Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1055 Anxiety

"Send the order to have the reserves in the rear immediately reinforce the front line. The king said in a deep voice, "We must defend every inch of the land for the future of the Holy Spirit Empire!"

However, the reinforcements from the reserves failed to reverse the situation.

Under the powerful offensive of the coalition forces, the Holy Spirit Empire's defense line gradually collapsed.

Cities fell one after another, people were displaced, and the entire empire fell into chaos and panic.

As the war continued to advance, the territory of the Holy Spirit Empire was encroached upon by the coalition forces.

The king and ministers anxiously discussed countermeasures, but in the face of such a powerful enemy, they seemed helpless.

"Your Majesty, we must find a way to seek peace." A loyal minister suggested, "If this continues, we will only suffer greater losses.

"Seek peace?" The king's eyes widened, "You want us to ask for peace from those treacherous villains? This "two-two-seven" is simply an insult!"

"Your Majesty, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood." Another minister persuaded, "What we need now is time, a chance to breathe.

Only by preserving the foundation of the country can we have a chance to make a comeback. "

"They have already reached Kesar, the third largest city. What should we do!!!"

"What are you afraid of? We have a backup plan!"

The king took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He understood that the Holy Spirit Empire was at a critical moment of life and death.

Although it is humiliating to seek peace, it may be able to win a glimmer of hope for the country.

However, the pride and dignity in his heart made it difficult for him to accept this reality.

"Your Majesty, time waits for no one." The ministers persuaded anxiously, "If we don't take action, I'm afraid the entire empire will fall into the Myriad Tribulations.

The king frowned and fell into deep thought.

He knew that as the king of a country, he must think about the future of the country.

But the decision to seek peace was too difficult for him.

Just as the king was hesitating, a young general hurriedly broke into the meeting hall.

"Your Majesty!" the general said breathlessly, "we have discovered a fatal weakness of the coalition forces!"

"Oh?" The king's eyes lit up, "Come and tell me!"

The general took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then said: "According to reports from our spies, there are serious problems with the coalition's logistical supply lines.

Their supply line was cut off by a mysterious force, resulting in a serious shortage of food, grass and ammunition for the coalition soldiers. "

"God is really helping me!" The king slammed the table and said excitedly, "If we can take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, we may be able to turn the tide of the war in one fell swoop!"

The ministers also nodded in agreement.

They know that this is a rare opportunity and they must seize it.

"Send the order immediately!" the king said decisively, "Let the knights and the royal mages prepare, we are going to launch a large-scale counterattack!"

As the king's order was issued, the entire Holy Spirit Empire began to take action.

The Knights and the Royal Mage Group quickly gathered and prepared to launch a fatal blow to the coalition forces.

"Next, prepare our strength!"

"Go mobilize that team!"

"It's time." The king of the Holy Spirit Empire had firm eyes. He looked at the coalition positions in the distance, and his heart was full of determination, "Mobilize the Royal Mage Group [We will reverse the war in ten actions!"

The order was quickly passed on, and the entire palace became busy.

Soldiers were running around every corner of the palace, delivering the king's orders.

Soon, a mysterious team began to gather. They were the Royal Mage Group of the Holy Spirit Empire.

This mage group is led by a half-Divine Level mage born from royal blood. He wears a purple robe with a star array and holds a golden staff. He is majestic and mysterious.

He is surrounded by more than thirty legendary mages, each of whom exudes a powerful magical aura and seems to control the power of all things in the world.

On the outside, there are a thousand Great Demon instructors, wearing blue robes and holding various staffs, their eyes shining with love and persistence for magic.

"Our mission is to bring victory to the Holy Spirit Empire!" The half-Divine Level mage raised his staff and declared loudly.

His voice echoed in everyone's heart, arousing endless fighting spirit.

With a loud horn sound, the Royal Mage Corps walked towards the battlefield in an orderly manner.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of the coalition forces.

"What is that?" A general of the coalition forces looked at the mage team approaching in the distance in surprise, "Is it... the Royal Mage Group of the Holy Spirit Empire?"

"Impossible!" another general retorted, "The Royal Mage Corps has not appeared on the battlefield for a long time, they must be hiding...

However, the facts were before them.

The Royal Mage Group not only appeared, but also approached the coalition's position at an alarming speed.

With every step they took, the fear in the hearts of the Union soldiers increased.

When the Royal Mage Group finally stopped, the distance between the two sides was already very close.

The half-Divine Level mage held up his staff and chanted ancient magic spells.

As he chanted, the surrounding air was filled with fluctuations of magic.

"Unite to chant magic·Light of Destruction!" More than thirty legendary mages shouted in unison. Together with the half-Divine Level mages, they released powerful magical power.

A thousand Great Demon mentors followed closely behind, and their staffs released dazzling light, illuminating the entire battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of energy fell from the sky and hit the coalition's position.

This energy was like a force that destroyed the heaven and earth, instantly destroying the coalition's defense line without a trace.

The soldiers screamed in terror and ran away, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not escape this powerful magical force.

The generals of the coalition forces watched helplessly as their soldiers fell one by one under the magical attacks of the Royal Mage Corps, and their hearts were filled with despair.

They tried to organize an effective counterattack, but in the face of this powerful magical power, all efforts seemed so futile 4.0.

"This... what kind of magic is this? It's so powerful!" A general of the coalition said with a trembling voice.

"What should we do? We simply can't resist such power!" Another general said in fear. His face turned pale and he lost his usual composure.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" the coalition commander finally ordered, "We can't continue fighting and must leave here immediately!"

However, the Royal Mage Group did not give them a chance to escape.

The half-Divine Level mage raised his staff again, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky, completely blocking the coalition's retreat.

"You have nowhere to escape." The half-Divine Level mage said coldly, "Pay the price for your aggression!"

The coalition soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

They know that in front of the Royal Mage Group, any resistance is in vain.

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