Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Owl buddy

Some quality flying time later, we finally spot the famous Library.

Most of it is buried in sand, but no problem, I just need to climb to the window.

Coming here after learning how to fly was probably the best choice I could make, I touched close to zero amount of sand during this entire journey.

Climbing up to the window, I momentarily considered just dropping Kurumi to the ground, but decided against it.

I don't want Wan Shi Tong to have a bad first impression of me.

After climbing up to the window, I jumped down and fell down for a few seconds.


Unfortunately, I had to take the fall with my legs. It didn't do any damage to me, of course, but it would still be easier if I could use some firebending.

Yeah, I won't be using any firebending here for very obvious reasons.

In case you didn't know, fire and books don't well together.

''It's pretty nice.'' I commented idly as we waited for Wan Shi Tong to come.

There's also another reason why Wan Shi Tong hates firebenders and humans.

Admiral Zhao learned about the damned spirits and devised his plan of killing them thanks to this place.

Wan Shi will definitely bitch about it to me, as if it was my fault, not that I can fault him since his claims are pretty reasonable.

I would have tried to get here before Zhao, but if I remember correctly, that guy came here many months before invading the north, so it wouldn't be wise to come here all weak and shit just for a small chance of not pissing this owl spirit.

To my happiness, before Wan Shi Tong, his servants came.


''Aww, aren't you the bestest boy ever.'' I said as I scratched his chin.

I should get a cute fox spirit too, they're so fucking fluffy and cute.

''I see you've brought a stranger to my house, Spirit of Time.''

A mighty voice came from my behind.

'His voice is really nice huh.'

I bowed respectfully to him.

''It's an honor to meet you.''

I don't know how formal should I be with this guy, but this much respect is pretty standard.

He is the most knowledgeable being after all, even spirits would respect him.

One of the reasons, I can't just go blasting is that actually. I don't want to make an enemy of so many spirits when I have a good relationship with most of them thanks to the quest rewards from the Northern invasion.

He acknowledged my greetings with a slight nod and turned back to Kurumi, waiting for her explanation.

''He wants to take a look at a few of your books, don't worry, you can trust him.'' she said.

Aww, I knew taking you with me was the right thing to do.

He nodded.

''I can't simply trust him just because you told me to do so. Just some weeks ago, a wretched human used my knowledge to devise a plan that would almost kill the Moon spirit.''

''And I saved them from him. I don't know if you can feel it, but I have the moon spirits blessings on me.'' I butted in.

''I thank you for that. I should have never let that man inside my library.'' he nodded. ''But one good action doesn't mean you're a good person. Human's are no longer permitted in my study.'' he shook his head.

Stubborn much?

I thought I could read the books with just a 'please', but I guess that was wishful thinking.

The thing is, unlike the canon, in this timeline, the Spirit of Moon didn't die.

I would have expected him to be more grateful, but I suppose he is a spirit of principles.

I guess I should be grateful that at least he isn't aggressive or hostile.

''Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans. Like that firebender you took care of. I once again thank you for that, but you're still not permitted inside. Please leave as soon as possible.''

'He let the avatar in so easily though. I suppose he is a special case, but he's still human. I have the spirit of time vouching for me for fucks sake.'

''He won't use your knowledge for destruction, I promise.'' Kurumi spoke up, gathering our attention. ''I guarantee for that.''

She pointed at me.

''He's already strong enough to defeat most being on both worlds, he just wants to learn for the sake of learning.''


After a few seconds of silence, he finally nods his head.

''Very well, but you must trade knowledge with me to prove your worth as a scholar..''

I nodded.

I knew it would come to this.

In my hand, a waterbending scroll appeared.

Katara gave the same thing, and he allowed her to pass. I doubt he would make things difficult for me since I have Kurumi backing me up.

'Even if you refuse it, I have many other things I can offer.'

''Oh? Written by a true master many years ago.'' he took the scroll.

''Enjoy the library.'' He said and leaped off the cliff.


Thankfully, Kurumi is sensible enough to not disturb me during my research.

I first went to all of the bending scrolls and skimmed through them. Thanks to my mental stats, just skimming is enough for me to memorize them all for my future use.

Airbending, waterbending, earthbending, firebending, combustionbending, lavabending...

Wan Shi Tong is the most knowledgeable being of this world, and his library consists of many forgotten things.

I was thinking of asking Glai and Aang for Airbending lessons but I don't even need that anymore. I can just learn from the scrolls.

'Oh sweet, soundbending!'

This place is a treasure trove, I swear.

Finally, I made my way to the Energybending.

Just one scroll.

It was made by a past incarnation of the avatar, he tried to teach it to his students so they could take away the bendings of their worst criminals. Kinda like Aang, crippling is better than killing mindset.

Expectedly, he failed.

None of his students could learn it, and he left a scroll just in case there would be someone talented enough to learn it.

''Lucky you.'' I grinned. ''You just fulfilled your purpose.''

It's complicated, and frankly, hard.

But it's okay. I have time and patience, I can just memorize it right now and as much as time I want on learning it later.

''I feel bad for giving Wan Shi Tong just one scroll.'' I can't help but murmur to myself.

I gained a LOT from this after all. Just those long lost bending scrolls are worth a fortune after all.

I considered giving him some stuff from the future, not from the Neet's future of course, but this world's future.

In Korra, Aang would create a republic city and the technology would just bloom after that.

Giving things from that time...


No matter how grateful I am, I can't just give him future knowledge without an explanation.

I'm not scared or anything, I just don't want to deal with the troublesome consequences of such reckless actions.

''Done?'' Kurumi asked from my behind with a bored tone.

''Go read a book you du-''


'I was about to call her dumb bitch again...'


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