Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 148 - Vegetarian soup

Greeting Zheng Ren and Su Yun, the Xie Yi people went straight to the duty room.

Zheng Ren came to the duty room. The Xie Yi people had opened the food box and took out the same food and placed it on the table.

The food container is not big, but it has a lot of things. The specific material and effect Zheng Ren does not understand, but after a food box is opened, there are actually three big ones, among which the delicate and delicate mind can be seen.

Will it be too much trouble? Zheng Renguang feels full of food when he looks at the food box.

In the eyes of the Shay people, there is a radiance of respect and love for the food. The food box is taken out carefully, and the same thing is said: “The eggs brought by Yuejie are especially good, but they have all eaten. I tried to fry. One dish, another egg-flower soup, you taste it.”

A dish is divided into three large palm plates. An exquisite casserole, looking cold outside, opened the lid, a hot air floated up, and the faint aroma overflowed instantly.

“Come on, come, eat, eat.” The Xie Yi people were eager to see the little stars.

In her opinion, as long as there is good food, the world is full of light.

This is the most basic quality of a foodie, a love for life, but Zheng Ren does not understand.

Although I don’t understand it, Zheng Ren has a strong desire to survive. He immediately takes off his white clothes and washes his hands. This is just sitting in danger and starting to eat.

The rice is especially fragrant, but it has a chewing head but it is not hard. It is just boring.

Golden stupid eggs are fried with green onions and the aroma is full. The onion’s heat was just right, covering up the greasy feeling of the edible oil absorbed by the egg, but it did not cover the smell of the stupid egg itself.

The index finger is moving.

“Oh, good.” Su Yun first praised, and you are welcome, immediately sit down and start eating.

“Of course.” The Xie Yi first went to wash their hands, came back to sit down lightly, picked up the chopsticks, and placed an egg in his mouth and chewed it gently.

“This egg is my own, I don’t use the eggbeater.” The Xie is very satisfied. “I always think that the egg that is beaten with the egg beater has no soul.”

“Is there a yellow wine inside?” Su Yun said.

“A little bit, the alcohol concentration is almost no, in order to get rid of the very light smell in the egg.” Shei people exude a holy glow, although the dishes are simple, but she is still full of love, carefully taste.

Zheng Ren took a chopsticks egg and ate it with rice.

“The cow chews the peony, but it is a pity.” Su Yun did not lose the irony of the timing.

“Eggs are good.” The Xie people ate an egg and boasted: “I eat less salt, so it’s a little lighter, don’t mind.”

“Exactly just right.” Zheng Ren has already finished half of the rice bowl, and the small dish in front of him is half empty.

According to this speed, when the meal is finished, the dish is just delicious.

Because of the sweetness of Zheng Ren’s eating, the eyes of Shei’s eyes became a crescent moon.

“I added a lost amount of white sugar, so that the temperature of the protein due to heat rises, and delays the heating time. In addition, the sugar has water retention, and it can also increase the softness of the egg. Is it delicious?” Yi Rendao.

“Well.” The effort to speak, Zheng Ren has eaten all the rice and vegetables, and hands-on soup.

For the food, the biggest compliment is to eat the rice in one breath, and there is no time to talk.

“How can you cook?” Zheng Rencai remembered this question after eating it in an instant.

“The food outside will sometimes get tired, so I will ponder it myself. I will cook more dishes and have time to go to my house. I will give it to you.” The Xie Yi smiled.

“Zheng always has no time. He can’t leave the emergency ward for a year. We can go on his behalf.” The bitter and sturdy mother-in-law took the opportunity to insert a knife.

“A few days to go to the Imperial Capital, it is estimated that you will stay in the hospital.” Zheng Ren calmly.

“Let me be hospitalized, I will resign.” Su Yun did not show weakness. “Inpatients always use people as animals. If you come to the emergency room to see you doing surgery, I guess I have resigned.”

“Why are you going to resign?” asked the Xie.

“Pet hospital.” Su Yundao: “It’s simple. You can see cats and dogs every day. The atmosphere is harmonious and it is much stronger than the hospital.”

“Yeah!” The stars in the eyes of the Xie are coming out again.

“Hey.” Zheng Ren used a chopstick to order. Su Yun did not go away with him. If he abducted his equipment nurse, Zheng Ren estimated that he had to find Su Yun desperately. “You have to go by yourself. Don’t fool the Iraqi.”

“It seems like the hospital is so good.” Su Yun disdain.

“Iraqi people are very pure. Going to the pet hospital, I can’t do a surgery in a week, it’s boring, it’s Yi people.”

The Xie Yi nodded, continually eating, and satisfied.

“You are so lucky.” Su Yun looked at the expression of the Xie Yi people and smiled. “What are you doing to the emperor?”

“The professor who had been promoting surgery last time and the old experts in several interventional departments got a new procedure and let me go.”

“What surgery?”

“I don’t know, I will know when I get there.” Zheng Ren is indifferent. He is involved in the master level. It is estimated that he can help a little expert of the age like Professor Yan has already passed. The golden age of surgery. They usually let their graduate students and doctoral students perform surgery and do their own guidance.

The level is higher than that of Professor Yu, and Zheng Ren does not dare to say this. But those graduate students and doctoral students are better than themselves to see ghosts.

“I have to go together, by the way, see how a few nasty guys are developing now.” Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren has a bad cold, how to go to the emperor Su Yun to follow?

“What annoying guy?” asked the Xie.

“The level is not high, but I always feel that I can exceed my people. I don’t know who gives them confidence.”

Zheng Ren’s belly, your confidence is quite inexplicable.

Half a meal, Zheng Ren’s cell phone rang.

Heart rate 110 beats / min.


“Well, okay, let me go and see.”

Zheng Ren simply understood, he hang up the phone, “There is a patient with cholecystitis in the emergency department. I will go and see. You should eat slowly and need surgery. I will inform you on WeChat.”

After that, Zheng Ren put on a white suit and left the wind.

“Just finished, go so fast, not afraid of appendicitis.” Su Yun is still slowly eating.

The Shei people are eating faster and snoring.

“How are you so anxious?”

“I guess I have to do the surgery, I have to go and prepare for it.” The Xie Yi people have a meal in their mouth, which is vague.

Sure enough, in a few minutes, the two phones rang at the same time.

The patient was diagnosed with acute cholecystitis and required surgery. Zheng Ren informed in the WeChat group that he should be ready for surgery as soon as possible.

“Things are put here first, I go to the operating room.” After eating, the Xie Yi people went away.

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