Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Spreading the LORD’s teachings and my trusty little suitcase

I've been training and hanging out with the girls for a while now, but I'm kinda bored.

It's actually really fun to improve myself, something about those rising power levels just feels really fucking good to me. I probably became a progression addict from the fast rise in power I've experienced.

How long has it been? Less than a year, but I'm probably one of the strongest beings in this world and I can easily kill any human I come across.

The rise in my mental stats helped, but I guess even they can't do that much. I want to see my improvements even more.

It feels childish, but fuck it. I have all this power, and I'm supposed to do nothing with it? Fuck that, I'm going to have some fun.

I can also spread my glorious cult or religion or whatever I choose to call in the future.

Unfortunately, Megumin didn't want to come again...

I'm really afraid that she will become a Neet. She doesn't know the horrors of addiction.

Whatever, she said she would be fine, trusting her is the least I could do.

I drugged my sweet little baby Eggy, made some stocks so that Megumin can feed her whenever she runs out of drugs, and did some preparations there and there.

I feel like my little Eggy has become more of a plant rather than an animal, I hope she doesn't get any bad habits.

And voila! I'm ready to go out.

I have my trusty 'port a Kurumi' in my right hand a-

Oh. I haven't mentioned that yet, have I?


It's something yours truly have invented, it lets me carry Kurumi around like baggage. A metal thing that she can fit her body into with a small handle on top for me to carry like a suitcase.

It's completely useless but she enjoys it and it looked funny to me. I was also getting bored of doing swords and shit all the time. That's it.

''Off I go!''

Megumin waves a hand as a goodbye and I leave with my pocket Kurumi.


The thing with the 'port a Kurumi' is, it shuts her off. More specifically, shuts her mouth off.

Not gonna lie, that's really convenient. But it becomes kinda boring without her constant chattering. Yes, that's right. I got used to her demands and I feel like something is wrong if I don't hear them. Don't boo me.

Before going out, I changed my face into something else, a face more trustable and relatable.


To gain followers of course.

I thought it would be easier to gain followers for my religion if I have a trustable and relateable face like a monk.

I was thinking of going for a blonde guy (yeah, I upgraded the potion, so I can even change my hair color now), like a trustable hero of light. But I don't think these guys would get that type since blonde hair doesn't exist in the avatar world.

I'm serious, I checked.

Anyways, instead of the strange and handsome youth who wants to help you out, I went for the guy who looks like a slightly more handsome version of your neighbor and wants to help you out.

I'm sure it will help.

''Oh, here's a chance to show off and gain more followers.'' I mutter to myself and Kurumi before landing on the ground.

Oh shit! I can't look like a reliable and trustworthy good guy with a woman as a property! That sounds disgusting without context.

I hastily throw Kurumi to the woods and just leave her there before anybody can see me carrying a girl like this.

Roughly a minute later,

''Hey there.'' I greet people who're arguing between themselves, taking their attention to myself.

They throw me suspicious looks before slightly raising their guards.

One of the older guys, a muscular man that looks to be at the end of his middle ages.

''Hey.'' he simply calls out with a nod before following up with, 'What's a man like you doing here?''

'Huh? A man like me?'

OH! I still have my luxurious clothes. They don't scream 'I'm noble or rich' since I have neither jewelries and shit nor fancy colors on me so I kinda forgot. I guess he simply saw the quality of the clothes? The fact that I came alone might be suspicious too. Well...

''I'm a humble man traveling and spreading the words of a higher being who wants to help.'' I say with an amiable smile.

Some of them let their guards down with just this but the guy in front of me still stands like a wall.

''What seems to be the problem here? I would like to help with whatever I can as per the encouragements of my deity.''

I actually know what's going on since I can read their observe windows, but I can't just do that can I?

I could act like that was a power my deity gave me, but it's something completely unrelated to the four elements so it would seem farfetched.

The hard faced man finally gave a small sigh and told me what they were arguing about.

This is a small town and just a few weeks ago, a small bandit group appeared.

Though they are small in numbers, their boss is a real powerhouse, at least compared to these guys.

Those bandits have been raiding this small town for a while, taking their money and women from time to time.

More hot-blooded teens and young adults, along with the people who suffered immensely under their constant assault wanted to try their luck and get revenge, raid the bandits themselves in a surprise attack.

The village head, on the other hand, wanted to wait for the neighboring towns to send reinforcements, not wanting the people of his village to waste their lives like this.

That's about it.

Some people wanted to go to rescue their people, the others wanted to stop them for their own good.

''Well, I'm in no position to help you guys decide, so why don't I do one better? I will get rid of the bandits for you.''

20 minutes later, I'm back with their kidnapped people and all the money bandits stole.

They're obviously happy and grateful.

''Thank you!'' a man drops to his knees with tears in his eyes after hugging his daughter for a minute.

After that, it's as if a spark started a bonfire, various 'thank you's echoed.

''There's no need for thanks. I follow my Lord's teachings and do what's the right thing to do.'' I smile warmly at them.

We have a small banquet and I tell them about 'how I met with the Lord' and how incredible he is and bla bla bla.

The divinity counter on the Divine Spark inside my inventory increased a lot with this.

I leave with a smile.

I really hope Ozai won't make trouble for me and force me to hit back since my reputation and influence will only grow. Fat chance, considering his personality, but a man can hope.

[Heroism calculated.]

[Permanent reward is more valuable to the host at this moment.]

[Divinity increased.]

Unfortunately, things like these don't seem to be big enough, so I can't raise a whole stat from S to S+ with just this. But that divinity increase is good enough.

Ah, it feels good to help people, I'm indeed a very good Lord.

I laugh to myself with a shake of my head.

''But... what is this feeling? I feel like I forgot something?''


''Meh. If I forgot, it means it wasn't important enough.''



Kurumi looked around uncertanily.

Even though she enjoyed it for the first few hours, but moon had already replaced the sun.

'He made this thing pretty sturdy... Did he seriously dump me out here and leave or just forgot about me?'


[I didn't want to make the 'divinity gathering' thing just ''I did this and that''. I've mentioned him doing stuff like this in the previous chapters, but I felt like showing it properly for once would be better.]


P@treon/lowkeygoodstuff for more of the good stuff

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