Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1591 - Master the cycle

At the bridge command center of the flagship “Courage” of the Lunar Orbit Apocalypse Expeditionary Fleet, Bruce Wayne, wearing a general uniform, is looking indifferently at the dark starry door in the distance.

In the command center, in addition to the generals in military uniforms, young superheroes are also standing by. Now these half-year-old children who were only 16 or 7 years old have grown into aspiring young men in their early twenties. Mian’s careful training over the past five years has faded their childishness and become more stable.

The biggest change is that these young superheroes no longer wear those colorful tights, but wear uniform nano combat uniforms with their military ranks imprinted on them.

Of course, the Fort Earth project also includes the superheroes of the past. No one can be an exception. They cannot be exempted from military service because of their superior talents and natural extraordinary powers.

The youngest superheroes with the lowest rank have all reached the rank of major.

Superheroes such as Supergirls, Wonder Girls, Dick Grayson, and Xinghuo, who have performed very well, have even been promoted to the rank of colonel, and they will be able to become a general star if they obtain further exploits in actual combat.

As for Steel Bone, he has been promoted to lieutenant general, thanks to his contributions in the field of science and technology and communications in the past few years. Whether it is the construction of Stargate or the cyber transformation of humans, she has completed indispensable jobs.

This group of young superheroes now belong to the young and young officers of the Earth Defense Forces. Many of them were trained and promoted by Bruce Wayne. They have high loyalty to Bruce Wayne and belong to the Wayne faction. The backbone of the country.

There are rivers and lakes where there are people, and factions where there are rights and disputes. As the first Secretary-General of the coalition government and the current Chief of Staff of the Earth Defense Force, Bruce Wayne is also regarded as one of the high-ranking officials in the human camp. It is normal to build your own faction.

An officer walked quickly into the command center, came to Bruce Wayne, saluted him, and handed him a briefing on the battle.

“The Rogge camp has defeated the demon army, and its control range has been extended to a hundred kilometers around the center of the portal. This is the first day of the battle report of Operation Earth Fracture. Please have a look at the Chief of Staff.”

Bruce took the report, glanced at it, nodded and said, “There were more than 67,000 casualties on the first day of the operation, um… the damage in the battle was relatively low, and the old men and boys did a good job.”

A young officer beside him frowned. This officer was Colonel Dick Grayson, an adjunct to the Chief of Staff of Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson has been following Damian for several years. Lieutenant, as conscientious and responsible as he was when he was Robin for Batman.

Of course, Damian has always shown the appearance of Bruce Wayne. In the eyes of those who don’t know the truth, Dick is still acting as a Robin for Batman.

“On the first day, more than 60,000 people were injured or killed. The war damage is too high, right?”

Dick said anxiously: “The war is really a monster that eats human lives. The’Operation Earth Split’ is an endless expedition. According to the action plan, it will last at least a few years. Counting this, we will lose more than nearly nearly every year in hell. Ten thousand soldiers!”

“There won’t be so many!” Bruce shook his head and said: “Our soldiers have not yet adapted to the battlefield on the first day of landing in Hell. It is only natural that the casualty rate is higher. When the soldiers exercise, the daily casualty number is expected to drop to about 20,000. “

“Twenty thousand is not too much!” Dick Grayson was still very difficult to accept, and said distressedly: “Twenty thousand casualties every day…This is simply unimaginable in a peaceful age…”

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice and used the technique of transmitting the sound into the secret, and said to the counterfeit Bruce humanely: “No wonder the real Bruce said that you are too cold-hearted and don’t take human life seriously, tens of thousands or even thousands. The death of Wandi can’t cause any ripples in your heart. You don’t treat people as living beings at all.”

The counterfeit Bruce shook his head slightly with a smile, and also used the method of sound transmission and secret transmission, and replied: “So, his vision is also the same. The overall situation is too bad. Be a good brother. Mayor Tan is difficult, so he can beat some hapless rogues in a small way. Do you think I didn’t consider the issue of war consumption? Do you think I made a plan to send tens of thousands of people to death just because of my cruel nature? Let me teach you what is the big picture! In fact, I think that 60,000 casualties are too few every day!”

Dick Grayson was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at the fake Bruce with a look of devil. Although he knew that this kid was cruel, he didn’t expect to be so cruel that he still thought that the Earth Defense Forces had not enough casualties. , And said that the sacrifice of so many lives is a big picture! This is simply what the typical villain Boss said!

“Do you know the normal mortality rate for people on Earth in peacetime?”

Counterfeit Bruce then asked: “In peacetime, the total number of deaths in the world is more than 58 million people every year. If you count 160,000 people every day, if you die less than this number, the growth rate of the earth’s population will be too high. After the implementation of the Fortress Earth project, the elderly, the disabled and the sick have all undergone cyber transformation. The natural mortality rate of the population has been greatly reduced, and the natural cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death has been broken. If the population is not consumed in wars, The balance of life and death in the universe will be disordered. In short, the entrance to the underworld and heaven has been unavailable in the past few years. If we don’t send some people to heaven, it will cause a crisis of imbalance because of the destruction of the world’s life and death rules! What kind of disaster broke out to forcibly reduce the population!”

Dick Grayson was also taken aback. He never wanted to reach Mian and send troops to **** to die. There are also family planning and environmental protection considerations. Of course, the “family planning” and “environmental protection” are based on the perspective of balancing the world’s life and death rules, and traditional meaning. “Family planning” and “environmental protection” on the Internet are not the same thing.

The DC Universe often has a “cosmic ecological crisis” in which the rules of the world are out of balance. It seems that once the anti-life equation is tampered with, it will trigger a zombie crisis. On the contrary, it will destroy the earth faster. The mortality rate of the earth’s people is too low. It’s a good thing, but the supreme beings who pay attention to the balance of everything don’t like it. Some disaster must be done to balance the data.

To put it nicely, this means that mortals must respect the law of reincarnation of life and death. The ugly point is that the existence of high-dimensionality does not allow people on the earth to live a good life. They feel uncomfortable when they see the people on the earth live comfortably.

“But… But after the implementation of the Fortress Earth technology, the birth rate has dropped drastically?” Dick racked his brains, seeming to seize the loophole in Damian’s logic, and retorted: “Isn’t the balance of life and death in this way be broken?”

“Yes, after the implementation of the plan, people all over the world have entered the boot camp. It is difficult for adult men and women to train separately to have a private space, and the number of newborns has dropped to the lowest point in history.”

Bruce nodded and said: “In this way, a balance is maintained corresponding to the mortality rate. The population of the earth will not increase or decrease, and will not affect the law of life and death balance… However, this situation also has a huge hidden danger, that is, the population has an age gap. After all, human beings cannot live forever, even if the elderly live longer, they will eventually die of aging. If no more newborns are added, the age of the global population will become larger and larger! There is no need to repeat the harm of the age of the population, so from now on, the coalition government will lift the ban , To mix adult male and female soldiers into groups and encourage them to applaud for love and create humans as a reasonable way of recreation and fitness during the long and boring starship mission. While the war consumes the population, the implementation of policies triggers a wave of war babies tide!”

Dick Grayson was completely dumbfounded. He never wanted to reach Mian. In order to maintain the balance of the world’s law of life and death and keep the population age level normal, not only the death of the earthlings, but also the lives of the earthlings are being calculated! It is truly in full control of the life cycle of the earth’s people. This is comparable to the superheroes who only know to save people, but only save the people they can see in front of them. They don’t know where the vision goes!

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