Lord God Investigator

Chapter 87 - Auction (2)

The prelude to the auction has just been unveiled, and the buyers present have already begun to peep at each other with hostile eyes, but Luo Feng still wants to make the smell of gunpowder stronger.

Klesia told the ladies present that there are codes on the invitation letters they received. She will randomly select 30 codes. Women who read the codes can come on stage in groups of three to get close contact with “Io , The one who looks at the lover in the distance, the one who is immortal for thousands of years.”

As for why everyone is not allowed to get on stage, Klesia’s explanation is: “Your sisters are busy nobles, time is more precious, and the auction we organize does not want to take up too much time for everyone.”

In fact, the previous stage play “Titanic” has already consumed more than three hours of their precious time. Not only did they not complain, they would even spend another three or four hours repeating it again and again if possible. Watch Titanic a few more times.

Thirty lucky spectators were quickly selected, and groups of three came up in turn, circled the sculpture in the center of the stage to observe them up close, and the more courageous lady would reach out and stroke it.

The admiration was endless, and every lady who had come into contact with Io’s mechanical body would exclaim one or two.

“Oh, so soft face, I really want to know how it feels to kiss on it.”

“His lips are really…, how does it feel to kiss me?”

“Those eyes, oh my god, are so affectionate, they keep staring at me.”

When a lady stretched out a thief’s hand to Io, the audience in the audience and the ladies watching Io next to her would stare at her and even reprimand her for her lack of education.

But when they were themselves, they couldn’t help but stretch out the thief’s hand and touch this magical treasure well. The ladies in the audience were very depressed, and sighed why the Goddess Tamora did not take care of them and gave them a chance to kiss Fangze.

The ladies who were given the opportunity to touch Io returned to the stage and praised how smooth Io’s skin was, how broad his chest was, and how strong his thighs were.

It aroused the strong curiosity and possessiveness of the ladies who were not on stage.

This round of “commodity experience” was over, and the auction finally ushered in the final link. Claysia stepped onto the stage and said to everyone in the audience:

“Dear sisters, you have already learned about the background story of Io through the stage play, and you have observed and even touched this strange thing up close. The last thing I want to say is,’Io, the lover who looks into the distance, immortal forever “The man” is the only existence in the main material world, and the gods will no longer bless the second immortal love saint. If you don’t get him this time, there will be no more in this life, in the next life, and even within ten thousand years. Chance to have him.”

Klesia walked to the side of the mechanical body, put her fingers together in a gesture of display, and continued to introduce: “If everyone doubts whether this strange thing is really immortal for thousands of years, then we can do an experiment to prove it.”

Zhang Daniu walked up to the stage with a crossbow and shot an arrow at the head of Io sculpture apart from anything else. The women in the audience exclaimed, as if the arrow had been shot at a living person–their beloved one.

The arrow is centered on the eyebrow, but it is easily bounced. Although the skin of Io’s mechanical body looks the same as a real human skin, it is made of high-strength polymer. Not to mention the shooting of a bow and a crossbow, it is shot by a large-caliber gun. Steel core armor piercing bullets can’t penetrate.

Zhang Daniu replaced the crossbow with acid arrows, burning arrows, frozen arrows, broken magic arrows, lightning arrows…

In a burst of exclamation, none of these special crossbows worked, and the attack was completely immune! Shooting on Io’s mechanical body just burned through the clothes, not even an inch of its skin was scratched.

Io’s mechanical body is so “unmagical” tough and tough, far exceeding the limit of the creation rules of Faerun continent, it has caused many damages, and it has become a vain piece of “unmagical” materials. Into a statue.

Many of the materials that make up the mechanical body of Io are not found on the continent of Faerun, but it is impossible for the craftsmen of Faerun to dismantle and re-cast this mechanical body. They use the furnace to smelt fine gold. Wendu can’t reach the temperature of melting the bones of Iomandela alloy-in fact, the melting and construction of Mandela alloy does not use high-temperature melting at all.

This sculpture is indeed a rare treasure. It is made of many top-quality materials. It is a pity that the best craftsmen in Faerun mainland can’t use any of the above materials. Luo Feng can only sell it to aristocratic women as a pillow.

Of course, in order to raise the value of Io, it is necessary to show the magical characteristics of the mechanical body that is impenetrable and non-invasive.

“Since the use of magic is forbidden in the city of Ascatla, in order to avoid the censure of the Masked Mages, we will not publicly show the characteristics of this strange thing that is not afraid of magical attacks.”

Claysia motioned to Zhang Daniu to stop, and said to everyone in the audience: “Io’s’immortality’ is immortality in the true sense, not just a slogan, it is just like’true love’,’Io is forever. “One statue will be handed down forever’, it can be used as a family heirloom and passed on from generation to generation.”

There really is something immortal in this world?

The women in the audience saw such a test with their own eyes. They were surprised and even more convinced that the authenticity of the background story about Io could withstand the test and was not an exaggeration or fabricated by art dealers.

If it weren’t for the blessing of Lady Sunee, how could it have the “immortal” characteristics like an artifact?

“Now, your sisters have a deep understanding of this strange object.” Claysia finally officially announced: “Then, our auction bidding session has officially started, “Io, the lover in the distance, immortal forever. The people’s base price is 50,000 gold coins, and each increase shall not be less than 5,000 gold coins. The highest price will be awarded. After three biddings, no one will bid, and the hammer will be sold!”

The reserve price is fifty thousand gold coins!

This is not a small amount. The most expensive magic equipment “Vecna ​​Robe” sold by Ms. Didry in the Aurora shop in the market area of ​​the Temple of Woking is only 40,000 gold coins.

Although “Vecna’s Robe” cannot be compared with the same series of artifacts, “Vecna’s Eye” and “Vecna’s Hand”, it is also a handicapped god, a whisperer, and a hidden master. Vic’s powerful magical quasi-artifact can enable the caster to make the spell instantaneous almost without spending time chanting. It is a treasure that the caster dreams of.

When the noble ladies in the field heard such a reserve price, they did not say anything, but just watched each other.

Claysia on the stage was a little nervous. She was worried that the price was too high, which scared the buyers. Io’s mechanical body won’t be sold out, right?

If these noble women didn’t buy it, it would really become a large pile of non-burnable garbage.

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