Lord God Investigator

Chapter 88 - Auction (3)

The weird silence in the theater lasted for quite a long time, so that Claysia on the stage was a little uncomfortable. She wanted to say something. She kept winking at Luo Feng, hoping that the captain would come to the rescue, Luo. Feng just waved his hand at her, indicating that he didn’t need to worry.

Finally, a lady in the audience raised her hand, which was a gesture for bidding.

It was as if the thrown stones broke the calm lake. This time, raising their hands set off a huge wave. The women under the stage could no longer hold the elegant and demure shelf, like aunts who rushed into the discount underwear store to snap up.

“Fifty-five thousand gold coins!”

“Sixty thousand gold coins!”

“Seventy thousand! Seventy thousand!”

“Damn bitch, don’t grab Io with me, you business women, don’t you just have a few stinky gold coins!”

“Do you still have the courage to make a price when you settle down? The poor ghosts who live on the broken manor uploaded by their ancestors dare to **** Io from me. I really can’t help it!”

“One hundred thousand gold coins! Don’t fight, Io is mine, he is my love, my treasure… mine!”

Claysia was taken aback by this scene, and stared blankly at these luxuriously-dressed ladies who were screaming and even clamoring for sky-high prices, as if the gold coins in their mouths were piles of stones, ten thousand ten thousand. Stacked up.

Just at the beginning, the price has reached 100,000 gold coins. I am afraid that organizing a large adventure group to break through an ancient dragon’s dragon’s lair will not collect so much money-in fact, Faerun’s dragons are very poor, in the dragon’s lair. Five ten thousand gold coins can be regarded as the local tyrants among the dragons.

The luxury of the aristocratic women in Ascatraz refreshed Klesia’s knowledge of the accumulation of wealth in Faerun. She also organized similar auctions when she was a native of the magical world. She knew that these nobles liked it. Spend big money on luxury goods that have no practical value.

But in her impression, the Faerun mainland gold coins are still relatively difficult to earn. The nobles who own a castle and dependent territories have a monthly income of only 1,000 to 2,000 gold coins, and only more than 10,000 gold coins a year.

But the female aristocrats who were bidding in the audience showed up as if their family’s annual income was more than 50,000 or 60,000 gold coins.

Luo Feng had actually anticipated this situation a long time ago. The city of Ascatla is located in the center of the west coast of the Faerun continent. It can pass through the “Candle Fort” and “Bald Gate” when sailing north along the coast “Deep Water City”, “Neverwinter City”, “Luskan”, and then to the north around the “Spine of the World” is the “Ice Wind Valley”, which is an excellent maritime trade route.

If you sail south and bypass the “Fire Dragon Yawan”, you will enter the land of Tethyr. If you continue to the south and bypass the Karin Desert, you will arrive at Karin Port in Karinshan, where the silk and jewelry produced there are valuable Very high demand goods.

Sailing westward into the ocean, you can go to “Yongju Island”, “Moonshadow Island” and “Nairnthir Islands” to purchase the Elf Kingdom Elf Mithril series weapons and Northlanders’ horses, coal, and special armor.

Is the rate of return on investment in ocean trade comparable to the output of the land’s agriculture and animal husbandry industries?

The aristocratic class of Amn has begun the transformation of new aristocrats to replace old aristocrats. The new aristocrats who have risen through ocean trade may not have a deep family background, but the gold coins they can take out are far from the old aristocrats in the territory. Up.

One hundred thousand gold coins may be a huge amount of money that an adventurer can’t make in a few lifetimes. For a new nobleman who owns a sea trade fleet, it is just the profit accumulated by several successful merchants.

The price was raised to 100,000 gold coins, and the successive bidding finally slowed down. This kind of 100,000 gold is no longer an expense that ordinary noble families can afford.

The female nobles who were unable to bid, had red eyes, and stared bitterly at the few people who were still bidding, as if they were their rivals and feuds.

“One hundred thousand gold coins!” Mrs. Fei Xuru-Mia, wife of the sea merchant Fei Xuru-Lof, shouted loudly, “I will not let Io be imprisoned in your boudoir. He can only be by my side. Free!”

“Shameless old woman!” someone secretly shouted: “Your husband has been doing foreign business all the year round. Everyone knows what you will do to him after getting Io!”

“One hundred twenty thousand gold coins!” Feibina Farad, the daughter of Serk Farad, the largest mansion owner in Ascatel, said with her chin proudly: “We have everything in the family, but Io is missing. He will be the best decoration in my bedroom, and will be my best friend who accompanies me when I am lonely.”

“One hundred and fifty thousand gold coins!” Tom’s guardian, the wife of Sir Madus, the deputy head of the Knights of the Heart of the Heart, exclaimed: “Io’s great sentiment is in line with the teachings of Tom, the **** of loyalty and courage, Being extremely loyal to love and full of courage to sacrifice for the one he loves, I brought Io home and my husband should be very happy too.”

Sure enough, it is an old noble family, and Sir Madus’s family has such a profound background.

It’s just that if Io enters his house, it is difficult to guarantee that the knight’s armor helmet will be dyed, and the lady will violate the teachings of the gods she believes in and do disloyal but brave things behind her husband.

The bid of 150,000 gold coins was shouted, and the audience suddenly fell silent, and there was no more bidding.

After all, it is 150,000 gold coins. So much money is enough to buy up the magic equipment in the adventurer market. It has far exceeded the value of a work of art. The noble women here are even two or three years of luxury consumption overdraft. The budget can’t make up so much money.

Claysia suppressed his excitement, raised the gavel, and asked loudly, “Are there any bidders?”

After asking once, she slammed it down with a mallet. After a hammer, she asked again: “Is there any bidder for the first hammer?”

There was still silence, and the eyes of the women in the audience showed hopelessness, and they were more sad than their dead husbands.

Under the second hammer, Claysia thought that 150,000 gold coins was probably the last bid, and it should be the transaction price. She couldn’t help feeling that, under the captain’s series of operations, a large amount of non-burnable garbage was sold at such a high price. This time it was enough for the whole team to change their clothes. Everyone put on a golden magical equipment, like this in Falun mainland. The high-risk world also has the power of World War I.

She was about to smash the third hammer, but she heard a soft voice from the audience: “Two hundred thousand gold coins!”

Following her reputation, Claysia recognized the bidder, who was Sir Hathaway, a pretty widow with a net worth of millions, known as the richest and freest woman in Ascatraz.

Ms. Hathaway is not just a romantic widow who only knows how to enjoy the legacy of her deceased husband. In fact, after the death of her husband, the family’s fortune has more than doubled under her management. She is a talented business man but only uses her fame. Famous, it’s just because the world is selective blindness and likes to treat women with prejudice.

She endured until the last moment, seeing the hole cards in the hands of all the female nobles present, and finally bid for the lore.

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