Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 92 - 90: Beyond All Expectations (Three in One)

Chapter 92: Chapter 90: Beyond All Expectations (Three in One)

Translator: 549690339

The appearance of the Black-striped Snake was just a minor incident; Bi Fang didn’t dwell on it after missing the opportunity.

It wasn’t even ten in the morning yet, plenty of time before lunch, and in such a vast mountainous area, he was bound to find some living creatures.

However, the snake’s appearance served as a ready-made example, which Bi Fang promptly used as a teaching moment.

He raised the wooden stick in his hand, drawing more viewers’ attention to it.

“See? The encounter just now proved how important it is to have a stick for probing the path while on the move. Not only can it help us distribute our body weight, reducing physical exertion, but it can also detect dangers lurking in the underbrush ahead of time, especially venomous snakes! Once bitten by a venomous snake in the wilderness, you can pretty much declare yourself dead!”

[666, this artifact really lives up to its name, a skill that detects threats all around and reduces energy consumption, truly awesome!]

[I’m deeply in love with this broken stick!]

[Why is it all over if you get bitten, aren’t there ways to suck out the poison? I often read about how to deal with snake bites in books?]

[Yeah, the books all say it’s treatable, so why is it a no-go with the streamer?]

“Did you pay attention to one sentence that’s written in all of those pamphlets?”

Bi Fang, seeing the last comment, smiled with a hint of wry amusement.

What sentence?

The audience grew curious, having not really noticed any common thread in the content of those pamphlets.

“Seek immediate medical attention!”

Ah, that.

Quite a few viewers were speechless, having thought that Bi Fang was about to share some profound insight.

That’s it?

Everyone knows to go to the hospital after a snake bite, isn’t that obvious?

“Don’t underestimate this sentence. No matter how nicely everything else is put or how much sense it makes, it all pales in comparison to the importance of this one sentence.”

Seeing many viewers express confusion with question marks, Bi Fang laughed and lifted three fingers.

“After being bitten by a snake, you need to do just three things: first, slow down the blood flow from the bite as much as possible, second, take a photo of the snake, and third, hurry to the hospital to see a doctor. Don’t believe in sucking out snake venom, especially in the wild, that’s nonsense! Unless you have a professional negative pressure suction device.”

“Like my last two survival experiences, where I could barely satisfy my hunger, let alone take in a balanced diet, it’s almost inevitable to have bleeding gums in such situations. If you try sucking out snake venom, it’s akin to just giving the poison another place to spread—and this new location is even closer to your brain! It’s an utterly suffocating move!”

“So overall, even I would not take venomous snakes lightly in the wild, which is why I always find a probe stick first each time I’m out there. You’re right, it’s truly an artifact.”

[Damn, movies have deceived me, I always thought you could suck out snake venom.]

[Bullshit, I feel like I was scammed too…]

[Speaking of which, I have that kind of persistent bleeding gums…]

[Normal, a lot of people have bleeding gums, you’re not alone!]

[Why do I feel like you’re cursing me?]

[But that snake was so quick, zipping around faster than any person could!]

[Indeed, it darted out before I could even react.]

“This leads me to the second point I want to make.”

Bi Fang gave a thumbs-up to the audience members sending messages; he needed viewers who were eager to play along.

That’s what keeps the chat going and prevents the live stream from becoming dull.

“Animals often notice us before we notice them, their alertness is extremely high. This is because, unlike us who live in cities, these animals face the threat of death practically every day. The scene just now was a prime example.”

Even the top predators have to face many dangers in the wild.

Lack of food, resistance from prey, and even a fight for a mate can be fatal for them.

As for the weaker ones, they have it even worse.

Every morning, they need to search for food to fill their stomachs, and they have to be vigilant for possible threats from higher up on the food chain.

Compared to them, humans living in cities can almost say they’re in heaven.

No worries about food and clothing, and no fear of not seeing the next day’s sun when going to bed.

“The main reasons animals can detect us are two: One is that we move too quickly or make too much noise, which can be addressed with the Fox Step I just taught you.”

“The other reason is that animals observe their surroundings in a way that is completely different from ours!”

Bi Fang’s voice was modulated in such a way that it captivated his audience easily.

Another important point is that humans are inherently curious creatures.

Most people’s dislike of learning is primarily because the learning in schools often comes with rigid testing requirements, focusing too much on efficiency and opting for the most efficient yet boring methods of teaching.

But Bi Fang didn’t have that problem with the way he spoke, his content was simple enough to understand, and his style more approachable, avoiding viewer frustration.

Bear Grylls of his previous world was a standout example of this; his way of educating was satisfactory, never tedious like force-feeding.

“Animals use wide-angle vision, this method allows them to notice everything around them, and it’s one of the techniques I’m going to teach you this time.”

To catch prey, the most important are sight, hearing, and movement—Bi Fang has already covered movement, and now he’s about to discuss sight and hearing.

This doesn’t mean improving visual and auditory acuity, but rather altering the way one observes objects and receives information.

This is a necessary adjustment in facing the wilderness, enabling one to adapt better to survive in the wilderness.

However, after acquiring his Wilderness Survival Skill, Bi Fang had automatically mastered these things, turning them into instincts.

He didn’t need any training, but the full training methods were also present in his memories, so he decided to teach them to his audience, while also inadvertently establishing his professional image.

Just as Bi Fang was about to explain, several bullet comments suddenly appeared, forcing him to interrupt his livestream.

[Lord Mu sent a Spaceship*! to the host—These past few days I’ve been busy with company affairs, and Master Fang has started livestreaming? If I hadn’t checked Wolf Fang TV this afternoon, I wouldn’t have known about it!]

[Lord Mu sent a Spaceship*! to the host—And why didn’t you call me? It’s fine usually, but how could you not call me to this kind of place with no dangers?

Several of my friends have been watching your livestream for a while and also like Wilderness Survival, Old Fang you’re not being fair!]

[Lin Chang sent a Spaceship*! to the host—Actually, I wanted to come too… but

I was too shy to say it…]

Seeing these two comments, Bi Fang was also stunned for a moment.

He had been livestreaming for so long, but it had never crossed his mind to bring anyone with him, since he couldn’t even guarantee his own safety; bringing someone else would be like seeking death, wouldn’t it?

The missions issued by the System for his livestreams weren’t possible to do with others, and he wouldn’t bring anyone either, as that would be irresponsible towards others’ lives.

This was a matter of principle; he wouldn’t now, nor in the future.

However, the current situation was somewhat different.

This livestream was essentially a picnic, and this small mountain clearly posed no danger, so bringing someone along wouldn’t be a big issue.

The greatest danger would be encountering wild dogs, and if Bi Fang, with his Special Forces lv3 Skills, couldn’t handle that, he might as well go home early and sleep.

Like this, he could give everyone a taste of semi-real Wilderness Survival, expand his influence, and truly interact with the public about Wilderness Survival, killing two birds with one stone.

“Sorry, I really didn’t think of this before. How about next time? After I return from the next livestream, I’ll pick a not too dangerous hilltop, and then I can take you all to experience Wilderness Survival?”

Hearing this, Lord Mu and Lin Chang were overjoyed beyond belief. They had just casually made a comment, teasing a bit, and had not expected to actually gain such an unexpected reward!

[But you have to keep your word! I have a few good friends here too, and they all want to come!]

“My word is good; bring them all,” said Bi Fang with a smile.

But by agreeing, a sensation arose—it wasn’t just Lord Mu and Lin Chang, even the other two Emperors expressed their interest, and even the Shuiyou started to make a fuss.

[Wait, what about us? We want to go too!]

[To get up close and personal with Master Fang, I want in too!]

[Darn, I want to go too, boo hoo hoo!]

[Having lived in the city all my life, can’t I enjoy a little Wilderness Survival?]

So many people want to come?

Seeing such an enthusiastic response, Bi Fang hadn’t anticipated this.

He always thought that people would only watch Wilderness Survival and that would be the end of it; did so many really want to experience it themselves?

Bi Fang immediately reminded, “This isn’t some vacation, survival is really exhausting, don’t just rush into it because you’re excited.”

[Tired is tired, but it’s Wilderness Survival, okay? I might only get to experience this once in my life; it’s definitely thrilling!]

[Exactly, we’re not afraid of being tired!]

[Whoever says it’s too tiring is a dog!]

[Bark bark bark!]

Is the market really this big?

Should I start a club or something?

The idea suddenly crossed Bi Fang’s mind, and it wasn’t just a whim.

Among the numerous comments, there were not a few who were just stirring things up, but Lord Mu and Lin Chang were likely serious, and they were not short on cash; if he could really set up a high-end club…

Looking at the chat room, Bi Fang tentatively said, “How about I create a Wilderness Survival club after I return? If you really want to experience it, you can sign up, and there will be people arranged to train you?”

[That’s great, I’ll provide the location; Shenhua is never short on real estate!]

That was Lin Chang speaking.

[Then I’ll handle the decoration! It’ll be totally high-end and classy!]

That was Lord Mu speaking.

[emmmm, what can I do, invite my classmates to experience Wilderness Survival?]

[We want to join during the summer vacation too! ]

That was Wang Xiaocong and Kong Chao speaking.

“This is just an idea for now, the specifics haven’t been decided yet.” Seeing everyone so serious, Bi Fang felt a bit embarrassed to put them off anymore.

“I’ll discuss it in detail when I get back, and I definitely won’t disappoint you then.”

[Are you really starting a club? Sounds expensive.]

[emmm, if it’s not too pricey, I want to join too! ]

[I’m booking it, no one else better try to snatch it from me! ]

(Crap, after watching two livestreams, I’ve been wanting to go out into the Wilderness and check it out, but without Master Fang’s abilities, I’ve never dared. Now I finally have the chance!]

[Plus one here, I’ve actually wanted to go for a long time too.]

[Are you starting to cash in on this already? It’s only been two broadcasts, right?]

[Where did this hater come from? We’re doing this willingly; who do you think you are?]

[Exactly, haters can roll out!]

Starting a club isn’t out of the question.

Bi Fang didn’t check the comments; with more fame comes more trouble. He already had several hundred thousand followers, so having some haters was normal, wasn’t it?

In the past life, there were people who accused Bear Grylls of plagiarism, and Bi Fang was no longer surprised by such things.

But a club sounds vexing, who would train these people when the time comes?

I certainly can’t. Bi Fang doesn’t have the time, energy, or interest.

Mainly because it’s hard to refuse everyone’s enthusiastic requests. Rather than letting them mull over it, learn a move or two, watch his videos, and then hot-headedly run off into the wilderness, it’s better to establish a formal channel for them to vent their energy and impulses.

But that’s a conversation for later. Right now, Bi Fang still needs to make sure this live broadcast goes well.

The rest can wait until he gets back tonight.

Lord Mu and Lin Chang both have a good relationship with him, he’ll let them come up with strategies. If he really wants to turn it into a business model, he’d still need to rely on professionals.

“Alright, back to the main point, I’m here today to teach everyone survival skills, not to discuss starting a club. I’m about to talk about training methods!”

Bi Fang shouted to the drone, and instantly, the previously noisy live broadcast room quieted down a lot, everyone perking up their ears to learn some real skills.

Seeing that no one in the live broadcast room was making noise anymore, Bi Fang resumed talking about the practice methods for peripheral vision.

“Normally, the way we look at the world involves using a series of focused lines of sight, creating separate images of our surroundings.”

“This means we only focus on certain objects, and as a result, there are many things around us that we simply don’t see or notice. However, we also have the capability to use our eyes the way animals do, with less focus.”

“After practice, we can perceive all the movements of everything around us, though each thing we see will be relatively blurry.”

Bi Fang walked down a dirt slope and found the area rather open and clear, just right for teaching everyone the training method.

However, he made some unexpected discoveries on the flat ground.

“A little trap.”

Bi Fang crouched down, picked up a small branch in front of him, which had a little noose attached to it.

Many viewers became excited at this scene; they had never seen any other hunters besides Bi Fang.

In modern society, true hunters have become increasingly scarce. Suddenly encountering a strange trap is indeed thrilling.

Could this be a meeting with a peer, who’s stronger?

[Is this someone else’s doing?]

[A fellow professional?]

[The trap seems a bit shoddy, doesn’t look as impressive as the one Master Fang made last time.]

[Nonsense, last time Master Fang was hunting wolves, what can this do? Catch mice?]

“It is pretty rudimentary. It’s a double-hook noose trap, made of two sticks. Both sticks should have notches, allowing them to hook together. One stick is driven into the ground, while the other is tied to a sturdy, flexible small tree or branch with a length of rope.”

Bi Fang stood up, followed the rope, and found the small tree hooked to the side, exactly as he had described.

Many new viewers were wowed, commenting ‘666’, as just by glancing at the trap, he could analyze it, which proved Bi Fang’s strength.

“The existence of this small tree ensures that the notches on the two sticks can hook together. One would place a running noose on the movable stick’s hook and position the noose in an area where animals are active. Once an animal steps into the noose, the trap is triggered, and the animal is hoisted by the branch, swiftly breaking its neck!”

At the choppy cadence of Bi Fang’s voice, many viewers shivered subconsciously at the mention of breaking necks, but in the next moment, he changed the subject.

“But this trap isn’t very professional, it’s too loose. It wouldn’t have a high success rate for catching rabbits.” Bi Fang shook his head, picking up a piece of dried, shriveled carrot from the ground.

This was bait, and it had dehydrated, indicating that the trap had been set for a long time but hadn’t yielded much.

The person who set the trap lacked skill, not as skilled as him at the very least.

“Before coming here, I had looked up this place, and they say that people often catch wild rabbits here; the ecological protection is very good, it seems to be true.”

Bi Fang threw the carrot piece back, sidestepping the topic, and stood up to teach everyone how to practice peripheral vision.

He raised his arms, holding them out in front of his body, fingers facing inward, with a distance of about thirty centimeters between his hands.

“To practice peripheral vision, find an open area. If you have the opportunity, you can follow along with what I do.”

“First, look at everything between and including your hands. Then, slowly move both hands to the sides of the body, continuing to keep your sight between the hands. Finally, when your hands are by the sides of the body, wiggle your fingers. At this point, you should be able to see your hands again. Maintain this ‘view’ and slowly lower your arms.”

Afterwards, Bi Fang went on to repeat this training method, this time for the vertical perspective. By maintaining this perspective and practicing, you could become proficient and use it successfully.

“Have you got it?”

Out on the sports field, Wang Xiaocong lifted his arms, his eyes filled with doubt about life.

This was his third attempt, and it felt no different from before.

“It’s evident, you’re perplexed,” Kong Chao patted his shoulder sympathetically.

“Perplexed, extremely perplexed,” Wang Xiaocong nodded involuntarily, but quickly realized what was happening, shook off Kong Chao’s hand, and said incredulously, “Did you actually get it?”

Kong Chao spread his hands, his tone wistful but his expression immensely smug, “Isn’t it obvious? Being inherently talented is indeed troubling, always standing out from the crowd, I can’t truly blend in with you guys.”

“Damn it, hurry up and teach me!” Wang Xiaocong didn’t doubt him at all; despite Kong Chao’s carefree demeanor, the guy actually was a genius. He’d hang out with him playing games all day, and in the end, he’d still be among the top ten in the exams, unbelievable!

“Call me daddy!”

“Buzz off!”

Meanwhile, in a corner of the sports field, a group of girls gathered together watching Kong Chao and Wang Xiaocong lift their arms under the sun. When Wang Xiaocong suddenly staggered and flailed like a reanimated corpse, they were surprised.

“What are those two doing?”

“I don’t know.”

“Having another episode?”

“Isn’t it normal for them? Last time, Wang Xiaocong even yelled in the middle of class, scared the math teacher so much she almost dropped her chalk.”

“What? I didn’t know about that.”

“You were in the bathroom, missed the whole thing.”

“What are you shouting?”

“It seems like, uh, let me think, it was… ‘Master Fang is awesome?”‘

“It’s very hard to practice wide-angle vision; it’s like changing the habits you’ve had for a long time, which can be very uncomfortable. Many people, while practicing wide-angle vision, find it so strenuous that they end up staggering around like reanimated corpses.”

Bi Fang looked at the fans claiming the barrage was useless and offered a reminder.

[No more talking, the camera is already shaking.]

[I’m feeling nauseous, everything I’m looking at now has a double image!]

[Stop kidding, that’s astigmatism. Try it again with glasses on.]

[Hey, it actually worked, that’s amazing.]

“While practicing, everyone should remember to move their heads; this can greatly expand your field of vision, achieving 360°, so you won’t miss anything. Once you detect suspicious activity, immediately focus your observation on it; if nothing unusual is found, return to the wide-angle vision and continue observing.”

“On the move, if you observe in this way, you will find more wildlife in the wilderness because no small movement will escape your eyes.”

This was also the method Bi Fang always used. With this method, not only was it beneficial for spotting prey, but he could also observe potential dangers, such as venomous snakes coiled on trees.

Because of their camouflage colors, if you’re not using wide-angle vision, it’s easy to overlook them and bump into them directly.

In addition to this, there were also auditory training exercises.

Just like visual skills, your hearing can be trained as well.

Following the steps of practicing wide-angle vision, try to listen to all sounds with your ears, not just the most obvious ones.

And finally, feeling the environment.

The Skills Bi Fang mentioned before made people’s awareness of the environment clearer and made it easier to detect wildlife in the area.

But in addition to that, there’s a very important sense to incorporate into these skills, which is feeling, a kind of wild intuition.

Feel the wind blowing across your body, your leg muscles moving, raindrops falling on your skin and clothes.

This level sounds rather idealistic, but those who have survived in the wild for a long time do indeed have a clearer sense of danger.

If you can master this feeling, you will become more alert and thrive in a dangerous environment, but if you can’t handle it well, to others, you might seem irritable and overreact to every little disturbance.”

“When you successfully combine all these skills together, you will be more familiar with your environment. It’s not just about understanding the environment; you will become part of it, enabling you to sense the presence of animals before you see them.”

“Such activities in the wilderness will allow you to get closer to local animals. When you are close enough, you can then hunt them. However, you still need more skills, such as how to approach animals and how to disguise yourself, but these situations are complex and I will explain them when we encounter specific scenarios.”

[Awesome, this live broadcast is full of valuable content, I feel like I’m a hunting expert now, I’m going to confront the wild dogs on the mountain behind, and tonight I will eat meat from the hunt!]

[Is the guy above serious? I feel really uneasy about this, Yazier…]

[Take care, if you succeed, remember to send back some dog stew, if not, I won’t show up for the banquet.]

[I think it’s just okay, not that interesting, just listening to the host babbling away, only the encounter with the snake earlier was a bit thrilling.]

[By the way, did any of you see that thing behind Master Fang, what is that…]

[What thing?]

[That golden lump, it’s a bit far away, in the upper left corner.]

[There does seem to be a lump, holy cow, why does it feel like it’s moving?]

In the upper left corner, Bi Fang also saw many viewers arguing about this, and he turned to look back, but he discovered nothing.

However, a few netizens swore that they had indeed seen a lump of golden something that was moving, which had suddenly disappeared.

A golden lump that moves?

Bi Fang was becoming more and more baffled.

Is it an animal? But what animal is golden?

This color is very conspicuous; it doesn’t make for good camouflage.

A golden tiger?

Could there be a golden tiger in this crappy mountain?

Bi Fang felt it necessary to say, if this crappy mountain had golden tigers, he would dare to perform a slide tackle and serve food on the spot.

Let’s not even talk about its distribution being impossible, it’s not viable ecologically, either.

A small hill like this couldn’t support such top-tier predators.

A few wild dogs would be about the limit.

Convinced of his own judgment, Bi Fang moved forward in the direction indicated by his online friends in the live broadcast.

After a few tens of meters, Bi Fang indeed caught a glimpse of gold behind a large tree!

There really was something!

A chill went through Bi Fang’s heart as he quickened his pace, circled behind a large tree, and was suddenly confronted by a vast expanse of gold that stunned everyone.

Countless comments instantly flooded the live chat.

Bi Fang’s pupils dilated sharply.


A Golden Python!

How could there be a Golden Python here?

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