Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1,056 There Is No Other Way

"Please, please let us go!"

"We just want to survive, we have no other ideas!"

The coalition soldiers knelt down and begged for mercy, their voices full of fear and helplessness.

Facing the powerful magical power of the Royal Mage Corps, they felt unprecedented despair.

The king of the Holy Spirit Empire looked at the scene in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart.

He was proud of the powerful power of the Royal Mage Corps, but also felt a little bit unbearable for the tragic situation of the coalition forces.

However, he knew the importance of this war to the Holy Spirit Empire, and he was not soft-hearted.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with these prisoners?" A general walked up to the king and asked in a low voice.

This sudden victory made them a little at a loss. After all, this situation has not happened for a long time.

The king was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "As usual, give them a decent funeral." His voice was a little hoarse, as if he was tired from the weight of the war.

The general nodded and turned around to arrange relevant matters.

The king continued to stand there, looking deeply at the mess on the battlefield.

He knew that victory in this war was hard-won, but it also cost them a huge price.

He must think about the future of the Holy Spirit Empire and cannot let this victory become the starting point of their downfall.

At the same time, there was chaos and panic in the coalition camp.

The generals rushed to try to stabilize the morale of the army, but in the face of the powerful power of the Royal Mage Corps, their efforts seemed so weak.

"What should we do?" a general asked anxiously, "We can't resist such power!" His face was full of helplessness and fear, as if he had seen the end of the coalition.

"We can't just give up!" Another general said through gritted teeth, "We must find a way to reverse the situation, otherwise we will have nothing!" His eyes flashed with determination, as if he was looking for a glimmer of hope for the future of the coalition.

However, hopelessness does not come so easily.

The powerful force of the Royal Mage Corps is like an insurmountable mountain, blocking the way of the coalition forces.

They tried to launch a counterattack, but each time they were easily defeated by the Royal Mage Group.

In the face of this powerful magical power, all the efforts of the coalition forces seemed so futile.

As time passed, the morale of the coalition forces gradually declined.

The generals anxiously discussed countermeasures, but failed every time.

They know that if they cannot come up with a solution as soon as possible, the coalition forces will be completely in dire straits.

"We can't go on like this." A general couldn't help but stood up, "We must find new power to fight against the Royal Mage Group.

Otherwise, we will only die!" His voice was full of determination and helplessness, as if he had prepared for the worst.

The other generals nodded in agreement.

They knew this was the only way out, otherwise they would not be able to escape the fate of being annihilated.

As a result, an action to seek new power quietly began.

However, the Turing Empire did not give them much time.

Under the leadership of the Royal Mage Corps, the Holy Spirit Empire's army launched a comprehensive counterattack.

They poured into the coalition positions like a torrent, forcing the coalition forces into a desperate situation.

"Hold on! Hold on!" the coalition generals shouted loudly, "We can't fail like this!" However, their voices seemed so weak.

Under the powerful attack of the Royal Mage Group, a hole was quickly torn open in the coalition's defense line.

The troops of the Holy Spirit Empire took advantage of the situation and entered into fierce hand-to-hand combat with the coalition forces.

The battlefield was filled with swords and swords and flesh and blood flying everywhere. Soldiers from both sides fought with all their might.

However, in this brutal battle, the coalition forces gradually showed their fatigue.

Their soldiers fell one after another, and the defense line became more and more fragile.

Finally, in a fierce charge, the coalition's defense line was completely broken through.

The troops of the Holy Spirit Empire poured into the coalition positions like a flood and annihilated all the remaining coalition soldiers.

This war ended with the complete victory of the Holy Spirit Empire.

But the other armies of the human empire did not give up. Instead, they gathered in another place with extremely angry looks in their eyes.

On the edge of a small town far away from the battlefield of gunfire, stood an inconspicuous tavern.

As night falls, dim light shines from the windows, in stark contrast to the surrounding darkness.

This tavern is usually a place for soldiers to relax and have fun, but tonight [it became ten secret military meeting halls.

The atmosphere in the tavern was extremely tense, and the air was filled with a strong smell of tobacco and wet sweat.

Sitting next to several wooden tables were several High Level generals wearing different imperial uniforms.

They all had solemn expressions on their faces, as if they shouldered the fate of the entire empire.

"Bang!" There was a loud sound, and a general suddenly slammed the table and stood up, attracting everyone's attention.

He is a general from the Northern Empire, with a resolute face and an unyielding light in his eyes.

"Everyone, we can't give up just yet!" His voice was low and firm, echoing in every corner of the tavern. The arrogance of the Xinkang Empire must be suppressed.

We cannot allow them to trample on our dignity and territory like this. "

Another general, wearing the military uniform of the Southern Empire, nodded and said: "It's 090, we must unite and teach them a lesson.

We fight on our own and will only be defeated by them one by one.

Only by uniting can we resist the invasion of the Holy Spirit Empire. "

"We need more troops." A burly general from the Western Empire said solemnly, "Only reinforcements can change the situation of the war.

Our current military strength cannot compete with the Holy Spirit Empire at all, and we must mobilize more Jingshuo training people to go to the front line. "

"Yes, we must act immediately and mobilize more troops to go to the front line." A general from the Eastern Empire agreed, "We cannot sit back and wait, we must take the initiative to disrupt their position.

However, dispatching troops and reinforcements is not an easy task.

A general frowned and questioned: "But our empires all have their own difficulties and problems, and it is not easy to mobilize elite troops.

What's more, traveling long distances, morale and combat power will be greatly affected. "

"None of these problems are problems!" the general of the Northern Empire said categorically, "We must overcome all difficulties for our common goal - to defeat the Holy Spirit.

Folks, this is not a request, this is an order.

Our emperors and kings are watching us, and our people and warriors are looking forward to our victory.

We cannot let them down!".

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