Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1057 Resonance

These words resonated with everyone, and they all agreed.

However, the general of the Southern Empire looked embarrassed: "Having said that, there have always been conflicts and disputes between our empires.

How easy is it to truly unite?"

"These contradictions and disputes are trivial matters!" the generals of the Western Empire roared, "under the threat of the Holy Spirit Empire, these are not worth mentioning.

We must put aside our prejudices and work together to fight against foreign enemies. "

"Well said!" The general of the Eastern Empire patted the table, "They don't deserve to have such good apprentices at all. Those apprentices should be ours."

At the same time, in the palace of the Holy Spirit Empire, an emergency military meeting was taking place.

The king sat on the main seat, frowning, listening to the reports of the ministers and generals.

"Your Majesty, other empires have no intention of giving up. They are mobilizing more troops." A general reported.

The king took a deep breath, "This is what we expected.

We cannot take it lightly and must be prepared to deal with it. "

"Your Majesty, how should we act?" a minister asked, "Do we need reinforcements on the front line?"

"Not only reinforcements, we also need a more comprehensive strategy." The king said after pondering for a moment, "This war is no longer a simple frontline battle [it affects the future of the entire Holy Spirit Empire."

All the ministers nodded in agreement.

They understood the king's concerns and determination.

Next, everyone began to discuss specific strategic and tactical arrangements in order to withstand the coalition attacks of other empires and look for opportunities to give the opponent a fatal blow. "After intense discussion, they reached an agreement and decided to take action immediately.

As the war situation became more and more serious, the king decided to go on a personal expedition to boost morale. "I can't sit back and watch my people and soldiers bleed and die on the battlefield while I sit peacefully in the palace`]]."

At the same time, in the palace of the Holy Spirit Empire, the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

An emergency military meeting is underway, and all the ministers and generals are gathered together, looking grim.

The king sat on the main seat, frowning, listening to the reports of the generals and ministers.

He was wearing a golden royal robe and a crown. Although he was old, his deep eyes still shone with sharp light, revealing unquestionable majesty.

"Your Majesty, other empires have no intention of giving up. They are mobilizing more troops." A general Shen Shenghui reported.

The king took a deep breath and said slowly: "This is what we expected.

We cannot take it lightly and must be prepared to deal with it.

This war is not only about the competition for territory and resources, but also about the glory and future of the Holy Spirit Empire. "

"Your Majesty, how should we act?" a minister asked worriedly, "Do we need reinforcements on the front line?"

“Reinforcements on the front line are necessary,” the king affirmed, “but more importantly, we need a more comprehensive strategy.

This war is no longer a simple frontline confrontation, it involves the safety of the entire Holy Spirit Empire.

All the ministers nodded, they understood the king's worries and determination.

In the following time, everyone began to discuss specific strategic and tactical arrangements.

Every minister and general spoke actively and put forward his own opinions and suggestions.

"We must strengthen the defenses on the front line." A general suggested, "At the same time, we also need to send more scouts to pay close attention to the enemy's movements."

"Not only that, we also need to strengthen logistical supplies." Another minister added, "Ensure that frontline soldiers have sufficient supplies and equipment."

In the heated discussion, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Each minister and general tried to persuade the king to adopt his own plan.

The king listened quietly, nodding his head in agreement or asking questions.

"Your Majesty, I think we should adopt a proactive offensive strategy." A young general said excitedly, "We cannot always defend passively and should give the enemy fatal blows."

This proposal immediately aroused controversy among other ministers and generals.

Some people support taking the initiative to attack, believing that this can disrupt the enemy's deployment; others oppose it, fearing that doing so will take risks. After all, the strength of the enemy's coalition forces cannot be underestimated.

The king waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He stood up slowly and glanced at the faces of every minister and general.

"Everyone's suggestions are reasonable." The king's voice was low and powerful, "But we must proceed with caution.

Taking the initiative to attack can certainly disrupt the enemy's deployment, but it will also expose us to more risks.

However, being passively defensive is not a long-term solution. "

All the ministers nodded in agreement with the king's analysis.

They understand the importance of this war to the Holy Spirit Empire [and also know that any decision may affect the entire war situation.

The king took a deep breath and continued: ".||So I decided to adopt a compromise plan: while strengthening the frontline defense, we also look for opportunities to give the enemy a powerful blow; in addition, in order to ensure our Combat Power, we also need to mobilize subordinate countries to mobilize More troops to support the frontline battlefield."

After hearing this, all the ministers agreed that this was a sound and effective strategy; the king continued: "In addition, we also need to recruit strong men above the legendary level to join our battle sequence to increase the overall Combat Power."

This proposal immediately received the support of all ministers and generals. They knew that the addition of legendary powerhouses would have a major impact on the war. This also showed the king's emphasis and determination on this war.

As the war situation became more and more serious, the king took a deep breath and looked at everyone firmly.

He decided to lead the expedition in person to boost morale, "I cannot sit back and watch my people and soldiers bleed and die on the battlefield, while I sit peacefully in the palace.

I will personally lead you to jointly resist the invasion of foreign enemies!"

These words aroused everyone's fighting spirit and enthusiasm, and they all expressed their willingness to follow the king on the battlefield and defend their homeland; the entire palace was filled with an exciting atmosphere and fighting spirit.

In the following days, the Holy Spirit Empire began to prepare intensively for the imperial conquest.

At the same time, subordinate countries are mobilized to deploy troops to support the frontline battlefields, and strong men above the legendary level are recruited to join the battle order counties.

The entire empire is busy preparing for the upcoming war.

Rennes from the Holy Law Empire was naturally summoned, and at this time he felt very entangled.

The conference started directly.

"Are we going or not?"

A minister said in confusion at this time. .

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