Like Rabbits

Ch 11. Morning encounters

--Ashton Academy headmaster's office-- 

William Ashton, headmaster of Ashton Academy, sat in his office alone, absorbed in his work. It had gotten so late now that night turned to morning and daybreak was lingering on the horizon, softening up the dark sky with warming rays of morning light, but occupied with the pile of documents in front of him he had hardly the time to notice the passage of time.

"Trouble with goblins again? A disturbing pattern... but something that will make for fine training for the first and second years." William pondered on parchment in front of him before quickly writing up an extermination effort and requests for additional scouting patrols to the forests surrounding the capital. Tying the finished parchment up into a roll before tossing it to a set of similar documents on the floor. His assistant would be by in a few hours to collect the mess of orders and reports.

Spotting his own family's crest peeking out from the pile, William wrinkled his nose before unfurling the paper. Disgust rising in his mouth as he read through the contents.

His two disappointments of sons, Julian his eldest was requesting for more money as usual, having grown accustom to all the vices nobility had to offer while knowing none of the virtues, Julian was someone who only knew how best to waste his father's coin and tales of the thirty-something's debauchery were already dragging the family name through the mud. Disappointing, but the following paragraph chronicling his youngest was far more worrisome.

Zeke wasn't incompetent like his older brother, but his behavior was even worse. He had a temper with the servants and a penchant for cruelty to the poor. Nothing illegal, but unsettling enough to have him worried about leaving the family in the hands of such a man. Maids beaten, farm-hands whipped, and William was particularly keen on the descriptions of these so called 'duels' Zeke had been conducting as of late. Puzzlingly none of his son's opponents were knights, most of them being simple residents of the slums who the man had pressed into accepting combat. Dishonorable conduct from the both of them. 

"Scions of the Ashton name who only know how to bring trouble... I fear they're driving me to an early grave." William cursed, channeling more magic power into his bloodline to stave off the building stress around his heart. As the magic flowed his tired back straightened, and a jolt of strength coursed through his body from inside. Power filling his bones, the familiar sensation bringing back a hint of nostalgia for the battlefields of his youth. Simpler days, how nice it would be if only all of his problems could be solved with the swing of a sword. 

Occupied with thoughts of preserving the dignity of the Ashton family name, William's mind wandered to the freshman troublemaker from 3F-1. Not only a beastkin, but a rabbit at that. It seemed preposterous and yet here was living proof.

"What were the proctor's thinking?" He shook his head, making up his mind to have a stern word with the admittance officers at a later date before cursing again.

"Perhaps I'd  better check in again on the quality of the this year's recruits..." If one sub-standard student got in, who knows how many others could have slipped by. The academy was his family's pride, and he'd be damned to see its name ruined with him at the helm.

--Ashton Academy,  student housing-- 

The early morning light poured through the room's large window set and balcony. The morning sunrise was clearly visible from the bed, casting shadows through the room as it rose over the academy grounds.

I was wide awake, I had been for minutes, but I still remained in bed, not wanting to disturb the cute animal currently nestled up against my chest. Her chest rising in regular intervals as she slept. Content to watch her, I simply passed the time brushing her hair softly with the back of my hand, enjoying her bunny-ears twitch in response.


Even now everything felt like a dream. Good in a certain way, but when he thought about what a scandal it would be if it got out...

*Yawn* Feriha made a sudden move, shifting around before stretching out under the covers, raising her arms in a way that emphasized her exposed breasts and giving me an eyeful.

Well, I suppose there's no helping it now. It wasn't like I regretted it anyways. Even if it brought a few headaches along with it, I was more than pleased by the rewards.

Now that she was up, Feriha looked up at me with clear eyes from her spot on the bed. Studying my face before grinning mischievously, diving unexpectedly back under the covers. Just a few moments later I felt something hot licking me below. It couldn't be...

"Feriha... stop that. Not in the morning, I have classes soon." I said while pulling off the covers, seeing Feriha indulging herself with my dick. Nibbling cutely at it and kissing the tip lovingly.

I protested, trying to get her to see some reason, but desiring in my heart for this moment to continue. She licked a few more times, looking up at me with a smirk while enjoying my conflicted reaction. Stopping eventually.

Shifting around on the bed, she moved up intimately, kissing me once on the cheek.

"You're right brother, it wouldn't be good to miss your classes." She gave up on seducing me any further, wearing an expression of regretful contemplation. 

Pretty much everything our family had right now was provided by the academy, but even without incentives I took my performance seriously, skipping classes, especially on the only the third day of school was not something I would do frivolously.

"Want to shower together at least?" I asked in consolation. An idea that she liked, as she nodded happily before leaping off the bed in a hurry. Rushing to the detached bathroom on her own, and not to be outdone I followed after.

Once inside the large bathing room, we were again awed by the casual displays of wealth the academy could flourish upon us. Tiled white ceramic floors each painted intricately in green and pink floral designs, lime green walls rising up around marble sinks and marble counters stocked with small glass bottles of various hair oils, soaps, and conditioners. On one side was the bath and along the wall near it was a large glass room on its own with a glass door leading in. A shower. I knew from looking at it, but seeing the real thing in person was different from hearing about it. 

Baths weren't uncommon in the beastkin district, but showers were non-existent. Water pressure along with the city's source of clean water were supplied almost entirely by magic. As it were, hiring mages to pump water through the poverty stricken beastkin district was considered an extraordinary waste of time and money.

Just ten minutes later, the two of us were done. Coming out with refreshed expressions. Feriha's hair was especially soft now, smelling like lavender while my hair smelled like the sun. At first I was a bit hesitant to use such expensive products, as a man I didn't really care about such things, but Feriha had made the decision for me and used one of them on me while I wasn't looking. Rubbing my ears somewhat shyly, I was secretly pleased at how soft they had become once dry. 

"Ah, that's right." I remembered once dressed and ready, finding Feriha a copy of the house key in the pocket of my uniform. 

"For me?" She asked with round eyes. Seeming to harbor some suspicion that she would be allowed to have it.

"Yeah, uh well, when I was filling out the application form I actually listed you down as my maid... so, you know, even if you wanted to stay here permanently there wouldn't be a problem. Thats, uh, sorry if I didn't ask you first, I hope you're not upset..." I tripped over my words as I tried to play off why I had written down her name. It had been a sort of spur of the moment kind of thing, but if she could spend more time here then I'd be extremely happy. For *ahem*, obvious reasons.

"Maid, huh? Do you really want this sister of yours as a maid that badly? I wonder what I should do?" Feriha asked while teasing me, putting a finger to her cheek while she played coy about accepting my offer. Sending the occasional furtive glance my way, clearly she had already made up her mind. 

Seeing her acting sly, I was tempted to tease her back."Is that a no?" I asked while pulling back the keys. 

"I never said no!" Her eyes widened, grabbing the key from my hand before I could go back on my offer. Clutching it close to her chest like a precious gem. 

"Brother! What a mean trick!" Feriha pouted. "You did all those things to me last night, and you still want to bully this older sister of yours." Giggling while she said it.

"I'll have to make it up to you then...  will you be alright on your own?" I asked, concerned. I'd love to walk her back, but I'd definitely be late if I did.

"You worry too much." She countered hugging me tightly before we kissed goodbye. "It's a short trip in broad daylight," she promised, even if I couldn't help but worry. 

Watching her go with a heavy heart, my gaze stayed fixed on her figure until she disappeared off behind the corner, heading back home to the beastkin district. Still smiling fondly. 

"It seems like you're quite pleased with how last night went." A certain rabbit's voice entered my head. The implication in his words were enough to cause my ears to blush. Clearing my throat uncomfortably at his comment.

It may not be in line with how a knight should act, but I truly did enjoy myself last night. I liked Feriha, she liked me, and without the rabbit god's intervention then this was one relationship which absolutely would never have bloomed. Owing one to his 'match-making'.

Enduring the rabbit god while I made the trip to the academy ground's main building, I found my way through a healthy flow of students all heading to their own respective classrooms, looking like normal students if not for the fact that everyone was armed with a sword at all times. Being the shortest one in a crowd wasn't a fun experience, fighting through the tide towards the staircase and up to the third floor before sliding open the classroom door with "3F-1" written above it. 

Two days going on three and I've already made a routine. Smiling as I found myself growing used to the classroom, despite the many challenges that came with it I was still immensely proud to be a part. Even if my classmates hated me, I was here to get stronger, not to make friends. I put on a brave face I was immediately greeted by the sight of my homeroom teacher smiling at me as I entered, her blonde hair tied up neatly in a ponytail like usual.

"Hello Ms. Sommer." I greeted her as usual. Noting the smallest hint of worry present in her expression that plagued her otherwise good looks.

"Good to see you again Fenton... um, is everything going okay? You're not having any troubles right? You know, you can call me Clara if you'd like? Some of the other students are already calling me that."

I stood silent. Having prepared more for the harsh attitude of my peers, I forgot how nice of a person my teacher was. Stunned by the genuine show of kindness this early in the morning, I needed some extra time to process. Did she say the class was already calling her on a first name basis? Now that she mentioned it, I did seem to recall hearing that.

She was the kind of teacher that acted more as a friend to her students rather than an authority figure, maybe she was concerned about me not fitting into the class and wanted for me to have at least one friend here... strangely I felt like crying, feeling my lip quiver somewhat. After pouring my heart into Feriha last night I felt myself feeling more emotional than usual, struggling to hide it the usual brave expression that I always tried to wear around others. It would have been easier to deal with the scorn of my peers than this. 

"Is... that right? I'll call you that from now on then." I said, trying to act like I usually did. Get it together Fenton. 

"Ah, also...!" She looked like she had more to say while her eyes sparkled earnestly."Fenton, I know it's been tough for you and I'm sure you're still nervous about a lot of things, so you know... if you ever need to talk, or if you just need a friend, I'm always here. Teacher will be here for you, if you ever need someone to lean on... you can count on me!" The cheerful woman puffed up her chest up proudly before pulling me into a friendly hug. Caught off-guard, I let it happen, suddenly finding myself swept into her ample bosom. Her tall stature making it so her breasts were perfectly level with my eye-line. Smothering my face.

This! She felt so soft! I struggled with my thoughts before I remembered where I was. This was happening in front of the entire class! I couldn't help but feel horrified, embarrassed, and turned on all at once. 

Breaking free from her grasp, which felt like eons, but in reality had been mere seconds. I looked at her in a mix of horror and confusion, while she waited for my response.

My ears flattened, worn down from the constant stream of embarrassment I had been receiving lately. "Thank you then, Clara. Uh, I'll be counting on you..." I replied, speaking quietly. Still half-stunned I ended up accepting her kindness. Watching Clara respond warmly, nodding excitedly to my words. 

"You sure you're not going for her next? If you played up the pity angle I'm sure you could get her to 'console' you." An invisible rabbit inquired curiously from the side, the sudden interjection hit me like a 'dagger-to-the-heart' of my already shaken composure. Letting out a surprised squeak as I felt my cheeks heat up. Hurrying over to my seat while bearing with the awkward stares of my peers and the equally embarrassing maternal gaze of my homeroom teacher. 

Shameful, my ears still burned red at the suggestion. I didn't think of her that way at all. Not to mention... I had found someone I loved deeply, Feriha, who I very much wanted to spend my entire life with and yet here he was already prompting me to infidelity without even a day's rest! Our sensibilities were not clearly not aligned... clearly... right?

"Hey, Feriha already gave you the okay, you know? So don't even think about using your sister as an excuse to back out of our deal."

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to empty my mind and achieve some semblance of normal thought. 

The way he spoke bothered me, especially because his observations were more on the mark than I'd like to admit.

Clicking my tongue silently, "It's not like that. My relationship with Feriha is already dangerous enough. Going for someone like Clara is nothing but a quick ticket to getting myself expelled." The principal's warning still echoed loudly in my ears, finding myself using it as a convenient excuse against the rabbit god. The stern words William Ashton had said to scare me were now the perfect tool to calm my heart. I love Feriha, I didn't need others.  

"I already told you what you need to do, and yet you hesitate when the opportunity presents itself. You're wasting your talent, young one. Our instincts served your ancestors well, do you in your foolish youth dare claim to know better than a millennia of noble rabbits? Take your chance and get her." Feeling the intensity of the rabbit god's gaze, I gulped nervously. 

"Talent..." I mulled over the word while looking for a way to change the subject. "Did you lie when you said this would make me stronger? I did it with Feriha, if she's got the Ashton family blood shouldn't I be capable of using their magic by now?" I said while shifting the conversation into a more comfortable direction, the conviction in my words clearly lacking. Losing my virginity to Feriha had me thinking now that she was the one I loved, and, quite frankly, the prospect of 'cheating' on her terrified me. Feeling as if the rabbit god's watchful eyes were piercing through the entirety of my simple thoughts. 

"After one night? Hah!"  The small rabbit seemed to get a kick out of my words. Clutching its ribs while doubling over, an action which the white-furred divine creature into a mid-air cartwheel as it continued mocking me with mock laughter. 

I gritted my teeth, controlling my reaction while in the view of the other students. Annoyed in part that I didn't know if he was directing his mockery towards me falling in love after a single night or aiming it at my earlier question about magic.  

"That's a good one... that eager for power, hmm? I've never lied to you, so how about a little trust? The rabbit wiped a tear from his eyes while still fighting off fits of forced laughter. "Using bloodline magic the same day you acquired it... I said you were talented, not that you were me! Not even if you were one of the other gods would you be that good. Think about it. Even if you have the Ashton's bloodline magic, which you now do, how would you know how to use it? Feriha can't use it and she's had it since she was born. Have you ever even used magic before in the first place?"

His words were a lot to chew on, but I knew he was right.

The distant tolling of bells signaling the top of the hour and the start of class. Teacher Clara followed up with a clap of her hands, instantly garnering the class' attention. "Good morning class! It's the start of training today, are you all ready for that!?"

With all that had been going on recently it had completely slipped my mind. Finally, we would be learning how to fight... and I was itching to start. 

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