time here, Sarah." My mother said without much thought, and Sarah blushed a deep crimson, looking down at her plate.

My mother blushed when she realized what she had just said and took leave of the kitchen. I heard her studio door close, and I stifled a chuckle. I finished my food and started to clean up, feeling a chuckle coming, but with my dad being angry upstairs, I didn't want another awkward encounter with my parents tonight.

I finished cleaning up and rinsing the dishes when Sarah finished her food. I saw her deep blush still on her face, and I couldn't help but smile. "I will take that," I told her, taking her plate and finishing cleaning up the kitchen. Once I was done, I grabbed my backpack and led her to the basement.

"Welcome to my room," I told her, bringing her into the basement with a smile.


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