Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Divine One

Inside a magnificent hall colored by dark red and black like magma, a dignified man sat among the flames.

The handsome middle aged man slowly nodded at his subordinate, signaling him to continue his report.

''Lastly, there has been a new religion that's becoming more and more famous.'' middle aged subordinate reported emotionlessly.

''A few mysterious people go around villages and towns; help people however they can without any compensation and preach about their religion. It's growing fast and steady.''

''Reportedly, all of those men have the same height and weight, but different faces. We suspect that it might be the same person with high proficiency in disguise.'' 

''This lowly subordinate apologizes to the lord for his incompetence. We still haven't been able to figure out why would somebody do this. We have no clue on his true intent and no clue on his true identity.'' he bowed to his lord as he apologized with the same emotionless face that he could keep up despite the atmosphere all thanks to his vast experience.

After a few seconds of silence, he heard a cold voice.

''Investigate and take care of it.''

''Yes, my lord.'' 


He left with slow and steady steps as he gave a sigh of relief inside his heart.

The lord he was speaking to was the strongest man in the world. He was not only the strongest human, but he also held the strongest nation in the world in his palm. Lord Ozai, King of the Fire Nation.


Ozai thought about the report for a few seconds before sneering, ''So what if there is a new religion. I don't know who's scheming, but my plans have advanced far enough. It's impossible to stop me with just scheming at this point.''

Phoenix Lord would descend upon the Earth to rule over everything, just like how things were supposed to be...

It was just a matter of time.


Surprisingly, doing good deeds kinda grows on you?

I dunno. It might also be the constant growth of my half-fake divinity. I'm a progression maniac so anything that makes me stronger feels good to me.

I have been going around and helping people and preaching about my religion while gathering prisoners for my experiments. It takes some time, but Rome wasn't built in a day after all and I have as much time as I need with patience to go along with it.

The real reason I came out of the divine realm wasn't this Divinity gathering thing. I came out mainly because I needed human subjects to try out the energybending, the divinity gathering was lower on the list of important shit I need to do. 

Due to my personal love for bending and the danger of energybending, it's the number one of the list right now.

As I said, I'm not trying out that energybending shit on myself before making sure it works perfectly. 

So, what's a better test subject than a rapist? 

Child rapist, probably, but I gotta do with a normal rapist for now.

Anyways, thanks to all those heroic actions of mine, I have gathered and imprisoned a little over 30 people.

I could have gotten more, but I don't want to use unhealthy subjects on my experiments, so every single one of those 20 people are extremely healthy on the genetic side. Yes, genetics. I took the most normal humans ever as my prisoners, rest are dead.

Unfortunately, my potions aren't at a level where they can fix genetic conditions that people have been carrying for decades so I had to resort to something like that. 

Their physical and mental injuries could be cured easily anyway. In fact, I took care of their mental side with my potions already!

They're chilling at the small prison I created now.

Enough about the energybending and shit. I have the subjects that I needed and that's it.

The divinity gathering phase of my small plan is going well, as you can imagine.

Thanks to my oh so heroic deeds, people have seriously converted to my religion and they even started to preach about it to other people. 

Now, this religion of mine is spreading even without my touch. People are simply converting with the recommendations of their friends. You know, words go around, it gets exaggerated, becomes touching, bla bla bla. You got the gist of it.

This world doesn't have much religion, so it's kind of hard to get to people join since it's kind of alien to them, but it also means I have no competition. That's probably why my believers grow each day. People want to believe in a higher power that would rescue them, that benevolent and perfect being who would be the answer to all of their suffering.

Oh! I've also discovered something new. Some very small communities have their own gods. Just like how Megumin rules over the Crimson Demon Village, there are some other small gods and spirits that are helping, ruling, and protecting some small communities that revere them as Gods.

Some of them, I couldn't really gain anything because their God was actually real and he/she was actively helping them. They would obviously trust that being instead of me.

Some of them on the other hand, it was way too easy. Just like Kurumi, some spirits were revered as gods but those spirits just didn't give a single shit about their believers. 

People were believing in a god that didn't care about them, and it was evident from their stories about how little shit they gave.

It was easy to convert those people who were already familiar with the concept of 'God' but didn't actually love or respect their Gods.

As I was monologing to myself, Kurumi spoke up with a bored tone.

''I'm bored.''

''Shut up.''

It's not like I don't understand why she's bored. 

We're going through insignificant villages, helping and talking to boring people that we will forget the next day.


''You knew what you were signing up to. Don't complain or...''

''Or what!?'' she asked with an excited grin.


My 'Port a Kurumi' got talkative again, it's my responsibility to shut it up like a good owner...


[Kunyo is already corrupted by Kurumi... He was either too brave, too stupid, or just overconfident to take her along with him to a long journey in which they would be all alone.]



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