Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 12

<~> Chapter 12

She stopped looking at the book and looked up at me. “Wait really? What does the description say?”

I read the description of the title to her verbatim.

[Origin of Succubi - Hidden Title]
The bearer of this title is the origin of all succubi and the first of its kind. The actions and choices of this title bearer will guide how this race is shaped, perceived, and altered. Nothing is set in stone, your actions will determine the fate of your new race. Innate abilities and racial traits will be adapted to the origin. Hidden titles are only viewable by the bearer unless intentionally revealed.

“Hmm, first off you should never tell anyone about this title. I would take the description of the title completely at face value, your actions will change what this race does. I don’t know a lot about it but origin titles are supposed to be unique titles and if it’s true that your actions can shape how the race works then some people will try to control how you shape it. If for instance that rapist managed to enslave you, your entire race, including me, could be shaped into an entire race of subservient demon slaves. I know for sure that some people would try to do that and then propagate the new race as a slave caste. Something like that… has happened before.”

I was shocked, I already felt like I was fucking up but this really put into perspective how big the stakes are. “What if I don’t propagate my race?”

“I don’t know to be honest but if you were summoned the way you were then others could be too. I don’t know if someone else would get the title after you died or if anyone who becomes a succubus would just have what you have when you die.”

I tapped my fingers on my arm for a moment before asking, “If I influence the way the race is formed then am I able to determine the powers and motivations of my race?”

“Possibly but I wouldn’t know how you would go about it. Also, I think that since it is based on something from your home world, whatever way the race is changed has to fit with how you view a succubus. I don’t think you could change succubi into something else entirely.”

“Hmm… you know, [Origin of Succubi] has already changed some things. I was thinking about how [Soul Collector] and [Soulbound Companions] worked and was annoyed about even having the ability to take souls and then it turned into [Soultouch] which is a stripped down version that to my mind has all of the benefits but none of the drawbacks of taking someone else’s soul.”

“Ah, I got an ability called [Soultouched Communication] at some point last night, but I don’t have anything else that refers to soultouch, so what’s it do?”

I read off the text of [Soultouch] to her,

[Soultouch - Racial Trait (Succubus)]
Succubi value the independence of other’s souls too much and find the ownership of souls a burden on them but have integrated the ways of other demons to empower and alter Soulbound Companions. Willing targets of Soultouch become Lesser Succubi, are transformed into their current ideal selves and gain one racial specialization. Soultouched Companions retain their own souls but are unable to knowingly attack or work against their mother succubus. When making deals and bargains involving soultouch, the succubus is unable to lie or misrepresent the terms of the agreement and succubi are unable to make agreements with people who are coerced into the transaction. The soul taken by the Origin Succubus cannot be undone. Soulbound companions are treated as Soultouched for the purposes of other abilities.

“So it seems you kind of got grandfathered in, even though the two other skills merged into [Soultouch]. It’s kind of a relief that I can’t take any other souls by accident now though.”

“So all of that explains why I’m a Lesser Succubus but do you know what the difference is?”

“Not really, my best guess is that you’re a Lesser Succubus because you’re derived from me rather than being born or summoned. It’s a little strange though because to me lesser just implies less powerful or incomplete so maybe you’ll turn into a full succubus later. What things do you have related to succubi?”

“I have [Racial Specialization: Healing], [Karmic Healing], [Karmic Venom], [Karmic Awareness], [Soultouched Connection] and something called [Sexual Appetite].

“Ah, you have that last one too? It’s an interesting one, I’m pretty sure it’s partly why I was so ravenous to sleep with you last night. I had thought you were hot the whole time but by the time we were alone together I could barely hold myself back anymore.”

“That makes it all the more impressive you were still able to give me the chance to walk away based on how this skill description reads.”

I blush a little. “Yeah… Anyway, What does [Karmic Healing] do? That’s the most important one that I don’t have myself.”

“I’ll read it out to you then.”

[Karmic Healing - Innate Ability]
You have shown your loyalty to your master by protecting her and now you wish to serve her through the healing arts. Karmic Healing augments healing magic by improving the effects on targets based on their positive or negative karma. Karmic Healing can be inverted into [Karmic Venom]. Unlocks healing magic and a related affinity if not already known.

“I got it when I saw how badly you were hurt after you were… Anyway! I wasn’t able to use much magic before this but when I really wanted to help you this and nature magic just unlocked for me on their own. And after healing you my nature magic went up to level 3 right away. Healing magic is sorta rare so this should allow me to help you a lot! Also, [Karmic Venom] basically has the same effect as [Karmic Healing] but in reverse. Instead of additional healing based on karma it does additional necrotic poison damage based on karma.”

I think about that for a moment and it actually gives me a pretty funny idea. “So say, now that you’ve turned into a woman, you should probably take a new name right?”

She looked at me with wide eyes. “Oh! I… hadn’t actually thought about that.” Her brow wrinkled a little in thought.

“Did you ever have a name that you wanted to call yourself if you were a girl?”

“Well, I knew that there might be magic out there that could do something but I’d never thought it would be an option for me so I tried to put it out of my mind. Thinking about my body mostly just made me depressed so I never really thought about another name.”

“Well, what if I suggested a name? Would you consider that?”

Her eyes lit up a little. “Yes! That would be perfect, do you already have something in mind?”

“Well this conversation actually gave me an idea. How about the name Belladonna? Bella for short?”

She smiled a bit. “It sounds pretty, what does it mean?”

“Well in one of the languages from my home world it translates to ‘beautiful lady’ but it’s also the name given to a flowering plant. The plant, roots, berries, and leaves can be turned into medicine. However, belladonna is also called deadly nightshade because it is also one of the most poisonous plants known to mankind. [Karmic Healing] and its inverse [Karmic Venom] sounds like a perfect parallel, and you’re certainly a beautiful lady.” I finished with a wink.

“I like how pretty it sounds but being associated with poison sounds a little…” She thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Eh, lets go with it. I think it sounds nice and it’s not like people will know of it here anyway. Just call me Bella then.” She finished with a bright smile before getting a far away look, after a moment her eyes widened. “Oh! I just got a message that says [Origin of Succubi] alters [Karmic Healing] into [Belladonna] and [Karmic Venom] into [Nightshade].

“Oh, that’s kind of weird, I thought it only affected my skills. How does the system work anyway? Where does it come from?”

“I’m not sure, you’d have to ask a scholar about that. You know, there might be someone who’s more familiar with demons that could give you a hint about the origin of that book you have too but it would be pretty dangerous to show it off to anyone you didn’t trust. Most places don’t take kindly to demon summoners, and likely less so to demons.”

“Hmm… perhaps that should be my long term goal. Figure out where this book is from and why I was summoned. The only person who might have known was dead in the snow when I woke up. Does the idea of being a demon bother you?”

“Well, I’d be lying if I said the thought didn’t worry me but you hardly seem like a demon at all. I’ve only heard stories of demons but they’re always said to be horrible monsters that rip people apart and revel in their bloodlust. The idea that a demon could benefit anyone else at all, let alone free someone from slavery and ask their consent for sex just seems completely out of character for one. If you told me you were a demon I wouldn’t have believed you if my own status didn’t say I was one too. Maybe what your world considers a demon is different from mine.”

A sudden look of worry crossed Bella’s face. “Wait, I just realized, if you’re a world traveler does this mean you’re going to leave the plane someday?”

I smiled at her gently. “I’m not sure, I don’t even know if I want to go back without my memories, and regardless, I promised I would never abandon you. Your soul is bound to mine now and the price was that I couldn’t abandon you even if I wanted to. So looks like we’ll be traveling together through thick and thin,” I said playfully as I pulled her into another hug. I let go of her when I felt something conspicuous poke my leg. It’s not that I didn’t want to go another round but it was about time we got up and got moving. There were clearly some things we needed to take care of.

“Thank you Lilith. That means a lot to me.” Her voice was soft and she had a cute grin on her face as she looked down shyly.

“For now there’s some stuff we need to take care of.” I glance at the poodle bitch on the floor, she’s still asleep. Orgasming as a newly minted woman as many times as she had last night must have taken it out of her. And then there was my cute deer girl, I didn’t mind dressing like a man so much but something told me Bella would really appreciate getting used to her new womanly form and what better way was there than dressing like one.

Before we left I thought it would be a good idea to go through the poodle’s bag and taking inventory of what she had. I got up and started going through it hoping to find some clothes or something. It was mostly camping gear, a folded up full body cloak, a bag with 8 of the ten gold I gave him, unsurprisingly two more unused slave collars, and most odd of all, a couple scraps of cloth that looked like a cross between a bikini and a loincloth, clearly made for a woman. I held the fabric up to the light, it was made out of rough off-white fabric and didn’t feel like it would be very comfortable against sensitive nipples, it was also almost transparent, giving it an almost lingerie feel.

I pulled it out all the way and looked over at Bella with an eyebrow raised. “Who would wear something like this?”

I hope you've had a good week! Lots of system talk this time, next time we get a little world building!

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