Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Upgrades, People. Upgrades.

On our way back to Megumin's Divine Realm, I decided to visit some old friends.

Some old and explosexual friends.

Greeted some old friends, made new ones, flexed my explosions on them, and paid respects to my old master's grave.

''Would you believe if I told you that I was living with your Goddess?''

Chatted with some people and my old master Jee's grave.

Really, there isn't much to talk about it.

4 hours later, I was out of there.

On the road, I thought about my upcoming religion.

Should I make myself to be some kind of dragon in human shape?

That would be more believable and way easier to sell.

I don't think I can be fully honest after all. Would they seriously worship another human that's just like them but powerful?

Maybe I can conquer the world and make the leader of the world also a divine figure? Like how Egypt and Rome did.

Conquering the world sounds bothersome though. Besides, I just really don't want to do it.

Until now, I have been saving anybody I can and preaching to them about my religion.

''I was weak like you guys, until a benevolent being granted me the power to help the innocent! Pray to Kunyo the Merciful and Mighty!''

Pretty much that, but with some small differences here and there.

It's been working well actually. I can feel the Divine Spark inside my inventory getting stronger and stronger each time I preach. Even if all of them don't believe the so called 'Benevolent God Kunyo', some of them do.



Creating a cult-Cough- I mean, religion is a hard shit too.


Ignoring Kurumi is becoming easier and easier though, that's a plus.

The 'mmm' Kurumi is giving me isn't a horny 'mmm' but rather an annoyed 'mmm'.

I have been ignoring her masochistic tendencies for a while now, and she wants punishment...

Sigh, I will just verbally abuse you a little bit since you've been a good girl.

''We're close you stupid little bitch, make sure to be in your best behavior.''


''Knock Knock!''

A circular portal opens in front of us and we barge in without waiting a second.

I greet Megumin with a nod and walk to the small quarter she made for me.

Thinking about religion and stuff can wait, I know that I won't have any competition for a long while anyway.

I just want to sit back and relax while tinkering with my secondary jobs like alchemy and blacksmithing.

Also, I keep boasting about my alchemy and blacksmithing, but I also learned how to sew and cook.

I'm not really excited about the cooking part since the food Megumin creates is good enough for me, but I can create illogically good clothes with my sewing if I get a good enough proficiency.

I'm kinda excited about that hehe.

''Draggy has been stale since we went out right?'' I ask before entering the quarter.

Yep. I'm terrible at naming things (ask Zuko), so I'm calling my little baby dragon either 'Eggy' or 'Draggy' until I choose a proper name.

''Yep.'' Megumin nodded lazily. ''Make some good manga for me.'' she demanded before I could close the door.


''Don't stare at me like that, I told you that I wouldn't become a Neet.''

''When was the last time you exploded something?'' I ask suspiciously.

I could only shrug my shoulders at her deadpan stare.

''I had to ask.''

''I will make Baki for you, it's crazier than JoJo.''


''You shall see.''


First, alchemy.

There were some potions that stimulated growth in children, some potions that made animals stronger, and some potions that did both of them.

I first created dozens of potions for those and gave them to Kurumi for her to feed my Draggy in intervals. She likes getting ordered around anyway, she's kinda happy that she actually has something to do now.

Anyways, I'm putting lots of effort into my Dragon's potions, because, if I'm to be God, I have to have a mount that suits me. I'm pretty sure he's way out of the logical boundaries by now, but it's I doubt he would explode from overdose or something. I check him out every now and then to make sure he's fine.

While Kurumi was feeding -more like soaking- him with my potions, I mixed the original potions I made and these potions to create something even better.

It was a mess, but it's been only 3 days since I started my research.

I'm sure I can make a divine potion or something in the future.

Secondly, after getting slightly bored from the alchemy, I got to blacksmithing.

I obviously can't use the corpses of the dragons right now, I mean, I can, but I won't because it would be a waste.

They're like divine tier materials in this world, a novice like me shouldn't even have access to them in the first place.

So, I started out with normal materials like iron and stuff, and worked my way up.

Thirdly, after getting bored of the blacksmithing, I read some manga with Megumin while using Kurumi as my feet rest.

I partly wanted to see Megumin's reaction to it but she didn't seem to care about it.

Poor girl, I guess living with Darkness for so long made her desensitized to shit like this.

Anyways, she didn't care, Kurumi enjoyed it, and I got to rest my feet, win-win for everyone.

After that I tried to get into sewing, but no matter how much I wanted I just got bored too quickly and dropped it after an hour.

Cooking on the other hand, it's nowhere near the shit Megumin makes, hell, it's not even close to the stuff my maids use to make, but it's getting better and better each time I make them, so I'm pretty optimistic about it, not to mention it's quite fun actually.

I kept up this cycle for a while. It's really efficient and fun to be honest. I've been adventuring too much for the last few weeks, settling down and just training myself in various subjects while spending some quality time relaxing isn't bad.



She normally has a schedule to relieve and enjoy herself by randomly exploding shit, but she sometimes just wants to do it and just fucking explode something.

That would have been fine, everybody needs to explode shit sometimes, I do it from time to time too. But...

''You KNOW that I'm in the middle of my potion research! It's basic courtesy to warn me at least.'' I scream out while cleaning up the mess.

''But... I just really wanted to.''

Oh no, you're not getting away with this, no matter how cute you sound.


[AN: I actually wanted to talk more about his improvements on the alchemy and blacksmithing, but I thought you guys would get bored of it, so I cut it short.]



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