Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 11

<~> Chapter 11

I decided to make use of [Karmic Hypnotism] on Bitch while she was still sleeping and I had the chance. I gently pulled myself free of Bruno and crouched on the floor next to the poodle bitch. I peeked at her ass and saw the cucumber with pink spots still sticking out of her ass. I’ll pull that out later as soon as I’ve worked through this new ability.

I laid my hand on Bitch’s back and felt [Karmic Hypnotism] activate and with it a new set of information flowed into my mind. Like [Karmic Retribution] if I thought about different changes I could make I would get an idea of how much negative karma it would take to make the change. It wasn’t exactly brainwashing because it was more like tuning brain chemicals rather than directly overriding her free will but with some conditioning, it may as well be. Increasing submission for instance wouldn’t force someone to obey every command but it would increase the dopamine of obeying so much it would literally make it addictive to do so.

Of all of the abilities I had gotten this one was the one that was the most unnerving to me so far, it’s not quite taking someone’s soul but with enough tweaking I could almost make someone an entirely different person. This power was scary and dangerous but the one break on it was that it took negative karma to work, at least anyone who could actually be affected by it probably also deserved it.

I was still furious at what she had done to me but it wasn’t quite as raw as it was last night. I wasn’t completely okay yet but having some time to step away and detach from it made me a bit less vindictive. Yet, I knew that this had been the person who held me down last night, and based on the amount of negative karma they had when I started, they had probably done similar things to a lot of others.

The first thing I did was made the mere thought of raping someone else physically repulsive. They would feel nauseous and gag from the thought of or memories of forcing someone against their will. Not that they exactly had the same means anymore but that’s neither here nor there. 

It seems [Karmic Hypnotism] worked on a slightly different calculus than [Karmic Retribution] alone. The changes here weren’t cheaper based on how much of a punishment it was but how tailored to what the source of their negative karma was. I could tell that the last change had been cheaper because of how many people this person had probably raped.

Moving on to other changes I wanted to make, I wanted her to always answer to Bitch now, I found that I could make it so that her new name was locked as ‘Bitch.’ Any other name would sound so foreign to her that she would be heavily inclined to reject it. Next, I wanted her to be very submissive to her new master, she would get a rush of brain chemicals anytime she followed an order, and stress and anxiety chemicals any time she wanted to refuse one.

It wasn’t very hard to tune some things into her arousal, so for good measure I made submissive actions sexually arousing for her as well. I gave her a humiliation kink, now anytime she felt embarrassed or degraded it would make her wet. Dogs should be naked so I’ll make her find being paraded around nude feel natural yet still embarrassing. I’ll tune down her disgust at seeing naked men and turn up her arousal at the sight. I matched the ‘values’ so to speak for women too, making the new Bitch closer to a true bisexual.

For the final piece of sexual humiliation, I made her crave being treated as an animal. In fact, I made this desire so strong, it now counted more as a fetish rather than a kink. She would be completely unable to reach orgasm unless she could connect it to being treated as a pet or an animal and it would make her soak her panties whenever she was treated that way. It wasn’t that hard of a restriction really, being taken in doggystyle would do it if she was in the right headspace, but I wanted her to get off on feeling lesser than a normal person. Being led on a leash, begging for a treat, crawling on the floor, and being fucked like an animal would almost be required to orgasm now.

I played with my clit a little while I thought about the impact of the changes I was making. I was planning on getting rid of this monster the second I could but the thought of someone else, someone I would likely never know, treating my former rapist like a pet and making her get off on it, maybe even learn to love it… Mmm, just the thought made me want to cum. To really drive it home I made it so she would be compelled to speak about herself in the 3rd person whenever possible unless she actively tried not to.

I looked at the pink poodle for a moment before making a decision. It might sound a little strange but I wanted her to be in a place where she could escape her past if she chose to, reject the person she had been. I tweaked her sense of self so she would be mentally detached from Mark Williamson. She would know that she had used to be that person but her new mental state combined with her drastic physical changes would make her feel like a different person. It wasn’t quite identity death because there was an obvious continuity from her old self but it was probably as close as I could make it. I wouldn’t force it though, she would have to choose who she would be, is she going to recognize herself as the person Mark had been transformed into or would she recognize herself as a new person reborn from Mark’s body. The choice would be hers, perhaps the only kindness I would give.

The changes I had made, and the new path I had placed Bitch onto against her will used up nearly the last of her negative karma. I used up more than three thousand negative karma completely reforging her body and mind. In Mark Williamson’s place was now Bitch, a pink poodle that couldn’t help but be sexually aroused by being treated as a pet and fucked like an animal. I would sell her into slavery like she had intended to do to me and she would hopefully be bought by someone who wanted to humiliate her as much as she now loved to be humiliated.

Now finished with her changes, I gently grabbed the end of the vegetable still deep in her ass and slowly pulled it free. This got Bitch’s attention and woke her from her sleep immediately. She peeked up at me over the side of her ass while I stared at her ass slowly closing up and returning to a virgin tightness. I had made the changes myself but it was still a little interesting to watch it heal in real time, it got kinda weird staring at her asshole for that long though. I dropped the vegetable next to her and went back to the bed. Bitch seemed to go right back to sleep on the floor where she had laid all night.

I felt gross, I never managed to take a bath last night before passing out so I was coated in sex juices, sweat, dirt, and a little bit of blood from my violent ass raping. Pushing the thought out of my mind I decided to work on my status while I took a bath.

Once I got used to the cold water I opened my status again. The first thing I saw was my gigantic Karmic energy pool of 4197 after everything I had done to Bitch. As hilarious as it seemed to have a Luck stat of 429, I decided to commit the karmic energy towards the other skills I had stolen from her, most importantly the level 33 Swordsmanship skill. I felt a tingle wash over me and with just a thought I could tell that I knew how to use a sword now. The weird thing was that my waist felt naked without the weight of a sword I had never carried. I also picked up Uuna riding since it would probably come in handy as well leaving me with only 1697 karmic energy. Still, 179 luck after everything isn’t too shabby.

When I got out of the bath and came back to the room, I noticed Bruno was awake and looking at me now. I sat down on the bed next to her and ran my hand along the fur of her arm lovingly. “Good morning cutie.”

She smiled at me. “Good morning Lilith. Are you… feeling better now?”

“Yeah… T-thanks for helping me last night.” My voice caught in my throat at the end.

“You’re welcome, I just wish I could have done something sooner. I… could feel your anger and disgust from the other room but I didn’t hear anything so I just thought you were thinking about something. When I finally got out of the bath I saw him on top of you… I… I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.”

“What… What do you mean by feel my anger and disgust?”

She looked down. “Oh uh. The [Soulbound] trait apparently lets me read your emotions to better serve you...”

“Oh… W-wait, you knew I took your soul and you still came to save me anyway?” I barely got through the sentence before my voice cracked and tears pooled out of my eyes.

“Hey now.” She sat up and pulled me into a hug and started to rub my back. “As I recall I offered my soul to you. I didn’t know the consequences of saying it that way but I don’t regret my decision, even if it means I’m a lesser succubus now, whatever that is. You gave me a body that doesn’t make me feel disgusted to be in, for the first time in my life I feel pretty, I feel good about how I look. I trust you and the deal you gave me was for me to stay with you, to never abandon me. I really want that, I need that, and I know I’ll be happy with you. You gave me so much, everything I want and need, if anything I got the better end of the deal.”

“But… Apparently you’re soulbound to me forever now. You just traded one collar for another and now you’re soulbound to me forever.

“Forever with you doesn’t sound so bad,” she replied with mischief in her tone but after a moment her face looked puzzled. “Wait, you didn’t know this would happen?”

I shook my head, accidentally bumping her with my horn without realizing it. I pulled away from her. “Sorry,” I said rubbing my horn. “No, I didn’t know any of this would happen. I didn’t even know about Status until you said it in front of me.”

“What?” She looked back at me completely perplexed. “How is that possible?”

“Have you ever heard of the [World Traveler] title?”

She stared at me seriously for a long moment. “If this is a joke I’m going to be very upset. Are you really saying you’re a world traveler?”

I felt a little worried but nodded back to her. “Is that bad?”

She sighed and rubbed the back of her head. “I’m not sure honestly but it might cause you some problems. Sometimes world travelers become great heroes, sometimes great villains, and sometimes they invent things that end up toppling the economy of whole kingdoms. It’s not always the case of course but world travelers always seem to cause major changes in the balance of power when they show up. Lots of stories are told about them but it can be hard to tell which are actually world travelers and which are just thought to be. Either way, I wouldn’t tell anyone else that you’re a world traveler. It’s bound to attract attention and if you aren’t ready for it,  people could try to take advantage of you.”

“Alright…” I was quiet a moment before looking back up at her. “So you really aren’t mad? I feel really bad about it. The amount of power it implies I have over you seems… unreasonable at best.”

She gives me a sad smile. “I’ve never really been in charge of my life. My father decided what I would do when I grew up until he decided to sell me into slavery instead. Mr. Williamson would determine how I would be trained and who I would be sold to. I never really had a choice about where I would go, what I would do. You were the first person to really offer me any kind of choice. You freed me from slavery and let me choose to be with you on my own terms. After I asked to come with you, you didn’t object at all. When I got this new body, not only did you not reject me, you reaffirmed to me that I was pretty. Even if you have as much power over me as you think you do, I trust that you wouldn’t use it to hurt me. Maybe some day I’ll regret what happened but right now I just can’t. I got too much out of this to feel bad about it. I believe that everything will be okay if I stay with you, I trust you with my soul.”

I was bawling now. I was a complete wreck. All I could do was wrap around her and cry into her bosom. I felt as if a gigantic weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I still felt a little guilty but now I could live with it, we could make things work together. She rubbed the back of my head until I was able to regain control over myself again. It… took a little while.

After I calmed down and steadied my breathing she broke the silence. “I am pretty curious though. If you’re a world traveler, maybe you know what you turned me into. Do you know what a Lesser Succubus is?

I sighed, I would feel embarrassed if I wasn’t already so emotionally drained from everything that happened. “In my world, Succubi are fictional demons that sexually seduce others. Sometimes in the stories it’s for evil purposes, sometimes it’s purely survival. Sometimes the act is intentionally malicious, other times it’s purely consensual. Depending on the story the Succubus could be friendly, manipulative and cunning but otherwise neutral, or completely evil and the villain of the story. The only real commonality is that Succubi have lots of sex.”

“Hmm, it’s weird for something like a race in the system to be so uncertain. The first new innate ability I got after my change was a healing ability based on a positive energy called karma, I have no idea why a demon could specialize in healing magic. And for that matter, do you have any idea why you took the form of a beastkin?”

“Actually yeah.” I dug through my bag in the corner and pulled out the satanic book before flipping to the image of the naked ram woman and gave it to her. “The place where I woke up seemed to be some sort of demon summoning circle and I found this book on the person I think performed the ritual. I should probably also mention that I have another hidden title called [Origin of Succubi].”

She stopped looking at the book and looked up at me. “Wait really? What does the description say?”

Hello! Between the polls on Scribble Hub and Patreon I've decided I'm going to start posting on Wednesdays. We'll keep going like this for a while and I'll try to see if I can increase the time I have to write a little in the background. As someone who reads a lot of stories on Scribble Hub myself, once a week feels a little low but I don't want to go too fast that I can't keep up with it. Slower but consistent updates sounds better than taking breaks to catch up every now and then. Patreon will maintain a 10 chapter lead at the highest two tiers though so if you really can't wait... Still I appreciate everyone who's made it this far, I am very happy with how things have gone in the short time I've started posting this web novel and I can't wait to post more. Have a good week, cheers!

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