Chapter 17

Samuel glued his eyes to the two feminine forms before him, feeling increasingly uncomfortable in his robes. But before that could go anywhere, a familiar person entered the room.

Not Zephyr, as he had been initially expecting; instead, it was the man who had accompanied her. The man who had told him what to do started the whole thing.

Said man was standing in front of the door, giving him a knowing grin. He still looked as handsome as this morning but with a slight but significant difference. He looked like he hadn’t slept for a day and a half.

As someone who spent many a night unable to sleep after being beaten black and blue, Samuel knew that look, but he had met the man not too long ago, and he looked a lot better than he did now.

But he was presumably one of his teachers along with Zephyr, and he would be good, so Samuel quietly waited for him to say what to do.

As he said, the man did not waste any time, his voice still just as strong as the morning despite his haggard edges. It was also amicable and inviting.

“Hi, little man! Did not think you would be here when we met this morning, did you?”

Samuel shook his head; he thought he would be well on his way to his next life by now, so everything up to now was unexpected and would continue to be so.

The man gave him a nod as he continued.

“Yep! Expected as much! Well, my name is Nile, and I will be your teacher alongside Zephyr. Are you ready to learn?”

Samuel did not understand what that entailed or its significance, so he returned his familiar nod.

“Good! We will start first thing tomorrow! Is that alright with you?” Nile asked.

He answered back with another robotic nod.

“Alright! That’s great! I will get out of your hair in a minute, but before I do so– Maid! Bring the food to this room!”

In the middle of the conversation, he turned his head to face outside the room and shouted.

As soon as he did so, tray after tray of food started pouring into the room, all carried by the same maid as the one who had greeted him when he had entered the tavern. Samuel could not be sure but thought he could see a flash of jealousy and the meekness with which she brought the food.

“Well, with that, I shall take my leave! Call if you need anything!”

With the same brazenness with which he had come, he left with the maid, leaving the three with the messy room but now with the added bonus of five trays filled to bursting with food.

Samuel had never seen so much food before in his life. It was not only the quantity that was but also the variety. The variety here was more than he had seen in the rest of his life combined, given that he was mostly fed a gruel mixture and any fruit he could steal away that was saying much.

Needless to say, all this food should have his mouth frothing. But, and this was a very ridiculous but, he was not at all hungry.

Now that he was thinking about it, he had been hungry this morning. But since he had been turned into a cultivator, his hunger had disappeared. He wanted to eat the vast assortment presented before him, but he did not feel the desire for even the slightest nibble.

An audible gulp behind him broke his thoughts, and he turned to see Immie staring at the food hard, her body still elegantly cleaning the room.

“You want some?” He asked.

That broke the spell, and Immie turned her head to him, her eyes wide in shock before turning away, a blush painting her pale, high cheeks red.

Samuel could see the ghost of a smirk form on Stannie’s face but gave no comment as she continued with her work. He almost lost his train of thought as he saw her sizeable chest give an enticing jiggle as she heaved the closet, shifting back in place. A look of awe followed that action as she looked down at her hands.

That look helped him focus and he forced his head to turn to Immie.

“You can have some if you want.”

He said, trying to convey as much sincerity as he could into his voice, but his lack of social graces showed through as his words did little but make her blush even more resounding.

“Our master has given you permission; you should not spit on his kindness by not accepting.”

Stannie said her piece, a harsh firmness in her words. On instinct, Samuel almost reached the tray for a bite before his mind caught on to the fact that it was not him the words were directed to.

Immie, for her part, looked like she was stunned for half a second before she sheepishly went to the tray, reaching for a circular piece of bread with a hole in the middle and coated with white dust.

Her sheepishness turned to anticipation as she took a large bite into the food.

Her anticipation turned to surprise to confusion as her hand flung it back to the plate and chewed on the lump with incredible difficulty.

Afterward, swallowing it, something that Immie did with a lot of effort, she said.

“What was that?!?”

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