Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1592 - Warrior of love and courage

What is the most painful change since the implementation of the Fortress Earth project?

It is not that they want to leave their families and enter the military camp to live a hard-trained collective life, nor is it that they have to obey military orders every day and go to jail if they lose their freedom.

People are very adaptable, and habit is also a very powerful force. When people are used to not having to worry about eating and drinking, they can arrange all the “captive” lives as long as they obey orders and train military organizations. Many people also feel that this Days that are more regular, healthier, and don’t have to worry about the pressures of life are pretty mixed.

At least, the army has done a very complete fitness plan for the soldiers. Many middle-aged greasy men with fat and broken bodies before joining the army have turned into muscular tough guys and handsome uncles after rigorous training in the army.

Life in modern society is so stressful that many people are not better than going to jail. Every day in 996, there is no overtime pay, and there is no free time and rest time. That is to say, you can earn a little more than jail, and you can’t spend it all. I took it to pay the mortgage to support my family, and it was easy to go bankrupt after some accident or a serious illness, and I returned to the pre-liberation period.

After joining the Earth Defense Forces, you can forget all the troubles of life. Just remember what the training mission is today and complete the training seriously. The army provides all the food, clothing, and medical support. What is the daily necessities? You can get it by applying to the quartermaster.

No matter what serious illness you have, the military can provide the best medical support. Even if the organ fails and becomes cancerous, it can replace the cyber artificial organ.

If it were not for the limited stock of the pool of Lazarus and unable to open up supply to all mankind, the people on earth would really be able to come back to life from the dead, and it would be no problem to resurrect the dead.

The army’s food may not be very tasty, but the nutritional ratio is very balanced, and there are strict regulations on work and rest time to ensure that the soldiers have enough sleep and energy.

Daily physical training also guarantees sufficient exercise volume, and will never grow fat due to sedentary sitting and always lying in bed and watching mobile phones. The health index of all people on earth has reached the highest point in human history, not to mention the patients, even Both sub-healthy and obese people will almost be wiped out.

One of the essence of human beings is “true fragrance.” Many people complained when they were forced to join the army, condemning that the coalition government was too domineering and dictatorial and depriving people of the world’s freedom, but after five years of military career, more people fell in love with this The new life, because they are more energetic, and their physical fitness has reached the peak of life. The feeling of health is the most precious. It is more valuable than a lifetime of hard work, but the body collapses, and the money earned by working hard is not enough to cure the disease. happy.

But things often have two sides. Joining the army has its advantages and disadvantages. The army, like jail, implements an abstinence system in which male and female soldiers are trained separately.

Both men and women on the earth are getting healthier and better, their physical strength and energy are getting more and more abundant, and even their body shape is getting more and more fit, but they suffer from excess energy and strong desires, but they can only hold back nothing. Vent.

Five years are just about to reach a limit. Generally speaking, human beings can control desire for up to seven years. After seven years, no matter how decent, traditional and loyal people, they will have a strong sense of “itch” and begin to involuntarily seek self-liberation of desire. .

Three years in the army, the sows have all raced Diaochan, not to mention the human adult men and women who have served as soldiers for five years. Fortunately, there are no pigs in the army, and all logistics are handed over to the robots. Otherwise, the pork in the army will not have to be brought It smells like seafood.

What kind of person Damian was in his previous life. The main **** investigator’s insight into human nature is strong. He knew in his heart that the global soldiers’ desire for dissatisfaction reached a threshold. If there is no policy intervention, it will definitely affect morale. , Therefore, the overall strategic goal is not known.

The psychological pressure on the soldiers of the starship expedition must be great. The long and unpredictable interstellar journey away from home has added to the distress of the crew of the starship. After all, they are going to conquer the apocalypse, the center of evil in the universe, and are likely to be soldiers on the expedition. A large part of it cannot be returned.

If some incentives are not introduced in time to force the soldiers to go on the expedition, it is very likely that the emperor Sui Yang’s expedition to Goryeo will be like the expedition. It is clear that the soldiers who go on the expedition are strong soldiers, but the fighting will is lost on the long journey. Not only did the expedition fail, but also shaken. The foundation of the empire caused turmoil in the world.

But since the implementation of the Fortress Earth project, the global currency has been cancelled. Even if Damian wants to motivate the soldiers, there is no salary to pay, but he is very clever. Since he can’t spend money to motivate the soldiers, let the soldiers motivate each other. Well, male soldiers inspire female soldiers, female soldiers inspire male soldiers, male soldiers inspire male soldiers, and female soldiers inspire female soldiers. Everyone produces and sells themselves and entertains themselves. It is also a good physical and psychological therapy.

Just before the expeditionary fleet set off, the United Government’s Defense Forces Command issued the “Expeditionary Force Wartime Code of Conduct” to the entire army. This code of practice stipulates the rules that expeditionary soldiers must abide by in war, such as strict observance of orders and must Hand in seizures in time, prohibit deserters, etc.

But there is a hidden “welfare” in this code of practice, that is, soldiers on the expedition get special approval, and male and female soldiers are mixed, allowing soldiers to do what they love during the break between combat and duty to relieve the pressure of combat. .

Moreover, the code even allows soldiers to do things without taking any security measures. Even if lives are lost, the military is fully responsible for providing the soldiers with free children.

Of course, the breeding methods are relatively simple and rude. The artificial cultivation tank technology used by Damian is used. The cultivation tank also incorporates the Kryptonian “origin chamber” gene modulation technology to ensure the quality of the best children. Excellent, it may even be born with super powers.

Unlike Krypton completely abandoning natural reproduction, human culture tank technology still breeds naturally at the stage of forming fertilized eggs, but when the embryo is formed, it is immediately taken out of the mother and placed in the culture tank, which is also a kind of too extreme Krypton breeding. Technical improvement.

After all, giving birth to a child not only has the function of reproduction, but also the function of entertainment. Without this entertainment function, where does love come from?

In fact, the destruction of Krypton is not necessarily the expansion of the red sun, but that the Kryptonians rely excessively on scientific breeding technology, which violates the world rules behind the DC universe’s “love power generation”.

Their extinction was actually caused by the “lack of love” and was condemned by the gods of high latitudes. Therefore, they collectively descended from Zhikong, who had black technology and various magical superpowers, but when the crisis came, all members were in a daze and waited for death, only to escape A baby who violated the life code and was raised by his parents with true love.

With the current level of human black technology and medical technology, some diseases spread through applause have long been eliminated. Nanorobots can be injected into the blood to perfectly target and remove any harmful viruses and bacteria. The most serious consequences of applause by soldiers without safety measures That is to kill people.

It happened that Damian also planned to develop a mass production movement to create some new population to solve the age gap and peaceful suppression of the population shortage of soldiers who died in the war, so he simply didn’t even distribute safety production equipment to the soldiers, and they just messed up. As long as it does not delay fighting and performing duties.

However, this benefit is only provided to enlisted soldiers. Soldiers who stayed on the earth away from the battlefield cannot enjoy it. After the release of the “Expeditionary Military Practice Code”, troops around the world have been fighting high, and there were still many soldiers who were afraid of war. Afraid of being selected for the expedition, the soldiers are now writing blood books and crying and actively requesting to join the expeditionary army, collectively presenting a brave demeanor who is willing to shed blood for the glory of the earth.

From this point of view, “love” is the most important part of “courage”. The warriors of love fly to the distant universe on a steel giant ship, crusade against the residence of the evil universe demon king, and stimulate the power of origin by continuously creating life. Against the anti-life equation, this behavior itself has risen to the level of art. In a sense, it is very consistent with the truth of the universe. It can be described as the blessing of the destiny. If you want to lose, you don’t know how to lose. It is really song and tear, song and tear…

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