Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 4 Yukishiro ①


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April the 5th.

Just when Yuuta was creating a fun high school class, the other boys were likewise drawing up their own classes in their respective school buildings. Of course, this also applied to Takuya.

Many women had gathered in a classroom located inside Takuya’s school building to celebrate his high school entrance.

However, if Yuuta’s entrance ceremony was carried out in a very harmonious and cheerful atmosphere, the atmosphere during Takuya’s ceremony was the very definition of tension.

“Congratulations on your entry to high school, Takuya-sama.”

“Aye, I’m looking forward to the next three years.”

The one giving those celebratory words was Yukishiro. But although a perfect smile was plastered onto her pretty face, the atmosphere inside the classroom was extremely strained.

The reason was pretty obvious.

Another direct affiliate was present.

“Congratulations on entering high school, Takuya-sama♡”

“Thanks. Layla, I’m looking forward to the next three years with you as well.”

“Okay♡ I will work hard for your sake, Takuya-sama♡”

Layla, Emily, and Monica wore unbelievably lewd uniforms as they flashed charming smiles at Takuya as if to seduce him then and there. Upon Takuya’s instruction, the uniform worn by Yukishiro also was quite sexy. It consisted of a sailor uniform with a decollete wide enough that you could almost see her breasts and a mini-skirt that clearly exposed her thighs.

This wasn’t the uniform they had agreed upon on the day of the graduation ceremony. For some reason he had contacted her later on, resulting in the uniform changing into something so lewd.

Moreover, Layla and her two friends were wearing uniforms that were even more lascivious than Yukishiro’s. Their shirt allowed a free look deep into their cleavage. In addition, the shirt wasn’t held together by buttons, but by a ribbon below their breasts.

Yukishiro suspected that their breasts would immediately pop out if you unfastened that ribbon.

And to top it off, they wore super-short, checkered minis skirts that allowed everyone to even see their butts.

Yukishiro felt a headache as she asked herself why they would go with such a uniform. Concealing her sigh, she said with an exceedingly bright and calm voice, “Takuya-sama, I would like to recommend indirect affiliates, if you permit.”

“Fifteen in total, was it?”


“Haven’t they increased in number, compared to the last time we talked about this?”

They hadn’t. It was the same number Yukishiro had told Takuya on the day of the graduation ceremony. Certainly, she had informed him about twelve people before the graduation ceremony, but she had also updated him on the additional three afterwards and also received his permission.

“It is just as I have told you on the day of your junior high school graduation ceremony.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Hehe, maybe Takuya-sama simply didn’t listen to it during that boring graduation ceremony?” Layla provoked Yukishiro with a thin smile on her lips.

Due to that blatant affront, the atmosphere inside the classroom became even heavier.

Fifteen girls were waiting behind Yukishiro to receive their admission as indirect affiliates. Akari was among them, too.

All of them glared at Layla.

“Awww♡ Takuya-sama, I’m scared♡ All of them are glaring at me♡”

“Hey, hey, you girls, get along with Layla, Emily, and Monica.”

Takuya embraced Layla’s body without any hesitation as she threw herself into his arms while ogling her. Yukishiro watched all of it happen without even moving a single eyebrow.

“It is my intention to turn your class into a superior class while deepening our friendship with Layla’s group as well, Takuya-sama.”

“Yeah, take care of it.”

“Takuya-sama, could I have you permit these fifteen people to become your indirect affiliates?”

“No helpin’ it, I s’pose. Sure.”

Takuya operated his tablet. Seeing that, relief washed over Yukishiro.

“Takuya-sama♡ The recommendations from me are Emily and Monica♡”

“Of course, those two are fine. Both of you, let’s spend some great time at high school together.”


Two factions had formed inside Takuya’s class. Takuya was well aware of that. And seeing how he knew about it, it happened like this because he wanted it to be so.

Yukishiro can’t leave my class anymore.

Takuya had looked differently at Yukishiro until he had officially accepted her as his direct affiliate. Back during junior high, she still wasn’t his. Even if she might have belonged to him to 99%, he ultimately had no choice but to interact with her as a junior high school student. After all, the very low possibility of her becoming the direct affiliate of another boy still existed.

But, now it was different. Now she was Takuya’s direct affiliate. She wouldn’t be able to leave his side for the next three years of high school. And if you consider the difficulty of marrying another guy after graduating high school, Takuya considered Yukishiro to essentially be his by now.

After talking about indirect affiliates, the conversation about Service Activities would be next on the agenda, but Takuya didn’t seem interested in that as he was busy flirting with Layla, Emily, and Monica.

Seeing that she had no other choice, Yukishiro decided to bring up the topic from her side.

“Takuya-sama, about your future Service Activities…”

“Oh, right. We gotta talk about that as well.”

Takuya peeled Layla off himself, changing his slovenly expression thus far into one brimming with seriousness. Yukishiro and Layla braced themselves after observing that change. It was the face of the man who had been assessed as outstanding by the Eternal Minato during his junior high school period.

“I was planning to actively accept Services related to business during my high school time.”

“Business, you say?”

Various speculations and thoughts raced through Yukishiro’s head due to the unexpected words out of Takuya’s mouth. It wasn’t as though Takuya had accepted many business-related Services during his time as a junior high school student.

Even as she was asking herself what had brought about that change of mind, business-related Service Activities available through the connections of the Minatos surfaced inside her mind.

“Yep. Any business field will do. I’m still nothing but a pure amateur when it comes to business. But, I’d like to gain some experience. Anyway, bring me any Service request related to business. I’ll accept those I like.”

“As you wish.”


It was rare for the men of this world to dabble in business themselves. Of course that didn’t mean it wasn’t happening at all, but whenever men started business-related projects, women would run the core operations. Men would never become sole proprietors, legal shareholders, or representative directors.

With men being men, they would be basically treated like an advertisement for being involved in those enterprises. As a result of that, men would never make any direct profit out of this, no matter how much money the business produced. The ones managing the profits were women, or women formed the shareholder’s corporate body. Or the state managed the business.

It was unacceptable in society for men to arbitrarily use disposable income on their own discretion. Of course, there was no particular problem with Takuya showing interest in business. However, Yukishiro couldn’t understand the reason for his sudden interest.

For him to show interest in business even while trying to marry Yukishiro, the next matriarch of the Eternal Minatos…in reality, he’d just need to tell Yukishiro what sort of business he’d like to do. Then she’d arrange everything else for him and she wouldn’t have any problem to entirely flag the establishment of the business as Takuya’s achievement. If he wanted to garner respect and praise in society, this should be the easiest way to go about it.

“Takuya-sama~♡, is there any business field you are currently interested in~?” Layla asked with a sickly-sweet voice.

“No, none in particular. I really don’t know. But, if I had to name something, I’d say it has to be a profitable business.”

“Do you wish to earn money~?”

“Putting it simply, yes. I want to learn how to earn money.”

If I remember correctly, men can become company presidents and earn money in the Mir Kingdom which allows men to do as they please… Yukishiro recalled what she had learned about the Mir Kingdom.

“In that case~♡ I got a great plan♡ I will prepare everything until the next day you attend school, Takuya-sama♡”

“Ohhh, how reliable, Layla. I’m counting on you.”

“Please do♡”

“Takuya-sama, I shall also come up with several plans until your next attendance.”

“Yeah, I’m counting on you. I have no intention to set an unmotivated goal like becoming C-Rank until high school graduation. I wanna become a C-Rank until the end of the first year at high school. Everyone, lend me your strength!”


Takuya’s eyes gleamed like those of a wild beast. Yukishiro felt uneasy about his overflowing ambitions. Even during his junior high days, Takuya was always a man with grand aspirations. But, that was limited to the society of men. This was also the very reason for him to turn other boys into his underlings.

Yukishiro had highly evaluated Takuya’s mindset of wanting to rein at the top of the male society. And although she had her own thoughts and doubts about his methods to turn other boys into his loyal pet dogs, it was clear that those boys would eventually benefit from becoming his followers, and thus she deemed this would offset the bad aspects of it.

It’d be good if his thinking doesn’t stray in a bad direction.

Nihon controlled its men. That much was an unmistakable truth.

All the caseworkers attached to every man were members of the 『Male Supervision Department’s Male Caretaker Sections』. Just going by the name of that institution, it was clear that they were supervising men.

Almost all of the things Takuya and his friends had done during junior high while thinking that the state didn’t find out, took place under the surveillance of that very state. Not only the Service rating deals, but also all the other things they did with women which offered benefits for both sides. The state would evaluate the male junior high school students in regards to how they handled such things, including transgressions of the rules.

At the end of the day, men wouldn’t be able to live in society through their own power alone. Unless a powerful authority, who was fairly close to the core of the state, backed them, that is.

“With that said, is there anything else we have to clear up?” Takuya said to his caseworker who had become the teacher in charge of the class.

This woman was also the caseworker who had given Takuya permission to drive to the place prepared by Layla on the day of his graduation ceremony. She was the homeroom teacher and caseworker who would do exactly as told by Takuya, but even she didn’t know when she might be swapped out.

“We are done for today.”

“Alright. Well then, have a great day everyone. I’ll attend school again in a week.”


Takuya left the classroom in high spirits. The teacher said that class was over for today and followed Takuya. It probably wasn’t Yukishiro’s imagination that the face of the caseworker had turned into that of a horny bitch.

As such, only Layla and Yukishiro’s groups were left behind in the classroom.

“Let us get along nicely for the coming three years at high school~♪”

“Yes, it is my pleasure to work with you from now on. However, it seems like we will be in different classrooms.”

“Yeah♪ We wish to study according to Mir education policies. I asked Takuya-sama and he prepared a separate classroom and invited exclusive teachers for us.”

“I see. Very well, let us all support Takuya-sama so that the next three years become meaningful for all of us.”

“Of course~♪ We will support Takuya-sama with our bodies~♪”

Yukishiro wasn’t any inferior when it came to womanly charm. Among this year’s first-year girls at high school, Yukishiro and Layla were probably the most popular among the boys thanks to their stunningly attractive figures. Yukishiro also excelled at praising, flattering, and seducing men.

Until now she believed that she’d built a relationship of mutual trust with Takuya while using all those techniques.

I suppose it’s best for me to assume that they’re already in a physical relationship.

Layla as she stood in front of Yukishiro right now was originally supposed to have returned to Mir by now. She had heard that Layla, who was famous as girl of the uninhibited Mir, had spent her junior high school days in Nihon without causing any major problems.

Because Yukishiro expected Layla to be gone after junior high, she hadn’t paid overly much attention to the times when Layla came in contact with Takuya during junior high. Takuya seemed to be attracted to Layla’s alluring body, but if Yukishiro had to judge, she’d say Layla had shown no signs of having much of an interest in Takuya.

If she wanted to go man hunting, she should have simply gone back home to Mir. Good grief, why did she have to stay back here all of a sudden?

For Yukishiro this was nothing more than an annoying nuisance since she hadn’t any way to know that Layla’s mother had received an order from her homeland.

“Well then, everyone, have a nice day~♪”

While swinging their asses seductively, Layla’s group left the classroom. Immediately following, voices full of worry began to spread among the indirect affiliates.


“It’s alright, Akari-san. It’s no problem.”


“Everyone, you remember Takuya-sama’s words, don’t you? Please gather Service requests related to business matters that could draw Takuya-sama’s interest. Right…let us all discuss what we got after school in three days.”


The smiles returned to the worried girls thanks to Yukishiro’s words. They were here because they idolized Yukishiro. And the bonds, which Yukishiro had built with them during the three years of junior high, manifested here pretty obviously.

Yukishiro encouraged those girls while putting on a natural smile so as to calm them. While thinking in her mind that she probably had to inform her mother about the matter of Layla becoming Takuya’s direct affiliate.

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