Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 91 - 89 Wilderness Survival Skills Training (Two in One)

Chapter 91: Chapter 89 Wilderness Survival Skills Training (Two in One)

Translator: 549690339

Early in the morning, after Bi Fang took his bath and put on all his gear, he grabbed the new water bottle he’d bought and set off for his destination.

The place wasn’t far; a little over an hour’s drive took him to a rarely frequented small mountain. The area was quite large and well conserved ecologically; it was said that wild rabbits were often caught at the foot of the mountain.

This live broadcast wasn’t a System task, and Bi Fang didn’t plan to stay overnight there. He’d likely return in the evening, with the broadcast focusing on survival skills training.

If we didn’t count the preparation period, there had been a twelve-day interval between the System tasks. If he did nothing during those twelve days and let his popularity evaporate, that would be truly foolish.

Many people had seen the news and might still be interested within two or three days, but if it went beyond a week, the matter would quickly be forgotten.

This broadcast was to maximize retention of the news heat and strengthen the memory of passersby, yet it couldn’t take up too much time, or it would affect his training and recovery, which would be counterproductive.

Even so, Wolf Fang, as a platform, still gave it a homepage recommendation, full of sincerity.

Now, Wolf Fang really treated Bi Fang as if he could do no wrong, pampering him as if he were a Buddha, fearing that he’d become unhappy and leave the platform.

Bi Fang felt that as long as he was willing to speak up, getting a top promotion would be no problem, but there was no need for that.

People came directly to his live broadcasts by searching for him, not through Wolf Fang TV’s recommendation, so the connection wasn’t significant.

Pulling out his phone, Bi Fang saw that it was only eight fifty in the morning, not yet the official start time of nine o’clock, but there were already over forty thousand people waiting in the dark screen of the live broadcast room.

Among them were quite a few other streamers, such as Yao Lina.

Of course, more streamers had heard of Bi Fang, the great Buddha, and wanted to come over to learn something, to see if there was anything they could emulate to boost their own popularity.

[Blind support for Old Fang!]

[Old Fang is awesome! ]

[Damn, there are so many people, Master Fang is really considered a top streamer now.]

[No kidding, you think the trending search was for nothing?]

[But this time it’s really fierce, last time he wasn’t broadcasting and only a few thousand people were waiting, this time a zero has been added, will another zero be added when the broadcast starts?]

[Adding another zero might not be possible, but doubling the numbers is absolutely easy.]

[Saw on Weibo that the tough streamer who battled with a pack of wolves is broadcasting again, is it this live room?]

[You’re in the right place, upstairs!]

Here, Bi Fang entered the backend of the live broadcast room and changed the room title to: [Master Fang’s Survival: Techniques and Training for Wilderness Survival!]

Then he started the drone.

The next second, the eager audience felt the room stutter for a moment before a stretch of lush, bluish-green mountains appeared before them.

And Bi Fang was standing at the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, throughout Huaxia, all fans who had subscribed to Bi Fang’s live broadcast room received the broadcast notification immediately.

The number of viewers surged like a tidal wave; just a moment ago there were forty thousand, but in a matter of seconds, it had doubled!

Eighty thousand!

In the top right corner of the room, the popularity skyrocketed, and within less than ten minutes, it broke through to five hundred thousand, no, it was already six hundred thousand!

And these numbers were still climbing!

Back at Wolf Fang TV headquarters, Wang Yongbo watched the rapid rise in Bi Fang’s popularity with uncontrollable excitement, his thick eyebrows dancing along with the numbers.

As expected, the dividends from trending searches had arrived!

His investment was beginning to pay off; this was definitely a golden stock!

Shark TV was bleeding so much money that not even its own mother would recognize it anymore, hahaha!

“Boss, it’s lagging!” The technician next to him watched the stuttering live room and said, directly interrupting Wang Yongbo’s good mood.

“Add more bandwidth, do I really need to say that?” Wang Yongbo snapped. This guy really had no initiative. If it weren’t for his poor aunt begging on his behalf and the fact that the young man had decent technical skills, he would have fired him long ago!

The worker who had been glared at shrank his neck once again.

Wait, why did he think ‘once again’?

The worker was confused and felt this was a bad habit, but soon his attention was brought back by the thumping sound on the desk, and he quickly got to work.

The importance of bandwidth to a live stream was unquestionable; more bandwidth meant more internet capacity and servers, which in turn allowed more viewers in the live room, preventing lag and ensuring a good experience.

Wang Yongbo hadn’t seen many streamers who needed to add bandwidth urgently due to rapid audience growth in all his years.

Other popular streamers either came with a fanbase that required ample bandwidth from the start or grew slowly, gradually becoming a big player, gradually increasing their bandwidth. But Bi Fang?

Before joining Wolf Fang, he virtually had no base but with just two streams, the number of viewers had skyrocketed past one hundred thousand, and now it was steady at one hundred thousand!

He was truly an oddity in the streaming industry!

“Hello everyone, I’m Bi Fang, a professional explorer!”

Facing his fans’ soaring enthusiasm, Bi Fang cracked a slight smile: “Since my injury hasn’t fully healed, I can’t do some of the more dangerous live activities. So, I’ve chosen a location just a hundred kilometers away from the Magic Capital, a small mountain. Compared to my last two streaming spots, it’s a bit humble but also sparsely populated.”

Bi Fang turned the camera toward the small mountain in front of him. The mountain wasn’t very tall, it couldn’t even really be called a mountain, but it was extensive and filled with a primeval atmosphere.

However, as Bi Fang entered the forest, many old viewers immediately noticed the difference.

[The trees here are so short, completely different from before.]

[Of course, this isn’t the Primeval Forest. Many of these trees must have been planted later, right?]

[How could there be ancient tall trees near humans?]

[Eh… a pedestrian street?]

[Speaking of which, being so close to the Magic Capital, how can there still be such deserted places?]

[Definitely, aren’t they all by the highway? It’s not hard to find a place with few people, but it’s not easy to find one without anyone at all.]

[Is it okay for Old Fang to do this with his injury not fully healed? We could actually wait (insincere.jpg).]

[Didn’t he say he was going to teach us survival skills? Bring on the main event!]

Many viewers had been attracted by Bi Fang’s deeds of fighting black bears and wolves and were now eager to see some actual content.

Not wanting to keep everyone in suspense, Bi Fang walked into the woods and said.

“Since this isn’t really a primeval forest, there’s nothing much to introduce. Let’s get right to the point. It’s nine in the morning, and I plan to go hunting first. Last time, the rabbit catch was quite sudden, and I didn’t go over some of the details. This time, I’ll teach you all together.”

Upon hearing this, many viewers got excited—hunting!

What man doesn’t admire this primitive and charming sport? Otherwise, the ancient emperors and nobles wouldn’t have considered hunting such a recreational activity.

The sense of achievement that comes with capturing prey through one’s own abilities is immense!

[Yes, coach, I want to learn this!]

[Indeed, last time with the rabbit, it just felt like Master Fang was so fierce, I didn’t really pay attention to the methods.]

[Even if the methods come out, you still don’t have the problem-solving approach, you’ll only learn to fail!]

[Pete not peeling sends Master Fang Wolf Fang *1000—I want to learn!]

[Ju Not Seen donated a spaceship*! to the streamer—No one else coming to snatch the top spot this time, right? (Stay alert!)]

“How come it’s you two again? Have you finished your homework? It’s Monday today, aren’t you supposed to be at school instead of watching the live stream? Should I buy you two a hundred sets of Huanggang Secret Papers to work on? Don’t worry, this is a fan benefit, it’s free of charge.” Bi Fang said with a somewhat inexplicable smile as he looked at the two familiar nicknames.

Last time, it was these two rich second-generation students who had sworn to take the top spot on the leaderboard, only to be utterly defeated when Lin Chang, Young Master Lin, made a surprise appearance and outdid them both.

However, Bi Fang didn’t advocate for students to spend money tipping him, even if they were rich second-generation. It just wasn’t worth it.

Live streaming is entertainment. If you like it, you support; if you don’t, you leave—just don’t ruin others’ enjoyment, that’s all.

Most importantly, don’t neglect your real responsibilities.

[Ah, is this really a fan benefit?]

[This benefit is a bit terrifying.]

[Stop it, Master Fang, I’m scared! I’m gonna start studying right now.]

[Hahaha, studying now, studying now.]

Seeing that the two of them stopped flooding the chat with gifts, Bi Fang returned to the main topic.

“In order to approach the prey and hunt them, we need to learn some techniques that allow us to catch them unawares. You might not have powerful firearms but only homemade bows and throwing sticks instead.”

Bi Fang casually picked up a tree branch, made a throwing gesture, and pointed into the distance: “To get close enough to the prey to make an accurate kill, you need to move within 10 to 15 meters of the animal. This means you have to move silently and undetected towards the prey.”

If you aren’t trained, this is actually quite hard to achieve. Like last time, when Bi Fang approached a wild rabbit and got within five meters—a distance that’s very easy to be detected because the human body is simply not easy to hide.

That hunt mainly relied on the blind spot in the rabbit’s vision and the cover of a hillock that blocked some of its line of sight, allowing for a lucky success.

“And the Fox Step is one of the outstanding techniques for approaching prey silently!”

While explaining, Bi Fang observed the surrounding area, looking for any animals. A wild chicken or rabbit would do—it’s somewhat boring to just talk dryly.

Unfortunately, the only scents in the air were of damp earth and the fragrance of leaves; there were no other smells for the time being.

After two days of adjusting, Bi Fang had learned to use his sense of smell for some basic searching and identification and could do so without easily being overwhelmed, unless the smell was truly overpowering, such as an unattended toilet or cheap, pungent perfume.

His abilities still weren’t on par with those of a hunting dog, but if an animal had been in the vicinity and relieved itself, he would most likely take notice of the smell.

“The Fox Step is a slow-moving technique, and it’s a way our ancestors used to approach prey. The principle is to move one step at a time, transferring your weight onto the stationary leg, letting the moving foot ‘feel’ the ground. That is to say, you gradually place your foot from the outside edge to the inside edge on the ground, exploring for anything on the surface.”

The drone’s camera automatically tilted down, focusing on Bi Fang’s feet and magnifying them to capture every single movement clearly.

Bi Fang pushed aside the ground foliage and carefully lifted the foot he was about to move while maintaining balance on his weight-bearing leg.

Then, he extended the lifted foot forward, cautiously touching the ground from the outside edge to the inside edge.

“The key here is to always use the outside edge of the foot to touch down first— never plant your whole foot. Only after ensuring it’s safe can you fully place your foot down and then repeat this action.”

“The essence of the Fox Step is that once you’re sure there’s nothing sharp underneath your foot or that it won’t make a sound, you can fully plant it, shifting your weight forward.”

“If there’s something poking the bottom of your foot or there’s noise from the ground, lift your foot again, and find a different place. Whether you are lifting or placing your foot, be careful to avoid making noise by bumping into branches or rocks.”

Bi Fang demonstrated this slow, careful method of moving forward without making a single sound, although the pace was very slow.

[Did he turn down the volume, or is the drone not picking it up?]

[Master Fang’s drone not picking up the volume? That’s the funniest joke of the year.]

[Master Fang’s drone is officially badass, plus you can hear the rustling leaves and his breathing, right? If we can hear that, how could the volume be turned down?]

[Alright then.]

The viewer count had now exceeded one hundred thousand, which meant that more new viewers had joined and inevitably had a lot of questions.

But luckily, Bi Fang had plenty of fans, so he didn’t even need to explain himself – a bunch of people replied for him.

“But isn’t this way too slow?

Yeah, yeah, have the daylilies gone cold?

“You might find this pace incredibly slow, but its main advantage lies precisely in its leisureliness,” Bi Fang said.

He saw the barrage of comments: “Because you don’t need to take your eyes off the surroundings to watch the ground. Traveling this way is also very quiet, and because you’re moving so slowly, many animals won’t see you as a threat.”

The moment he said this, many viewers started to reflect on their experiences, recalling similar situations they had encountered in the past.

It reminds me that moving slowly seems to make many animals less vigilant.

There’s a stray dog downstairs of my building; it’s not afraid if I walk by it slowly every day, but if you run towards it, it scoots off super fast.

Bi Fang used a stick to part the underbrush, making sure there were no venomous insects, snakes, or ants before stepping forward.

In these smaller mountains, there wouldn’t be large predators because the food chain couldn’t sustain their appetites, but there would still be plenty of venomous snakes.

And now that it’s October, most snakes begin hibernating in December. This is their active period, where they hunt and stockpile food for the winter.

Sure enough, just as Bi Fang pushed aside some brush, a black shadow suddenly darted out. Most viewers didn’t get a clear view, and the shadow shot down the mountain, startling everyone.

Watching the grass still shaking not far away, the Shuiyou started commenting.

Whoa, that’s a long tail!

Was that a snake?

Such a dark snake, so slick and sly!

It moved with such force, swinging the grass intensely, it must have covered dozens of meters in those few seconds.

It just ran away, didn’t it? This snake is too weak-spirited!

If it had spirit, brother, you’d be out of breath!

Bi Fang was also startled, but not as much as the audience since he had recognized the snake.

“That’s a Black-striped Snake, non-venomous. They’re also found in the Magic Capital, a rather common species. They are large and move very fast. However, Black-striped Snakes are more sensitive to environmental changes than other snakes; they prefer warmth over cold and hibernate for up to six months,” he explained.

“We’re getting close to their hibernation period, so this one was probably out to make one last score.”

Bi Fang actually felt a bit of pity. Black-striped Snakes are very nutritious but grow very slowly. The market price can reach a hundred to a hundred and twenty yuan per jin in many places, even higher in some regions.

You can imagine how popular they are. They are so desired that laws had to be enacted stipulating that they can’t be captured at will, which stopped them from becoming a protected species.

We’re done for, cursed by Master Fang’s bad luck.

Black-striped Snake: After this score, I’m off to hibernate.

This is the last heist, I swear.

But Master Fang really knows a lot, every time he educates us I feel like he’s super cool.

Add one point for coolness.

“You guys are poisoned.”

Bi Fang couldn’t help but laugh and cry – how did this turn into cursing himself? He was just speaking the truth.

But there was no denying that his lunch was truly gone. He had to look for other prey now..

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