Chapter 16

Out of everything Samuel expected to happen when he opened his eyes, a whirlwind inside the spacious room was not one of them. The centre mass of this confusing sight was a large, hazy white ball spinning just outside of his outstretched palms. A vortex of air seemed to be dragged along with this rapidly spinning sphere at such a velocity that everything in the room had come undone outside the heavy wooden furniture.

It looked like a hurricane hit the room. His shock disrupted his focus, and the spinning sphere winked out of existence at that exact moment.

“I am so sorry!” He exclaimed and bowed his head with the same action. A mistake meant punishment; a punishment meant beating. Bowing his head ensured that all the blows hit his back, which was far more bearable than hitting his face or front.

“Master!” He heard Stannie’s voice following in her footsteps, which made him know she was approaching him. He felt her body heat as she closed in and instinctively braced for impact.

Unbeknownst to him, a thin layer of strengthened essence hardened beneath his skin, and a hand not strengthened by essence at the essence refinement stage was in for a rude awakening if they attempted to hit him with a painful amount of force.

Lucky for Stannie, all she did was gently grasp him around his shoulders and slowly push him back up with great care.

Samuel hesitated for a fraction of a second but quickly allowed Stannie to push him back to a standing pose. Resisting only led to more beatings, and compliance could sometimes(although rarely) lead to decreased hits.

What shocked him was that there was no ire in Stannie. What was there was concern followed by a hint of something Samuel had no idea where to place.

This confused him for a brief second as he could not think of why they would be so worried for him when he was the one who made the mistake, but the reason came to him quickly.

Like the orphanage, which had a hierarchy with Mother at the top and him at the bottom, this place also had such a system. He was of a higher standing than them, so his faults became theirs, and their triumphs became his.

Traumatic memories of the past resurfaced, and he immediately shut it down along with that line of thinking; he despaired his life with Mother and would not wish it upon anyone.

“Master. Are you alright?” She asked, one arm gently rubbing his back while the other was dangerously close to his groin.

“I…” Samuel was about to stutter before putting a bit more strength in his voice.

“I am. But I am sorry for the mess I made.” He said, injecting as much confidence as he could project into his voice.

Stannie gave him that gentle smile that hid something extra. On the other hand, Immie looked at both of them in shock.

She was about to say something when Stannie announced.

“How about we make the bed, and you rest on it while we clean this place up?” She said in a subservient but firm tone, which made Samuel quickly nod in answer.

Immie narrowed her eyes at Stannie but followed her lead. With a skill level that only came from experience, both blazed through making the bed. They had an elegance to it that Samuel could have never emulated. He, too, had made beds and folded clothes in his time, but while what they did looked like art, his would have been nothing more than a bumbling fool.

But more than that, his eyes were glued to how their bodies moved. Both of their bodies were sending shivers down his spine and directly into his crotch. This sensation was something wholly new and nothing he had ever had to deal with.

Immie possessed an elegant and graceful silhouette characterised by a trim and well-proportioned figure that drew his eye. Her features were delicate, with a symmetrical face adorned by captivating eyes that radiated warmth or jubilance that made his heart flutter. However, there was also a bit of confusion in her expression that slightly marred her beautiful dance, but not enough for Samuel to be pushed away. From her silky black hair to her clear crystal blue eyes to her smooth white skin, everything about her made him think of a beautiful fairy dancing in the moonlight.

Stannie was on the opposite end of the spectrum but equally as eye-catching. Whereas Immie was a fairy, she was sin made manifest. Her figure had this hourglass figure to it that irrationally pleased Samuel. Her heavy mounds did the same, which was very odd to him given that he usually associated heavy mounds with Mother, and there was never a positive emotion to that woman. So he should have hated all that extra flesh, but that could not be further from the truth. Her face might not be graceful like Zephyr or Immie's, with the freckles, tanner skin, and ever so slightly extra plumpness, but it drew him in nonetheless. Her wavy orange-red hair was like a firestorm as she worked and only added to her appeal—

“Master, the bed is ready!” Immie said in her delicate voice

Samuel caught himself realising he had been staring blankly at the two women for a while now, and for the life of him, he could divine why his eyes were so drawn to them. He had been around girls before in the orphanage, quite often so, even slept with them more than once, but the sensations and experiences he had been going through over the last day had never ever happened before.

He allowed himself to sit on the bed, still trying to divine the sheer quantity of emotions that had been flooding him without realising that his body finally had enough nutrients to allow for him to go through puberty properly. All the while stuck in a room with two very able-bodied and very willing girls.

The next couple of hours would be an experience.

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