Like Rabbits

Ch 10. Is this what siblings do? (R-18)

Standing outside my family's house, I shifted my feet uncomfortably. Feeling more awkward than I had ever felt before.

"Is Feriha there?" I asked.

Mom who was outside tending to the small plot of garden carrots looked up curiously, her white-fluffed ears poking out of the straw sunhat she had on, despite being in the center of the city, this kind of scene almost made me think we had grown up in the countryside.

"Of course, where else would she be?" Mom replied. Looking at me strangely.

"Uh, the two of us were going to go check something out later."

She just looked at me strangely, shaking her head before pulling up a few more carrots. Something special for dinner I guess.

I scratched the tips of my drooping ears in embarrassment, trying to come up with a good excuse for why Feriha and I needed to be heading out just after I had returned. It was such an uncharacteristic thing, especially for the two of us together, sometimes we went on errands but none of us had ever spent the night out away from home before. The city was dangerous, especially to a rabbit.

"I know it's sudden, but uh, actually I applied for the student accommodation houses, and they approved it. Uh, I was hoping Feriha could help me move in." I said, somehow managing to prevent from blushing through my lie. But my ears squirmed, while my bunny-tail twitched nervously under the uniform. Lying was an extremely unnatural feeling for a rabbit, if I hadn't spent so much time practicing it out of necessity then I probably would have gave myself away. That said, rabbitkin were also notoriously bad at detecting lies, so Mom probably wouldn't notice anyways.

The overwhelming remorse I felt at telling a lie, especially to someone as kindhearted as mom, weighed on my heart heavily.

Mom's eyes lit up. "Oh how wonderful sweetie, of course... Feriha! Come help your brother!"

I heard the sounds of rustling from inside the house and Feriha's voice, followed by an agonizing wait as minutes passed by. From the small bits of sound I could tell the house was busy with activity. Mom looked up every now and then, having now filled a basket with lettuce, carrots, and other vegetables from the small plot of a garden. 

Still standing outside, I glanced between mom and the door awkwardly. Should I just go inside and get her? My indecisive thoughts interrupted by a wet-haired Feriha rushing out the entrance.

"Sorry Fenton! Did you wait long?" Feriha apologized quickly, looking flustered as she continued brushing her hair in a hurry, before putting it away in a small purse she had hanging around her waist.

Mom looked up again from her task, seemingly finished now with the garden, eyeing Feriha with a questioning look.

"This girl, taking a bath now of all times? You've never done that during the middle of the day. Don't you know how long your brother's been waiting out here?" Mom said, putting her hands on her hips.

Feriha blushed a deeper shade of red at mom's observation. Coming over to my side apologetically.

"I'm really sorry about the wait." Feriha said while getting in closer. "Do I look good?" She asked in a quiet voice. 

I nodded in agreement. 

Now that I had a closer look at her, Feriha did look pretty. Prettier than normal that is. She had her best dress on, not to mention her long brown hair seemed silkier than normal. My eyes drifting unconsciously to the outline of her cleavage which was poking against the dress in a somewhat provocative manner, glancing away once I caught myself staring.

Seeing the two of us standing together, Mom's face softened, appearing oddly relieved for some reason.

"Fenton. I was really glad when you said Feriha could help you with something... you've always been helping so much with the family, I've always worried that we were a burden on you..." She said with a tear in her eyes.

"No, really Mom, it's no trouble at all." I tried to explain away. Feeling guilty because the two of us were actually headed off to do something quite unlike what she was imagining.

"Plus, it's not like I won't visit, I'm just getting the student housing so I have more options, especially if I'm tired or something! This will still always be my home." I spoke quickly, trying to make excuses for why I needed a second place to stay. 

"It's alright Mom." Feriha chimed in. "I'll make sure he's comfortable at his new place." A beaming smile on her face while she said it. Wrapping both her arms around one of mine, her chest squeezing my shoulder, she leaned in even closer than before and whispered extra quietly. "We can break in the bed."

My eyes widened from her words, coughing awkwardly from surprise as I glanced between her and Mom, who thankfully hadn't heard. 

"You may sure he's happy!" Mom cautioned with a sudden sternness, her phrasing almost causing me to cough again. If only she knew.

"With the new house, right?" I cleared my throat after recovering from the surprising comment. While my mother nodded, thankfully still oblivious. 

"I'll stay over for the night, but I'll be back in the morning." Feriha added, clinging onto my arm closer than I felt comfortable, mom was right here! It was definitely not the actions of a sister to her brother. 

I looked at Feriha pleadingly. Please don't give it away like this, we only needed to wait a little while longer!

"Uh, mom, I think Feriha and I should be going. I don't want it to get dark before we get there." I gave out a hurried reason to excuse ourselves, even though there was probably more than two hours before sunset, Mom agreed whole-heartedly, telling us to be safe. 

Both of us waving goodbye before hurrying away. This wasn't good for my heart, trying to keep this a secret while Feriha seemed to have the opposite idea. It felt like she didn't really even care if we were discovered... but I suppose if she was okay with it then I would be as well... sighing as I felt Feriha tugging my arm, vying for my attention. 

Being out of sight, the two of us started sneaking glances almost immediately, our embarrassment written plainly enough to see, but not embarrassed enough to stop. We knew perfectly well what was going to happen tonight. Each step I took was making my heart race, and Feriha's arm being linked with mine felt so strangely intimate, rather than just being nervous it felt more like my heart was fluttering. We looked exactly like a couple, passing by acquittances and strangers alike, it felt like our secret was being exposed, but the more I thought about it, the more bold I became. Enjoying the walk as we continued our innocent act, acting sweet like two fawning lovers.

Over on the human district's side, the gate-crossing had thankfully went on without a hitch. The two guards I had issues with before had thankfully changed shift and by now a new pair had replaced them. A female soldier I had never seen before smiled knowingly at the two of us before letting us through. A pair of beastkin heading into the human district might catch attention normally, but she waved us through without asking questions. 

Feriha squeezed closer to me as we walked, her breasts brushing against my side occasionally as she look around at the unfamiliar environment with interest, her eyes widening at the impressive sights of the wealth laden human district, impressed but also intimidated at the display. Holding her closer, I let her lean on me for comfort. Our eyes meeting again, while she giggled. Getting over her nervousness easier than I had imagined.

She really was brave. I thought to myself, as she rested her head lightly on my shoulder while we walked. 

As we approaching the outer perimeter of the academy we started coming upon rows of individual houses. I had overlooked it earlier as just regular residential zoning, but now that I looked closer there really were numbers and letters on each of them. So all of this was owned by the Ashton family... noticing the markings on each house and comparing it to that on my own key.

"Wow. These are amazing. Is one of these really yours?" Feriha commented, her surprise at the size and quality of the houses apparent in her voice.

"The school's just letting me use it for a while." I answered, downplaying the impact, although in secret I was just as impressed. Still, it made me happy that she was so pleased by it. Feeling a bit proud. 

From one of the houses street-facing verandas, we watched as a female rabbitkin dressed in a maid's uniform polished the banister with a cloth. Ears bobbing as she worked, she gave a wave to us as we passed by. The two of us returning the gesture in kind.

*I shouldn't be surprised, but there really were rabbitkin as servants here.*

A drop of sweat formed at my brow as the two of us continued on, every time I checked the key against the letter-number combination on a house, I felt my heart beat a little bit faster than usual. Holding onto Feriha's hand with fingers interlaced as we hurried our pace down the nearly empty street.

"Ah, I think this is the one." I said to my sister, who was practically shaking with excitement. Taking my hand and running up the stairs, practically dragging to me up the stone steps that led off the street level, until we were finally standing before a large double door entrance. Placing the key in and Unlocking it with a satisfying *click*, we were greeted by the sight of a large foyer that could have been a room in its own right, and beyond that a parlor room nearly as large as our old house. Fully stocked with furniture, although covered with a thin and somewhat transparent fabric to prevent the accumulation of dust.

"Brother! Brother! How did they ever let you have such a place! Amazing!" She twirled around in the ample room, running from one side to the other with pure energy, while I smiled at her earnest display, more pleased by Feriha's reaction than I was with the actual house.

Looking around though, it really was something. This wasn't just one house, they had enough of these for most of the student base here. Truly living up to the Ashton family name. I suppose in some way it was fitting that Feriha would spend time in such a place. Even if the principle didn't know, as his daughter, she was a true Ashton. Though how he would act if he knew his daughter was part rabbit was another story. 

"Shouldn't we check upstairs?" I asked clearing my throat.

She stopped, perking her ears up to my suggestion.

"Yeah, we need to see how comfortable the bed is..." Feriha replied, her eyes fixed on me while a delicate tongue snuck out to lick at her thin pink lips.

Was this really happening? I still couldn't believe it myself. Getting aroused by her sudden provocations. 

She went first up the stairs, getting far enough ahead that I could just barely see under her skirt. She must have known, or even planned for this, because she was bending further forward with each step, and taking far longer than needed.

She definitely knew I was looking.

Each time she lifted her skirt further, enough that I could even see all the way up, spotting a pair of cream white panties with lime-green polkadots. I could even see her fluffy rabbit tail above it.

Stopping at the top step, she dropped to her knees; hands flat to the floor. Blocking my way with her skirt hiked up high, giving me an eyeful.

I gulped audibly.

"Feriha! Don't tease me like this." I complained as she rocked her hips back slowly, her movement printing a damp line on her panties where her sex was, creating an outline.

Acting like she never heard me, Feriha just continued, pulling down her underwear enough to reveal a perfectly pink pussy. Plump and glistening with wetness.

How was she so bold! Was this really my Feriha? 

Seeing her exposed before me, I could hardly help myself, reaching out my hands, feeling inside her skirt with some hesitation before feeling her sex quivering against my touch. 

"Hauuuu," Feriha moaned from the stimulis, her breathing become more ragged as time went on. "Fenton..." she managed to speak between pants, apparently even more eager than I was.

"Let's find the bedroom." I spoke again, gulping afterwards. Pushing her rear up lightly to let her know she should go up the stairs first. Seeing her stalling like this on the top step, her ears twitching mischievously, I had choice but to tease her in return. Rubbing between her legs encouragingly from behind, causing her legs to shake with excitement.

She tried to walk forward, but her legs wobbled before giving way, stumbling somewhat before I caught her. If she couldn't walk, then all I needed to do was carry her. 

Grinning as I scooped her legs from under her. Easily carrying her in my arms while she peered up at me with beady eyes, she was like a cute and defenseless animal, provoking my instincts as a man to protect her as I held her close to my chest. How could my older sister be this cute!

Taking her up to the top, I looked around, scanning the hallways. Apparently there were several bedrooms to choose from, but at the end of the large hallway there was one which caught my attention. This was definitely the master bedroom.

A comfortable room, with ample space and an extra-large bed with room enough for several people. This was a bed? I looked at it with an expression of amazement. My eyes drifting to the rest of the room naturally, especially drawn to the large window which spanned most of the room's extent and looked out over the garden portions of the academy; the glass parted in the middle by a frame and glass-made double-doors which opened onto a veranda from which you could overlook the city.

The furniture in the room was exquisite, finely made polished wooden dressers and even a separate room for what I assumed was a closet... a closet that was bigger than my old room. These kinds of luxuries were dizzying to a rabbit like myself.

For the time being I laid Feriha down gently on the bed, watching her chest rise and fall with each breath, her eyes locked with mine while her fingers drifted down naturally towards her skirt in another plea for my attention.

Who knew Feriha was such a natural seducer, every move she made played on my heartstrings. 

"I can't wait Fenton... make me yours," Feriha pleaded, opening her legs slowly with a shy appearance, lifting her skirt with her fingers so she could show me her exposed pussy now that her panties had been removed.

"I will, and then you'll always be mine," I said while unbuttoning my shirt and pants, throwing the academy uniform to the side before crawling onto the bed where Feriha lay with her legs spread open and a tempting expression written on her face.

Crawling over, I positioned myself over Feriha, arms pinned over her as she laid passively. Beginning to unwrap her like a ripe fruit, peeling off her skirt and blouse to expose her tender form hidden beneath. Suddenly even more shy, she covered her face with her hands. Trying to hide her embarrassment now that she was stripped bare, blushing while I felt for her exposed nipples, rubbing her peaks between my fingers and feeling them become stiff. 

"Nnnnh" Feriha's toes curled seductively. Her reaction only stimulating me to tease her more.

Moving my hands down further, I slowly traced a line from her breasts down to her belly, the motions becoming more deliberate as I approached my destination, stopping at her sex the moment I felt something wet upon my finger.

"Do you want it?" I asked playfully while encouraging her with a rubbing motion.

"Don't tease me..." Feriha pleaded pitifully.

"But I like teasing you, doesn't it show how much I like you?"

She was getting wetter the longer I rubbed, panting steadily as she enduring her rising heat.

"Brother, you're so mean... Feriha can't wait any longer." Even with her hands up, trying to shield her flushed face from my eyes, I could tell she was biting her lip as she tried to endure.

"Then let me see your face, sister. You're too cute to be hiding it." She wanted to protest, but I just continued on with my teasing, rubbing her pussy steadily and without mercy, my relentless assault forcing out cute moans from Feriha while she shifted her legs in another futile effort to escape the mounting pleasure. Still stubbornly hiding her embarrassed expression from view with raised hands.

Peeking out slowly between her raised hands, she finally gave in, lowering her arms to the bed and exposing her self to me. Her eyes shifting away as she met my gaze.

"Is this alright? Feriha doesn't know what to do."

Neither of us did, but I couldn't let her wait any longer. Nor could I endure my own temptations.

Feeling myself drawn to Feriha's pink lips, I moved forward, kissing her suddenly and eliciting a surprised, somewhat stifled yelp. Her body tensed before slowly melting away, giving in and accepting the kiss which turned more passionate the longer it went on, both of our lips sealed together, and now our tongues were getting involved. 

Attacking her tongue with my own, I could tell she was struggling to keep up. The intense make-out had stolen her breath, and whenever we broke lips she panted heavily between kisses. My hands exploring her body while her arms crept behind my back, both of us getting closer to the main event as we refused to break the drawn out kiss.

I could feel her pressing against my penis, but with my lips occupied, it was proving to be harder than I first thought. Every time I tried to catch a peak at Feriha's body, she pulled me back in for another kiss.

Guiding my waist into the right position, the glistening sensation on the tip of my dick letting me know that I was getting closer to the target. Working together, Feriha felt down with her delicate hand, taking me gently in her grasp and guiding me into her entrance as we fumbled together. The heat from her body tempting me forward as Feriha's back arched up, moving her hips close enough that I could feel the warmth from her slit take the head in, encompassing it. The sudden contact sending sparks of pleasure up my spine while Feriha let out a gasp of her own.

With one more push I was in, feeling the last resistance to my presence give way; we were now joined completely. And with the loss of her virginity, Feriha now had taken all of me inside her. But despite her inexperience, her body tempted me further, squeezing down on temptingly, letting me know I should continue, while her whimpered panting combined with her coquettish appearance lit a fire in my heart.


Pulling back before driving in again, I entered her repeatedly, the soft squishing of her sex driving me wild as it spread to accommodate me. Entering her with a regular rhythm and earning a soft cry of pleasure from Feriha's lips for each thrust. Her cute gasps and squeaks echoing out in the air through her kiss-sealed mouth while her insides quivered unbearably, squelching down with increasing firmness as she allowed herself to be ravaged.

Amazing. I never knew it felt this amazing, like I would melt away at any moment. It was so intense I was even starting to sweat a little, breaking our kiss long enough to notice similar beads of sweat forming on Feriha's neck and breasts, too long apparently, as Feriha noticed the absence of my mouth, looking at me with a pitiful expression, pouting as if to demand more of the kisses she was owed.

Too cute. I wanted to kiss her lips more, but more than that, I wanted to enjoy the sight of her naked body while I savored her. I wanted to take in the sights. 

She raised her head up to kiss me again, but I stopped her. Gently pushing her to the bed, and seeming to understand, she lay down obediently. Wiggling her legs around me and spreading out while we were still connected and surrendering her body to my command. Now with a pillow propping under her head, she settled in, looking as if she was willing to accept my everything tonight.

Thanks to our adjustments, I felt like I was hitting even deeper than before, scraping Feriha's insides while we moved again slowly at first. Her eyes gentle as she stared up at me, while her obscene body took me in greedily. Small droplets of moisture covered her skin while she panted in and out, her breasts rising up along with her chest every time she breathed, clearly worked up from our exercise. Having been active for so long, the pheromones from her heat could be felt in the air. A beastly but somewhat sweet scent tickled my nose, just another reason why rabbitkin could drive men wild. Even if that man was her brother, I still felt the attraction. Drawn to her body more and more, entering her repeatedly.  

Feeling one of her breasts in one hand while I explored around her body with the other, bending my head down just enough that I could kiss her unoccupied breast, sucking at the nipple while licking occasionally, enjoying her squirming motions from the stimulation. Rocking my hips the whole time as I sought pleasure through her body.

Stirring her up as she moved her hips up to meet mine, the two of us forgetting ourselves in the moment and becoming nothing more than a man and woman. Feriha's cries of love filling the night as she sought me out with her body.

I moved up from her breasts, kissing all the way to her neck. The kisses combined with the steady motions causing her pussy to shiver. I could tell she was getting close, and the same was happening for me. Both of us sped up, creating pleasure as the erotic sounds grew in intensity. I focused in on the sensation of her sex gliding along mine. 

A rising heat filled me, flowing from my core, each time I entered her, the wet squelching of her sex drove me to move even more desperately.

*Squeeze* her vagina pressed down firmly around my cock, squeezing tighter than before, gripping me each time I pulled back. The pressure inside her pussy just adding to the pressure I felt building from within myself. Already at my wits end as I pushed in repeatedly.

Pushing down on her with my full force as I drove in, closer each time.

*Squeeze* again she stepped up the pressure, squeezing her pussy like I had never felt before. But this time, it was too much. Her walls gulping down, swallowing my member while her whole body shook. The contractions from her vagina spreading out into her legs. 


I couldn't last any longer, already spilling out. Burying my cock as far as I could manage before pouring all of my seed deep inside of her. Pushing down even more with my waist, even as I was fully embedded, her insides trembling around me, still in the middle of her own experience. Both of us trembling as we clung together, I felt all of the strength in my body leaving me as if I had poured my very soul into her.

Holding her close as I rested my head against hers. Listening to her breath in and out steadily as both of us lay exhausted.

"That... that was amazing." I panted out heavily. 

Both of us simply resting for a few minutes before I rolled to the side, looking into her eyes while she watched me from up close.

"Did you like that?" I asked, tussling her hair. For better or for worse, we crossed a line today. If she was happy, that was all that mattered to me.

"Mmn" she replied sleepily. "I'm glad it was you," she said while giggling.

Kissing her again, I pulled the covers over us. Moving closer and hugging Feriha like a pillow. Feeling her nestling into my arms before sleep crept in for both of us. Today wasn't so bad. I thought with a smile before drifting off.

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