Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 147 - Are old drivers

The sudden turn of the patients let the family members of the patient stunned.

“I just came back from the United States and met patients with local plexus paralysis syndrome.” Zheng Ren is still a serious nonsense, the voice is not too big, the patient can hear clearly, “I brought back a kind of Special effects, good results, are especially expensive.”

“Can you?” The older patient’s son immediately asked.

“The cure rate is 100%.” ​​Zheng Ren said affirmatively that almost two words commonly used in normal times have not been said.

The surgeon on duty is still awkward. Isn’t Zheng always in the emergency room surgery recently? When did you go to the United States for a meeting? Could it be said that the American experts gave lectures, did he go to class?

There are also special effects? No matter how special effects, there will be no 100% cure rate.

This unscientific!

When Su Yun heard the second sentence, he knew what Zheng Ren was going to do, bowed his head and did not go to see a playful performance. The black hair in front of the forehead is floating.

“Doctor, let’s rule, you say a price, then you go back and collect the money.” The patient’s son immediately said.

“No hurry.” Zheng Ren waved his hand and said: “Because the illness has been a long time, no longer, fear of problems. First use the medicine, then you will pay the money.”

After that, Zheng Ren strode out of the emergency room.

After a while, a nurse came in and held a 20ml syringe in his hand.

“Intravenous injection.” Zheng Rendao.

The patient’s family is full of hopes and worries, a complex one.

I hope that one shot will work, and I am afraid that there will be no effect… Even the “special effects medicine” has no effect, and that is only the path of a lifetime.

“Okay, you can go to the ground in five minutes.” Zheng Rendao: “After a week, I will come to the hospital to add an intensive treatment. It will definitely be fine. My family will come with me, I will open a list, and you will pay.”

After all, Zheng Ren did not look at the patient, and walked out of the emergency room.

“If the director of the old Pan is there, there is no problem.” Su Yun said without a head.

“Oh.” Zheng Ren of course understands what Su Yun said, hehe smiled.

“Really is a snoring disease? Is it not a rare disease?” Su Yun did not seem to hear the meaning of Zheng Renhehe did not want to chat, continue to ask.

“No.” Zheng Ren must have said: “Anyway, a pinch of calcium gluconate, in case I really look away, it is not bad.”

“Really…” Su Yun wants to say that he is irresponsible, but after thinking about it, the patient’s family conditions must not support the cost of MRI and other expensive inspections.

Zheng Ren’s choice is right. If it’s really bad, he can only say it again.

Came to the emergency surgery clinic, Zheng Ren gave the patient’s son a list.

The patient’s son looked stunned and he was frightened by Zheng Ren’s words.

In the United States, how much does it cost to import special effects? I don’t know if I can go home to sell a house.

A few tile houses are estimated to be awkward. What else can I sell at home?

This is not counting, after 1 week, it is necessary to consolidate treatment once…

Zheng Ren’s action was very good, and the printer quickly made a bill for payment.

“Hey, go pay, then take the medicine back at the pharmacy next to it.” Zheng Ren said easily.

The man took the documents in his hand and carefully looked for the price. Although many of the above words are not known, the Arabic numerals can still be understood.

When he saw the amount of money, his eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

“Hey, Grandma is standing up!” Before he asked if Zheng Ren was wrong, there was a pleasant surprise outside the door.

“Ah?” He snorted and rushed out.

The strong body hit the door frame, and Zheng Ren felt that the whole room had shaken three times.

“Let you get it right again.” Su Yun leaned against the wall, like no bones, looked at Zheng Ren with a sly look. “You are so lucky.”

Zheng Ren wants to spit it out, but one can say that he does not, but the second system adds a lucky value to himself… I will come to the palm of my hand, do you want to tell you?

Soon, the man helped the old lady to come to the emergency department.

Although the walk is still somewhat vain and somewhat soft, it is definitely not the same as the previous “瘫痪”.

“Doctor, doctor, thank you…” The family members of the two patients were so busy.

“Nothing.” Zheng Ren smiled.

“This…” The patient’s son has some embarrassing holdings of the bills in his hand. It seems that the heavens and the people have fought many times.

Zheng Ren also had some accidents.

“Doctor, are you opening the wrong list?” The patient’s son finally had the conscience and took the upper hand, no longer hesitating, asked.

“Oh, no.” Zheng Renyun said lightly: “Because it is a medicine given by a big international company, there is no way for the hospital to charge. You are lucky, if you don’t use it a few days in advance.”

“That cost…”

“Free.” Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun looked at the handsome Zheng Ren, and thought about an intravenous injection, a sterile syringe, 20ml of glucose, a total amount of calcium gluconate.

As for the imported special effects drugs, it is simply nothing.

The patient’s family members thanked the Zheng Ren and yelled at them. After 1 week, they asked for a consolidation treatment. This kind of special medicine can not only be treated, but also preventive. The old lady will not commit another crime in this life.

Looking at the patient’s joy to pay, leaving, Zheng Ren felt that he was a little hungry.

The time spent in the emergency department is a bit long, and I don’t know what remains to be left in the cafeteria.

“Why let them toss a little more?” Su Yun did not understand.

“The disease is still so heavy. If I am cured, I am afraid that the old lady does not believe it. So come back and consolidate the treatment once, it should be the best solution.” Zheng Rendao.

They are all old doctors. Everyone knows this bend.

Although Su Yun did not continue to say anything, but Zheng Ren knows that this bitter and sturdy mother-gun has not ridiculed, it is endorsed.

He was really lucky. He had been killed in the hospital for so long, and Zheng Ren thought of it.

After treating the patient, Zheng Ren was eager to go to the cafeteria.

Going halfway, the phone rings.

“Ira, what?”

“Oh, okay, it’s just that I and Su Yun didn’t eat.”

“Well, that’s bothering you.”

After that, hang up the phone and turn back to the emergency room.

“What is it?” Su Yun asked later.

“The stupid egg sent by the patient’s family was taken to the Iraqi family by Chang Yue. It was said to have made a stupid scrambled egg at noon.”

“It’s stupid eggs and fried onions.” Su Yun said with no expression.

“All the same, the Iraqis said that she took the hospital to eat together.” Zheng Ren does not matter, one can eat, can be a big deal.

The two returned to the ward and waited less than twenty minutes. The Shei people rushed to the emergency room with a black, warm food box.

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