Lord of Fire is a Gamer


''Hey the egg mowed a little bit just now!'' I alerted Megumin.

Seconds later, she appeared next to me with an excited face.

Understandably, she's pretty excited about the dragon in the egg.

Even Kurumi looks excited. She hasn't

We surrounded the egg and patiently waited.


''It's been like 10 minutes now. Are you sure you saw it move?'' Megumin asked with a bored voice.

My child, why are you embarrassing your father in front of his friends?


''Maybe he got shy?'' I tried to salvage the situation.

Megumin shook her head and turned around to get back to her JoJo.

''Hey, can you hear me?'' I tried talking to the egg experimentally.

Honestly, I'm kind of getting fed up as well.

Will he/she ever get out of its shell?

'Perhaps I'm too impatient.'

I shook my head in disappointment.


I turned my head so fast, my neck almost cracked.

''He moved!'' I exclaimed in excitement.

''Bulshit.'' Megumin's monotone voice came.

''No, it really moved.'' Kurumi backed me up.

Thank you, Kurumi. I knew I could trust you. I will spank you later for that as thanks.

''Is it trying to communicate?''

''Hmm, one shake for yes, two shakes for no, understood?''

Egg shook once to our excitement.

Megumin appeared next to me once again.

''When will you get out?'' she asked without waiting for me.

'Are you an idiot?'

Egg stayed silent of course.

''It can only say yes or no.'' I reminded her as she pouted.

My turn.

''What is your gender? Shake once for male, Twice for Female, Thrice for unknown...'' I caressed my chin in thought '' Four times if you can change it at will.''

Both girls stared at me strangely as I waited for the answer.






''He won't try to seduce her or something right?'' I heard murmurs from Megumin but I wisely ignored her ramblings. She does that sometimes.

Kurumi looked up at me. ''Can I ask a question as well mas-*Cough*'' she stopped herself midway through the sentence with a forceful cough.

She was about to call me master, wasn't she?..

I can feel Megumin's piercing gaze on my back as if trying to force some shame into me.

Jokes on you Megumin, I'm immune to that shit.

I nodded to Kurumi as I, once again, wisely ignored Megumin.

''Will you grow bigger than this?''


''Will you have wings''


I'm surprised how he understands the language we talk, but neither of the girls seems to be surprised about it.

I guess it's common for dragons to talk or understand even when they're babies?

Kurumi kept questioning my baby about his future looks.

''You will get to see him in the future anyway. Ask something else.'' I said in annoyance.

A small blush dusted her cheeks but she didn't comment on it, only nodded.

Spirits, she's really heavy into this shit, isn't she? I was just a little bit rude, I wasn't even abusing her!

----3 days later----

''You sure you don't want to come?'' I asked for the last time despite Megumin's growing annoyance.

She answered by closing the portal of her Divine Realm.

Kurumi and I looked at each other.


''Can you fly?''

She nodded hesitantly.

''Good, carry me.''

I jumped into her arms quickly.

Her eyes widened and breath quickened as her blush grew to reach her ears.

''You're my transportation tool now. Understood?''

She nodded quickly and jumped.

''How do you even fly anyway? Time has nothing to do with that shit.''

''M-my body weight is changeable. I normally fly by lowering my body weight and gliding through the air while pushing chi to maneuver.'' she said between rushed breaths.

Oh, I heard about that.

It's actually possible to use chi without having a bender talent. Most commonly used for chi-blocking by sending chi towards your enemy's chakra points.

But that's a viable strategy only because you don't need to send much chi, not to mention, you need to have large reserves of chi in order to use it.

Using chi without a bender talent is disgustingly inefficient.

Flying is almost impossible for people like them. It's like pushing air out of you, but even lighter, even less dense.

''I lowered my body weight as much as I can. I'm right now using chi to carry you.''

She must have lots of chi in her reserves then.


On the way, I asked a lot of questions about spirit bodies.

Does she have chakra points?

Does she grow stronger, or is she the same being she used to be the moment she started her existence?

Eventually, I ran out of questions.

''Breath quietly.'' I commanded her.

She was really out of breath. Not only from arousal but also exhaustion.

Carrying me just by pushing chi out of her is really hard it seems. Who would have thought?

Jokes aside, this is my way of rewarding her since she wasn't acting like creep around Megumin.

''You were such a good girl back there, talking with Megumin as if you were a normal spirit, as if you were not a worthless sack of shit.''


''Good job, you dumb bitch.''

''T-than-ks mas-ther.'' she said with rasped breaths and a perverted smile.

...Man, I'm getting used to this shit.

Her cuteness is training me into becoming this...


''Switch with me.'' I said to her as she was about to collapse from exhaustion.

''N-'' Kurumi tried to object but I cut her off quickly.

''If you faint, you will waste my time.''

She reluctantly flew down and got to the ground.

I gave her a mana potion and got her into my arms.

''What is this liquid-''

''Shh.'' I quiet her down.

We're about to enter the damned desert.

I swear, when I learn earthbending, I will immediately get rid of this sand.

I might throw it into the sun, or dump it into the ocean. I don't know yet, but I will do something about it.

As a benevolent hero, I should do some good public service and help the people of this planet by getting rid of this shit.

As we were flying above the sand (Of course I will not touch on the sand) we got some guests.

Stupid guests, but guests regardless.

''Get down if ya don' wanna die!''

''Get down ya lil' bastard!''

Ugh. How annoying.

These sand bender bandits, pirates, or whatever they're called might be kind of stupid.

Do they really not realize how dangerous a firebender who can fly is?

To be fair, they're in a desert and this is their environment.

Compared to them, I don't even have the necessary equipment like a headcloth. I also have a very exhausted looking girl in my arms...

Alright, that's fair I guess. They might actually think that they could win and it would make sense.

Well, they're bandits and pirates. Killing them is a heroic act, I guess.

I stared at them very intensely and rays of light came out of my eyes, cutting through their bodies.


I totally didn't steal that move from a famous superhero. It's completely original.

I ignored their bodies and screams and just flew away, speeding towards the location marked in a red cross in my map.

Is the fact that Kurumi's eyes are shining a bad thing?


Patre0n/Lowkeygoodstuff for advanced chapters

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