Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 146 - Local plexus paralysis syndrome

Seeing it at noon, Chang Yue insisted on asking the patient’s son to go to the noodle restaurant opposite the hospital to have a meal.

The patient’s son hurriedly resigned, but Chang Yue was very determined and could not refuse.

Yang Lei went with Changyue. Zheng Ren couldn’t walk away. He talked a few words and sent Chang Yue and his son to go to the cafeteria.

As an experienced clinician, the things that will be done take more than ten minutes, so the preparatory work must be done in the early stage – rounds.

Only the patient is stable and can not be disturbed. Otherwise, you have to wait for it, don’t know when the phone will ring, and really can’t even eat the meal.

Zheng Ren started the second round of ward rounds on a new day.

The patients in the emergency ward were very stable, including two patients who were transferred from the ICU.

Tang Xiu also knows that she has just been in the doctor’s office, she is a little embarrassed, but Zheng Ren did not happen this thing.

After entering the house, check the body and ask for the same disease as other patients.

The patient’s vital signs are stable, because it is an interventional operation, so the postoperative pain is not severe, but the stomach is somewhat up.

Zheng Ren judged that the blood accumulated in the abdominal cavity stimulated the peritoneum, calmed the patient a few words, and dispelled the idea that the patient wanted to go home at night.

Just kidding, one foot has already stepped into the ghost gate when it came yesterday afternoon. Want to go home today?

Although the conditions of the hospital are much worse than those in the home, there are doctors on duty. Once there is any dangerous situation, it is better to go to the laparotomy directly than at home.

Zheng Ren refused to be very determined about this request from the patient.

Tang Xiu’s father did not insist too much. Zheng Ren told him to resume his day and then he could go to the ground, and his father’s face finally smiled.

The patient with ruptured spleen is lying in the hospital bed. Because of the open surgery, it is necessary to wait for the exhaust before eating. The couple didn’t know what to say, and when they said, they laughed and looked warm and cozy.

Who knows, yesterday, my wife just turned her husband into a hemorrhagic shock?

So, the impulse is the devil, can be noisy, try not to do it.

Zheng Renjin went to talk with the patient’s family. The patient who saw the ruptured spleen recovered quickly. He also told the patient that the patient’s family was venting and eating after the meal, and the patient could go to the ground.

The ward is stable but not enough. As a hospitalized general, Zheng Ren also had to take a look at the emergency department.

Su Yun didn’t go to eat anymore. He didn’t follow Changyue’s rice. He didn’t know if the shadow of the eleven boxes of green sticks was particularly unwilling to communicate with the patient’s family.

The two came to the emergency department and accompanied by the doctor on duty to see a circle of emergency wards. Still small injuries, a little anti-inflammatory drugs, dehydration drugs can be, no misdiagnosis and latent critical illness.

Fortunately, seeing patients are stable, Zheng Ren heartbeat 80 times / min, exceptionally comfortable.

Eat, sleep, wait for the emergency department that I don’t know when I am coming, Zheng Ren has figured out the work plan for today.

Transferred out of the emergency room, and the doctor on duty explained a few words, just to go, Zheng Renyi saw the family of two patients push the Xiaoping car into the emergency building.

There is a thin, dry old lady lying on the flat car. It seems that she should be in her seventies.

“What happened to the patient?” Zheng Ren walked two steps and asked.

“When I passed the road a few days ago, I fell off. Now I can’t use both legs and I can’t walk.” A strong young man in his twenties said.

“Push a wheelchair.” Zheng Ren greeted the back.

As for whether Su Yun pushes the wheelchair or the doctor on duty pushes the wheelchair, this has nothing to do with Zheng Ren.

There is no peace in the quiet and green green on the system panel at the top right of the field of vision. Zheng Ren wondered, carefully looked at the old lady lying in the car.

The old lady looked at the bitter wrinkles, her eyes smashed into a slit, and she could vaguely see the traces of crying not long ago. Because of his age, it is estimated that his teeth are not good, and he is deeply immersed in it. He looks at the whole person with no spirit.

The car was covered with a few layers of scorpions. She lay on the raft and covered her with a thick quilt.

The breath of the dust, the oncoming.

Is it pushed over? This is simply terrible, Zheng Ren thought.

“How is it pushed?” Zheng Ren asked.

Another family member of a younger patient said with a frowning face: “My mother can’t stand up. If she is in a car and can carry it, she is afraid that she is not comfortable in the car, so she pushes it.”

The family is good, Zheng Ren thought of it.

The surgeon on duty pushed a wheelchair and several people put the old lady in a wheelchair.

Zheng Ren had doubts in his heart. When he helped, he suddenly loosened his hand and immediately grasped it.

In the moment of letting go, the old lady planted it on his face.

Because there is a body block, Zheng Ren is not afraid of the old lady falling.

But he noticed that the patient suddenly forced the right leg to support the body.

For a moment, many years have appeared in Zheng Ren’s mind. With various arguments, ideas, and finally information from the system panel, he came up with his own diagnosis.

“Which part of the injury was injured at that time? Where did you see it?” Zheng Ren pushed the wheelchair behind and went all the way to the emergency room. We ask while we walk.

“It’s okay, my head was touched. I went to the clinic in our country and saw doctor said nothing, but be careful of delayed intracranial hemorrhage. Once it happens, you don’t have to die.” Three days later, I couldn’t go anymore. I took the test to the hospital in the town. I have no problems with B-ultrasound and CT.”

When I came to the emergency department, Zheng Ren looked at the various tests and tests that the family had received, and the CT films were carefully read.

Nothing, everything is fine.

No intracranial hemorrhage, no fractures, no abdominal organ bleeding, but how did she get rid of it?

Zheng Ren stood in front of the reader and meditated. The families of the two patients were increasingly worried.

I want to ask, but I am still somewhat restrained and timid, and I dare not bother Zheng Ren’s thoughts.

But if you don’t ask… Haicheng No.1 Hospital is the biggest hospital they can think of. If you can’t understand it again, the old man can’t stand up for a lifetime.

“It’s a disease.” Su Yun stood behind Zheng Ren’s body and whispered.

Zheng Ren did not speak, just shook his head.

“This is a rare local plexus paralysis syndrome.” Zheng Ren came to the patient and the family of the patient, seriously said.



Su Yun and the surgeon on duty had a stern look.

What is this diagnosis? Why haven’t you heard of it yourself?

But looking at Zheng Ren’s face with a serious, serious expression, the tone is full of authority, it is even more doubtful.

“Ah?” The family members of the patient suddenly stopped.

It sounds like it is very serious.

The old lady’s ears were not stunned, and the listeners were clear, and the two lines of tears flowed down the corners of the eyes.

“But you are lucky.” Zheng Ren then said indifferently.


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