Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 3 Keita

The plump boy called Keita had a gentle but somewhat timid feel. His height fell behind Yuuta’s with 165 cm.

“I-I’m truly happy that you joined the organization, Yuuta-kun. I-I was the only one in Toukyou before that.”

“I’m also glad to be able to meet with you, Keita-senpai. There are no older male students who are part of the organization?”

It was Rin who answered Yuuta’s question.

“Yes. At present, you two are the only boys belonging to the organization in Toukyou’s male high school.”

“So you’ve been all by yourself until now, huh? That must have been quite challenging.”

“Y-Yeah. I-It’s quite reassuring to have you at my s-side now, Yuuta-kun. C-Compared to the men of other regions, I’m even more of a failure as a m-man.”

Without a moment’s delay, Rin rushed over to Keita who was talking himself down.

“Keita-sama, that is not true at all. Keita-sama, you are kinder and gentler than any other man.”

“I-I see. T-Thank you.”

It was clear that Keita and Rin shared a good relationship.

And certainly, Keita was slightly fainthearted, but even from Yuuta’s perspective, Keita looked like a gentle and calm boy among the men of this world. For such a kind boy to not be evaluated highly by the women…

“Keita-senpai. I experienced a small incident during my first year at junior high and became a shut-in because of it.”

“Y-Yeah, I have heard about it. I-It must have been terrible.”

“Nowadays I’ve recovered and started to take a positive outlook on the future.”

At that moment, a faint pain ran through Yuuta’s head.

Ouch! …What was that?

A faint pain that lasted but an instant. Yuuta continued speaking without minding it.

“Me being a shut-in later allowed me to start my high school life as E-Rank. Keita-senpai…t-this might be somewhat impertinent and rude of me…” Yuuta looked at Keita’s body, finding it hard to continue.

“Y-Yep. You’re right. A-As you can see, I-I’m fat.”

“Ah, no, I wouldn’t go as far as calling you fat. How to describe it best…? You look slightly chubby, I’d probably say.”

“I-I…like t-to eat.”

A chubby boy who liked to eat; that was Keita.

Yuuta turned to Rin and asked, “Is Keita-senpai’s body the reason why he isn’t evaluated highly by the state and the women?”

“It is not just his body, but his body pushes the evaluation into the negative region. People see it as proof of him being unable to take care of himself.”

“I see.”

“Keita-sama being an E-Rank stems from…”

This time it was Rin’s turn to have difficulty in voicing what she wanted to say, so Keita spoke up in her stead.

“I-I, umm…fear women”

“You’re scared of them?”

“Y-Yes. U-Umm…all of them grimace as soon as t-they see my figure. Those expressions are s-scary…so I gradually became a-afraid of talking with w-women…”

Keita-senpai has gynophobia?

“Keita-senpai, what have you been doing about your class?”

“I g-got one direct a-affiliate to stay with me. I-I don’t fear her.”

“Keita-sama’s class consists of Hazuki-san and him.”

“No women have applied to become indirect affiliates?”

“Wrong. But…”

“I-I was afraid of them. I will b-be fine as long as I-I have Hazuki-chan, so…”

He says he doesn’t fear Hazuki-san, so it doesn’t seem to be a total gynophobia.

“Are you okay with the Underground Services then?”

“Y-Yeah. Y-You see, the Underground S-Services I accept are all about e-eating together.”

“Oh, I see. Keita-senpai, you truly like to eat.”

“Y-Yep! It’s true bliss for me to eat delicious food! So, I always end up eating too much against my better knowledge.”

“I also like to eat delicious food. Let’s have a meal together next time! Please tell me about some restaurants you can recommend, Keita-senpai.”

“R-Really!? O-Okay! Let’s go! L-Look here, I must admit I do love meat and there’s that delicious barbecue restaurant. L-Let’s go there!”

“Sure, by all means!”

Yuuta got all excited as he talked with Keita about going out to eat. The men of this world all managed their bodies very strictly, working hard to maintain their physical condition and figures. It was a world demanding not only women, but also men to put in quite some effort.

But, Keita-senpai’s thinking is quite normal, isn’t it? I mean, he’s easily pleased by eating something tasty.

Keita’s previous world hosted all sorts of male body types, ranging from skinny to fat.

It’s good to have all sorts of men around.

That’s what Yuuta thought. However, a small part of him thought that this wouldn’t be very helpful for Keita.

Ayaka and Rin watched the two boys chat for a while. It would have been bad manners to interrupt a conversation between men, but it also made the two women happy to be allowed to watch Yuuta and Keita having the chance to cheerfully chat with a fellow boy.

Even nowadays, Yuuta was still shunned by the boys of his age. And Keita was also despised by the boys of his age, although it didn’t go as far as with Yuuta.

On top of being a drop-out who was forced to start his high school life at E-Rank, Keita also had a figure that showed his inability to take care of himself, so he had become a target for bullying by the boys in his grade.

But, Yuuta suddenly wondered while talking with Keita like this, even if he might be somewhat chubby, why would such a gentle boy not be popular among women?

“Pardon me, but Keita-senpai, could it be that quite a few girls have actually been applying to become indirect affiliates of your class?”

“Eh? I-I wonder? I-I don’t really k-know.”

Keita looked at Rin.

“Yes. The number of applicants is fairly high.”

“Ah, as I thought.”

“Eh? Why would you think that?”

“I mean, after talking with you like this, I can tell that you’re a pretty decent guy. So I thought that you had to be popular among the women.”

Rin smiled all over her face without even trying to hide her joy over Yuuta’s words.

“He is totally right! Very many women yearn for a gentle man like you, Keita-sama! All the women who had a meal with you during the Underground Services also praised you!”

“O-Okay. The women who ate with me weren’t t-that scary.”

“Wouldn’t it work out just fine if you went to eat together with the girls of your age then?”

“That is… all of them have to worry about their outward appearance as girls of high families. It is not that they just want to go eat with him, but they would also start asking him to get in shape…”

“And that’s something you’d hate, right?”

“Y-Yeah. I…hate to work out.”

“So Hazuki-san doesn’t tell you to work out, huh?”

“H-Hazuki-chan doesn’t really like working out a-all that much either.”

They seemed to be like two peas in a pond.

“Does Hazuki-san like to eat as well?”

“Y-Yep. Hazuki-chan also likes e-eating. Also, reading b-books.”

“So she’s basically a literature girl, huh?”

“S-She always reads books and s-she’s quiet. W-Whenever I ask her to g-go eat with me, she tenderly s-smiles at me… B-Besides, she’s also g-good at cooking.”

“Oh, so you ate her homemade cooking!?”

“Y-Yep. O-On some day she w-will make a lunchbox f-for us.”

Yuuta got interested in the relationship between Keita and Hazuki, seeing how she was even making lunchboxes for him. Keita was one year ahead in high school. In other words, he had already experienced last year’s school festival.

“During last year’s evening ball, did you two, umm…”

“Y-Yes. I gave her a dress…I-I confessed that I wanted her t-to become my g-girlfriend.”

“Oh! Good going, senpai!”

“Y-Yeah. Hazuki-chan looked very happy, too.”

The two had become lovers. A very rare couple of one man and one woman. Yuuta suspected that Keita only having one lover would be a temporary occurrence, but it was sure unusual for Hazuki to be the only girlfriend of Keita for a whole year.

After talking for a while about last year’s school festival, the time for Yuuta’s meeting with Keita was drawing close to its end amidst a good atmosphere. Yuuta promised to meet him again to talk about all sorts of things.

“Now then,” Ayaka spoke up when the two finished their conversation.

It was a clear sign that she was going to broach today’s main topic.

“Yuuta-sama, the organization is going to hold a social gathering during August.”

“A social gathering?”

“Yes. It is going to be a meeting where the male high school students belonging to the organization in places such as Hokkaidou, Kyouto, and Fukuoka, and local women are going to gather.”

“Eeehh!? That sounds quite incredible!”

“It has been held for two years now. In the first year, Toukyou remained absent while we participated last year.”

“Are there many high school boys that belong to the organization in other areas?”

“The current member status…”

Ayaka then explained about the situation of Dreamseducer’s male high school students.

Hokkaidou had one third-year and one second-year, but they failed to secure another male member this year.

Kyouto had two third-years, one second-year, and one first-year.

Fukuoka had one third-year, one second-year, and one first-year.

“Because Toukyou, which has the biggest male population, had sent only one thus far, we got various complaints by the branches in the other areas.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. We simply didn’t plan to recruit boys that would become a problem for the organization. Quality before quantity. And because of that we have now two wonderful Dreamseducers. Well, it’s also true that the other areas don’t have the luxury to choose their men. Because of that, some slightly rough guys have become part of our organization, too.”

“Ahaha, then we must live up to their expectations, I guess. Keita-senpai, let’s do our best!”

“O-Okay. B-But…”

“Keita-sama, please forget about last year. As it was our first time attending, we were also inexperienced in many parts.”


Apparently last year’s gathering had yielded overly good results for Toukyou.

“In the first place, what do we do at the organization’s gathering after meeting up?”

“You will be able to do what you like on an island owned by Dreamseducers.”

“What we like?”

“Yes. No special rules are set, but we would be glad if you could get in contact with women of other regions as much as possible. We are also going to bring local women from Toukyou with us for the sake of getting to know the men of the other regions.”

“How many women will be present?”

Ayaka explained the details of the gathering to Yuuta.

Each boy participating in the gathering will bring four women with him. Four women from Toukyou will be responsible for Yuuta and Keita each.

The other regions will also bring the same number of women per boy for the sake of getting in contact with Keita and Yuuta, or in other words, four women for Keita and four women for Yuuta from Hokkaidou, four women for Keita and four women for Yuuta from Kyouto, and four women for Keita and four women for Yuuta from Fukuoka.

With just these figures, it will be 32 women in total for the two boys.

“Isn’t that a bit much?”

“You do not have to get in touch with all of them. The exchange period on the island lasts at maximum for one month, but the idea here is that it will be fine as long as you find at least one woman you like amidst the four women of each region.”

“So we’re going to stay on the island for the whole of August?”

“Of course, you are free to go back if you so wish. So far as it goes, the organization asks all boys to stay for one week at least.”

“I understand.”

“I-I went back after two weeks last y-year.”

“It must have been taxing all by yourself. I’ll be with you this year, so let’s work hard together!”

“Y-Yep. I’m c-counting on you.”

Keita was fully intending to depend on Keita with this.

“These many women with just us two from Toukyou. When it comes to all areas…”

“It is scheduled for 176 women to come along this year. Of course a great number of women also work behind the scenes on the island to support the exchange, so if you add those as well, the number probably exceeds 400.”

“Whoa. It’s a truly big event.”

“Yes. After all, it is an annual event while the boys are still growing as Dreamseducers during their high school time. Naturally, the organization is also pulling out all stops.”

They were going to entertain the boys after coming up with all sorts of events for the gathering, including the location. However, ultimately it remained the boys’ decision whether they’d get in contact with the women.

“Of course, the results of summer’s social gathering will be counted as activity achievements.”

“Oh, that’s neat. In short, the more I strive, the more it’ll be for my own sake as well.”

“Yes. I am more than certain that you will be able to provide marvelous results, Yuuta-sama,” Ayaka declared, full of confidence.

“Four women from four regions, including Toukyou, are going to mingle with me, so it’ll be 16 women in total, huh?”

“You’re basically right.”


“Yes. Four women from each region will be selected to attend a boy, but it’s not like all four of them can entertain the boy at the same time. Rather, the number of women without a partner will be high, I think.”

“Ah, I get it.”

“That’s why, if you so wish…we will be happy if you mingle with as many women as you want.”

Keita and Rin were startled by Ayaka’s words.

“Eh? W-Won’t…that be quite a strain on Y-Yuuta-kun?”

“You have a point. I got only one body after all. But, actually I’m in the middle of developing something fun.”

“D-Develop something fun?”

“Yep. It’s not done yet, but I’d like to get it finished in time for the social gathering in August. If I do, I’ll also teach you how to use it, Keita-senpai.”


Ayaka was convinced that Yuuta’s evaluation within the organization would become unshakable during this year’s gathering.

“Four women for Yuuta-sama and four women for Keita-sama from Toukyou. In addition, 36 women for the men of the other regions. Meaning, 44 women will participate in total. 36 of them will be in charge of other boys, but…no one says that they must be in charge of the boys from other regions. In the end, it’s their free choice with whom they want to get in touch,” Ayaka said cheerfully while looking at Yuuta.

Yuuta immediately grasped what she wanted to tell him.

Ohhh, now I get it. She’s telling me to sink my fangs in all the women from Toukyou. Usually, my body would never hold up with that, but…if we finish the Succubus Suit and the Dildo, then it’ll be quite possible.

Yuuta joyfully answered while looking at Ayaka, “Is it easy to completely link up with a local transmitter?”

“Of course. It will shorten the latency to 0.1 milliseconds.”

“That’s something to look forward to.”

Keita and Rin were still unable to understand what the other two were talking about and thus they could only stare at them with their mouths wide open.

“Huh? But, what should I tell Tomoe-san about my participation in that gathering during August?”

“About that…”

The preparations for the social gathering were steadily advancing.

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