Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Shopping Spree

It's been almost three days since I have come down here.

This library is the shit.

I know I said that I would only skim through most books since I can easily remember their contents, but there are so many things here.

Mind you, I'm not just reading, I'm also looking around and walking. When I said the library is huge, I meant it literally.

You need lots of space to hold this many books after all.

Honestly, more than half of it could be burned right now, and the owl guy wouldn't even notice.

There are so many useless books here, so. fucking. many.

I doubt this guy needed a book about bedroom arts, but I understand him.

He's a hoarder, just like me.

I still hold normal and poisoned swords in my inventory after all. They will most likely stay there forever, never to be used, but I will keep holding onto them.

Poor us.

Anyways, I already saw most of the bending books, including woman bendi- alright, just realized, it's not that funny.

Right now, I'm going through the alchemy section.


My assumptions were absolutely correct. This library even has stuff about alchemy, medicine, blacksmithing, and many other stuff that I would either need a proper teacher, or spend way too much time on experimenting.

Honestly, imagine becoming a doctor by trying your methods on people without any knowledge about it.

Needless to say, this saved me lots of time.

I had many assumptions about blacksmithing, and it turns out, I was mostly wrong. Thank you book, you saved me days of hard work.

As for the alchemy, I was mostly fine with it thanks to the fact that I dumped my months onto it, but new recipes and techniques are always welcome.

Also, I'm a full-fledged doctor now, at least by this world's standards. I know, I know. Being a doctor isn't simply knowing things about medicine and stuff, but I also need experience and practice, but it's okay. I doubt I would ever need it anyway. I can heal myself and others just fine.

I just learned it for the sake of it.


Wow, that sounded incredibly arrogant.

'Fortunately, I have my cheat to back me up, heh.' I snorted to myself.

''How long are we going to be here?'' Kurumi voiced her concerns behind me.

''You lived for so long, but you somehow lack the patience to wait for me. Don't worry, we won't be here for years or something, we should be out in a week at most. Go read another book and expand your horizon or something.'' I shooed her.

After the suggestion I made days ago, Kurumi actually read some books, but she got bored of them pretty quickly.

''But these are too vanilla.'' she complained with a bored tone.

In her hand, an erotic fiction...

Yep, she got bored of those pretty quickly.

The library had some books that suited her taste of course, but she already finished them all.

I rubbed my temples while letting out a silent sigh.


''Alright, wait a minute.''

I can multitask quite easily if the tasks aren't too complicated.

Reading a book while writing another book is thankfully just easy enough for me to do at the same time.

Time to kill my pride and write some smut from the Neet's memories.


''Thank you for lending me your library, Wan Shi Tong. It was a nice week and I learned a lot.'' I thanked the giant owl spirit in front of me sincerely.

In the end, I didn't give him anything beyond the water scrolls, so my sincerity might seem fake, but I'm really happy with the gains I got here.

''You don't need to thank me, I partly let you in as thanks for your previous actions.'' he nodded.


How am I gonna get out of here without firebending?

My eyes involuntarily slide to the eager girl.


This guy wouldn't get any wrong ideas just because I ordered her around, would he?

Fuck it, who cares.


She instantly understands my point, and bows a little bit to the front, allowing me to climb on her back easily.

Don't judge owl guy, she enjoys it, I swear.

''Up.'' she goes jumps up with my order and flies us out of the library with a smile.

Overall, it was a nice trip with many gains, and surprisingly, I'm genuinely happy that I brought this girl along with me.

She wasn't a major pain in the ass, helped me there and there, and kept me company.

I'm never introducing her to my father though. Never.

I would really like to go to Megumin's divine realm right now, but I can't.

Well, I can actually, but it would be rather inconvenient.

Since I've learned a lot more about blacksmithing and alchemy, I need proper equipment for them.

I can't just go 'brr flame and metal go become blade', no, things don't work that way.

...Actually, maybe they would, but just not now, not yet. I'm not that good yet.

I need anvil and stuff, lots of metal, some herbs, and a few other things.

''Switch'' I call out to Kurumi.

She throws me up and before even I start dropping, she lands on my back.

9/10, would have been better if she wasn't breathing as if she was in labor.

We switched because I can fly faster than her and I don't want to waste much time on traveling.


Kastur Town.

A relatively big town of Fire Nation.

I think I can find the things I need here.

On our way to here, we encountered a few small villages but unfortunately, they didn't have the things I needed, not to mention wanted.

Of course, we also encountered some trouble.

I'm starting to think that Fire Nation isn't as safe as I remember it to be.

'Said the sheltered noble boy.' I couldn't help but think with a snort.

Getting rid of the bandits, flexing a little bit, and preaching about my yet to be created religion to some people.

Yep, that sums it up.

Without wasting much time, I make my way to a blacksmith.

''Greetings, can I buy your equipment for a hefty price?'' I say without beating around the bush.

The muscular, middle aged man looked up to me from his counter with a raised eyebrow.

5 minutes later, I come out while dragging some heavy equipment behind me.

Thankfully he had spare stuff he could sell, even then I had to bargain.

Money doesn't mean much to me anyway.

I store the stuff inside my inventory after entering a dark alleyway and getting rid of the eyes.

5 minutes after that, I finally find the herbalist of the town.

The middle aged woman at the counter doesn't pay attention to me keeps reading her book.

Fine by me, I know what I came here for anyway.

I take out a small notebook and write the things I want on it.


I slap the note to the counter loudly, taking her attention.

Seeing her questioning wide eyes, I just shrug and drop a sack of coins.

''Quick please.''

Just like how it's not gay if I say 'no-homo', it's not rude if I say 'please'.

5 minutes later, I come out with a bunch of sacks and vials on my hands.

I really should have brought a backpack, at least my lazy ass would suffer less until I got to an alleyway.


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