Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 93 - 91: Catch It!

Chapter 93: Chapter 91: Catch It!

Translator: 549690339 I

The mountain wind blew across the entire forest, flowing like a river of gold.

This was a python, a golden python—its massive body could easily strangle an adult to death.

The red pupils burned with flames, and its scales shone brilliantly like gold under the sunlight.

Thousands of golden scales opened and closed, making a rustling sound as they rubbed against the grass, playing a magnificent and savage melody in the wind.

Bi Fang felt a chill in his heart, and while the golden python hadn’t noticed him yet, he quietly stepped back.

What the heck!

How could there be a python here? And an extremely rare golden python at that?

Not just the audience, but Bi Fang himself was baffled.

Previously, he had only smelled a faint stench, completely unaware of any creature’s presence.

The reason being, Bi Fang had yet to adapt to this new skill, using smell to gauge his surroundings, so when a sudden stench wafted by, it was hard to make the connection.

He had thought it was just a nearby chemical plant discharging waste.

Moreover, golden pythons prefer a high-temperature environment and typically live in monsoon forests, dry forests, and sparse tree grasslands, and they even like soaking in water occasionally.

Without human-induced temperature changes, Treasure Island in Huaxia would be the only suitable place for them to thrive.

They surely would not appear here naturally.

[Damn, am I seeing this right? Is that a python?]

[I was so scared I rubbed my eyes.]

[A golden python?]

[Awesome, awesome, who would have thought this small hill could harbor a rarity like a golden python! There must be a dragon’s vein here!]

[Dragon’s vein? Where is this dragon’s vein? I’m on the verge of a breakthrough; I need places like this to aid my cultivation! I

A flood of comments burst forth, all the online friends were excited—they were actually seeing a golden python in the live broadcast!

However, some viewers expressed their doubts.

[Does anyone really think this is real? It’s so obviously staged by the show’s crew, completely fake, this sort of live broadcast is hyped up for no reason?]

[No way, no way, someone really thinks only you can see through it, and the rest of us are fools?]

[Is your, so you think everyone else is as dumb as you? If you can think it’s fake, wouldn’t Master Fang think so?]

[Maybe Master Fang anticipated you’d think it’s too fake to be fake, playing the reverse psychology game…]

[Damn, this play of Master Fang is out of this world!]

“You’re overthinking it, I haven’t arranged for anyone to release a golden python here,” Bi Fang shook his head. He would never stoop to such fraud, nor did he have any desire to engage in it.

Those who doubted him were mostly newcomers.

Old fans wouldn’t question him -not after the last two live streams where he’d driven off Black Bear and confronted a pack of wolves. Using a staged python to create an explosive moment would be far too lowbrow.

As for Lu Wentao, perhaps that might be a possibility…

But if the python wasn’t released deliberately, then had it escaped from a zoo?

Many viewers recalled the recent news and naturally made the connection.

“Impossible, this golden python did not escape from a zoo,” Bi Fang shook his head again while continuing to step backward.

So far, the python hadn’t noticed him, or perhaps it had, but it hadn’t made a move yet.

Either way, it was still better to keep a greater distance.

Though golden pythons are famously docile, even a meek person, when cornered, might grab a knife in retaliation, let alone a wild beast with lesser intelligence.

Who knows if the Golden Python is hungry?

“There are only ten zoos in Huaxia that have Golden Pythons, and the closest one to here is the Kunshan Zoo, but that’s also over a hundred kilometers away. Do you guys think a python could crawl that far?”

This explanation made everyone pause in surprise. How could he be so sure about how many zoos have them?

Isn’t that a bit too impressive?

Who would remember such a thing?

In fact, Bi Fang knew about this by coincidence. In his previous life, he had a friend from Ugly Country who kept a Golden Python at home; their research topic was even related to it, so that’s why he knew the details so well.

And the zoos in both worlds were basically the same, something he had understood long ago.

“So, I suspect that this Golden Python was likely abandoned by someone, and not too long ago, because Golden Pythons struggle to survive in the wild.”

The very existence of Golden Pythons is a kind of unhealthy mutation; they lack melanin, have low immunity and are prone to various diseases. They can no longer hide from predators due to the loss of their protective coloring and may even die from absorbing too much ultraviolet light.

Under such conditions, it’s destined to be unable to survive in the wild.

“Keeping Golden Pythons is popular abroad, but not in our country. All Burmese Pythons are classified as first-level protected animals here, and private ownership is not allowed.”

Bi Fang had retreated more than thirty meters away from the pit where the Golden Python was before he continued to explain.

“But there’s always someone who wants to be different, especially some wealthy people who think Golden Pythons are cool. Without thinking, they illegally keep them as pets. When the snake grows to five or six meters long, it either becomes too large for their home, or they find it bothersome and not worth the trouble, so they just abandon it in some desolate place.”

“Many people do not know that keeping Golden Pythons is very troublesome and expensive. The annual cost of feeding an adult Golden Python can exceed six figures, which is unaffordable for an average family. Moreover, due to their frail physique, their care is extremely demanding, and owners quickly tire of them.”

The drone took off, clearly revealing the curled-up Golden Python in the pit—a very large mass. However, its exceptionally high aesthetic appeal made it less ferocious-looking than ordinary pythons, eliciting sympathy from many viewers.

[Ah, is this Golden Python doomed?]

[I seem to see a lot of videos of people keeping Golden Pythons… 1 never thought it was illegal.]

[Six figures, my God, that’s more than I earn in a year.]

[Can’t Master Fang think of something?]

[What can be done? Do you expect Master Fang to take it home and keep it?]

“Nope, I have no interest in this thing!” Bi Fang repeatedly refused; he certainly didn’t like the idea of having such a large creature at home, even if it were allowed by policy.

However, Bi Fang wasn’t about to let it perish on its own. After all, it was a first-level protected animal, and his sense of duty from a previous life wouldn’t allow him to ignore it.

And the solution to the problem was quite simple.

“Just send it to a zoo.”

After all, it was a first-level protected animal, which did have its status. As soon as the message went out, surely a zoo would eagerly want it. And with professionals to take care of it, it would be much better off than as a pet.

[Then why don’t those wealthy people who don’t want to keep it just send it to a zoo?]

[What’s that earlier comment? Sending it to a zoo would just expose that they were illegally keeping a protected animal, wouldn’t it?]

[Damn, so they just dump it outside? What if it hurts someone?]

[Wealthy people, you know, they’re all like that. I

Lin Chang was watching the live stream when he suddenly saw this comment, causing him to cough.

What the heck, how could he get hit by such a sweeping statement just by watching a live stream?

He would never keep those odd things.

However, when it came to contacting the zoo, Lin Chang felt he might be able to help.

If he remembered correctly, his dad had a friend who was a shareholder of a large zoo.

Just as Lin Chang was about to comment about this, Bi Fang on the other side, never one to shy away from dramatic statements, dropped a bombshell.

“Perhaps we could try to capture it before the police arrive!”

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