Lord God Investigator

Chapter 86 - Auction (1)

Luo Feng led the team members to the curtain call. Only Zhang Daniu did not appear in public. He was the most powerful in the background to prepare-put Io’s mechanical body in a good-looking posture, so as to wait for the auction to appear on the scene. Look handsome.

“Ladies, ladies.”

Let Kara and Tang Xiaotian step off the stage first, Luo Feng solemnly announced: “I can create the stage play “Titanic”. It is the treasure of’Io, the lover who looks in the distance, the immortal man’ for me. Inspiration, it is indeed a historical wonder with a beautiful legend. Now, please enjoy this treasure together.”

Zhang Daniu pushed a pulley platform to the stage, and Io’s mechanical body was placed on the pulley platform, covered with a black cloth.

Luo Feng bowed farewell to the audience, and walked into the backstage under the reluctant watch of the ladies.

Klesia took over and presided over the auction. She invited the audience to select two representatives to come on stage to unveil “Io, the lover in the distance, the immortal man”.

Lady Hathaway was elected without a doubt. She is one of the most prominent among the ladies of Amn. She was elected with Ms. Barana-Janulin, the female city of Ascatla. long.

Her Excellency the mayor’s visit to the Five Flagship Hotel today is not accidental. Although in name she accepted the invitation of the art contractor Quartaris to join her, but in fact her intention was to come to supervise the auction income and pay taxes according to the law.

Amn is a “tax-first” commercial country. In addition to the public security problems of the urban area, the mayors of major cities within the territory have their second problem with collecting taxes. 14% of Amn’s residents are halflings and midgets, both of whom are big tax evaders, causing huge losses to Amn’s fiscal revenue every year.

If the largest tax evasion household is the dwarf, then the second largest household is the art contractor. The value of artwork is difficult to assess. If the transaction is done privately, both parties will simultaneously declare the transaction at a friendly price of 1 gold coin, so there is no need to pay taxes. But the actual turnover may be 10,000 gold coins.

Although the auction is open, the female mayor is still worried. She knows from the rumors that this work of art is extraordinary and magical, and it will surely be able to sell for sky-high prices. If the art contractor gets in the way and colludes with the auctioneer If the transaction price is falsely reported, the Ascatla City Hall will suffer losses. This is something that the female mayor will never allow.

So she came in person today, saying that she was supporting her, but she was actually a supervisor.

The female mayor’s eyes were also swollen. As Amn’s first strong woman, others looked like she was like an iron lady made of steel, not to mention crying, even when she shed blood, her face remained unchanged.

However, today the aristocratic women of Amn saw the other side of the female mayor. She cried and called a man’s name for a long time.

The mayor and the lady jazz came onto the stage, standing on both sides of the sculpture covered with black cloth, each grabbing a corner of the black cloth and lifting it forcefully.

“Io, the lover who looks into the distance, the immortal man for thousands of years” was presented in front of the noble women who had just experienced loneliness and sorrow in Ascatraz, but still cherished love.


There was an uproar in unison.

“Really exactly like Io in the stage play, his affectionate eyes are vivid…”

“This is a sculpture? No! This is obviously a living person. Is Mr. Bradlow joking with everyone again? He pretends to be Io on stage as a sculpture?”

“Have you not heard from Miss Claysia? Io is a living statue that can be immortal for thousands of years and will always remain the same as before.”

Lady Hathaway looked at Io in a daze. She reached out and stroked Io’s cheek, just like the old Rose’s action in the last scene of a stage play.

“Eros Sunee is here!” Hathaway touched Io’s cheek with her finger, as if being burned. She exclaimed: “This touch…just like when I stroked Lyle Carter’s cheek at the wedding. same.”

The more she looked at Io’s face, the more she looked like her dead husband, but Io was younger and more handsome.

In fact, her husband’s face in her memory has long been blurred, and Fei Lun has no photographic skills, but there are painters who make portraits of nobles. Portraits are always somewhat distorted, and it is more common to look like speciousness.

This is called the “empathy effect” in psychology. What she really likes is the character Io in “Titanic”, but that is just a fictional image. In reality, the only objects that can entrust feelings are Io’s sculptures. His affection was transferred to the sculpture.

This is the same reason that the animation houses sell blood to buy the hands. What is the return of investing heavily in the plastic villain industry? Entrusting feelings is the most important thing.

Io in the plot of “Titanic” is really a perfect lover, the Prince Charming in the eyes of Ascatella women, and the dreamer Morpheus who encounters in the beautiful dream.

She naturally transferred the feeling that the man she once loved the most to her to Io, thinking that Io resembled her former husband, whether it looked or touched.

This is just an illusion, but Hathaway is completely unaware of it, thinking that it is the case.

“I must get him!” Lady Hathaway made up her mind secretly.

Suddenly she figured it out, what else would she do to find those little wolfdogs who had no plans?

If you have Io, you can sit in front of him and watch him quietly during the day, or talk to him. He will look back at her with those affectionate eyes, and patiently ask her to talk, and he won’t get bored all day.

You can hug him at night, pillow him on his broad chest and let him accompany him through the long night, even if there is a need, Io can satisfy her, even tirelessly.

What a great companion!

Even if her face grows old, turning into a gray-haired old woman like the last scene of a stage play, Io will still look at herself with affectionate eyes and treat herself as before.

Even if life is gone, and I bury myself with Io, the immortal person will accompany my remains forever, how romantic and happy this will be.

However, while standing on the stage, Lady Hathaway looked down and found countless pairs of greedy eyes. I am afraid that every female nobleman in the audience had the same idea as her.

Miss Minna, the daughter of the Governor of the Port Authority, has already screamed and shouted: “He is my beloved! My dear Io, I am willing to elope with you!”

The hostess of the Delrin family blatantly lied: “Oh, this art treasure, my husband who loves antiques will definitely love it. I must take a photo of Io and give it to him!”

Even the female mayor, Ms. Balana, who has always been fair, strict and self-disciplined, took the opportunity to use power for personal gain and quietly touched Io’s solid chest muscles, with very dishonest hands and feet.

I am afraid that this auction cannot be solved with a small sum of money.

There is only one Io, but there are hundreds of women who want to be Io’s always-watching lover, and Amn’s annual tear-off drama is about to start.

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