Lord of the Truth

Chapter 748 The bitter truth

Chapter 748  The bitter truth

First Marshal, Celebus, looked up at Pythor, "What do you want to do now?"

"...What are the options?" Pythor replied calmly, It is true that this was not the first time the situation on Planet Gudah had been discussed, but this time was completely different.

The First Marshal turned back to look at the rest of his peers, "...Planet Gudah is indeed the destination that drains our resources the most currently, and a large number of our fellow sons were killed there, but it is also a planet full of Ochrean metal, which we mainly use in making our engraved equipment, as well as it is full of energy pearls. Only five years ago we found two hundred energy pearls in one of the caves under the sea! In addition, Planet Gudah is full of Fire path energy in its southern half and Ice path energy in the upper half, and this makes it an excellent location to search for ancient plants and affinity increasing herbs for these two paths, although we will not benefit from them, they are still the most widespread paths and one of the few things that the Overlord receives from us in offerings, we cannot neglect any of these factors... In short, Planet Gudah was not chosen by an Overlord for no reason, it deserves to be the seed of a planetary empire."

All the Marshals nod, although they are angry at Marshal Snite for asking for so much support, they undoubtedly know the importance of Planet Gudah.

Then a serious look came over the First Marshal's face, "But they are also evolving rapidly... When we invaded that planet a few hundred years ago, we knew that they had an overlord because we found artificial demi-humans like us. At that time, they did not have any kind of engraved weapons or any technique or some high-level equipment that worried us, so we sent 3 fleets, then 4, then 5, and each time we took more land from them, but at the same time there was a noticeable development in them, and this gradually increased until they finally caught up with us, they now have engraved weapons, pure law techniques and various usage equipment from the Middle Planetary Belt, and they have epic equipment as well! What more should we wait for? For them to come to invade us?"

"..." This time, not even the rest of the marshals were able to nod. It was as if you were beating a small child every day, and you saw this child growing up in front of you every day, and you knew that he would inevitably take revenge on you soon... Their crimes on planet Godah are like the rest of the planets they put their hands on, they cannot be counted or forgiven.

Then the First Marshal turned back to look at Pythor, "In my opinion, we have two choices, one of which you must make today: The first is to send all the fleets we can afford to Planet Gudah immediately and crush them before it is too late."

"Objection! I came to ask for support, not to abandon one of my assigned fleets!" The Seventh Marshal slammed the table and looked at Pythor, "The fleets that we can do without are those that have headed towards that new planet called Nihari, If you withdraw any more fleets from one of our planets it will cause a major disruption. We can barely maintain a balance as it is!"

The rest of the marshals nodded. The five fleets that were sent to Planet Nihari were originally under their command, but they were suddenly withdrawn without taking the opinion of any of them... Is a new planet more important or preserving what they currently have?!

"According to the report, Planet Nihari is five times larger than the Poison Rock planet, and the northern region there contains no less than 400 Martial Emperres, that is why we sent the five fleets together... Its energy level is equal to the same density as the Poison Rock planet, even though it has no owner, and according to the Seventh Elite Vanguard Team, he said that the energy pearls there are so widespread that even commoners on the streets carry them, and on top of all that, the planet is close to us thanks to the appearance of a fixed wormhole that connects us directly to it!" The First Marshal stared into the speaker's eyes, "Look me in the eyes and tell me that we have to abandon a place like this because you're a bunch of failures who can't take out a few locals even after thousands of years!"

"This… All these properties cannot be combined in one planet, right?" That marshal slowly sat down

"Unbelievable... This is close to the specifications of the planet that the Overlord chose to be the center of his Empire in the middle planetary belt! If we put our hands on it, then..." Another one looked around in amazement. He also once went on a mission to deliver the offering.

"Since we put the matter of the five fleets of Nihari aside, we will continue with what we were saying!" The First Marshal clapped, drawing attention back to him, "As for the second option for planet Gudah's situation, we should make a peace treaty with them and withdraw from there immediately. We are wasting our time this way anyway, since we are not going to win, why don't we just withdraw with what's left of our dignity?"

"..." The marshals all took a quick glance at Pythor, and found exactly what they expected... Although he was trying to keep his expression calm, he was undoubtedly seething with anger.

If there was one thing their Emperor hated more than weakness, it was losing.

One of the marshals quickly suggested that Pythor's focus be directed to something else, "...The five fleets went to Planet Nihari and it's over. With five fleets attacking at once, any resistance they find will be crushed immediately. They've been there for months, right? Perhaps they've already wiped out the local life there, And even if they don't completely annihilate it, they will certainly be able to survive against whoever is left of the locals with just a fleet and two there... Let's withdraw 3 of the five fleets from that new planet and keep two behind!"

"Yes, that makes sense."

"I support this proposal. Even if the balance of power is disturbed there, at least two fleets will be able to hold their ground."

Even Snight nodded, "If I get three fleets as permanent support, I can promise to take over 80% of Planet Gudah within 100 years."

Seeing that all the marshals had agreed on something, the first marshal turned back to look at Pythor, waiting for his orders

"I want to hear a report from the five fleet commanders first and how far they have come," Pythor spoke calmly, giving tacit approval to the marshals' words which made them breathe a sigh of relief, in their eyes the whole situation had already been resolved.

Even if the situation is bad there, General Sully will still send a reassuring report and say that everything is fine, otherwise, Pythor might see him as incompetent and his ambition to be promoted to Marshall will evaporate!

The First Marshal nodded, "Well we don't have to wait long. A correspondence ship arrived from Nihari a few weeks ago."

Pythor furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "Why haven't I heard their report yet, Celebus?"

"I planned to bring them to you immediately, Your Majesty," the First Marshal bowed immediately, "but they insisted on going to meet the Space Portal attendants first before meeting Your Majesty."

"...They wanted to meet those in charge of the space portal? Why?" Pythor raised his head in surprise

"Perhaps they wanted to know the costs of moving between Poison Rock and Nihari in light of the presence of the wormhole? I do not know exactly, but we can find out shortly, my lord. I summoned them and those in charge of the space portal before the meeting began. They are outside waiting to be invited. I wanted to leave them at the end so that we could hear something reassuring as a conclusion, but I can include them now to solve the dilemma of Planet Gudah."

"Get them in." Pythor gave a gesture with his right

After a while, several people entered through a huge gate. They were all looking at the ground, drenched in sweat. When they saw the marshals behaving like this, they thought they were nervous about standing in their presence and in the presence of the Emperor, so they laughed arrogantly.

"Relax, there is nothing to be afraid of here..." The Emperor spoke in a reassuring voice, then looked towards the person wearing military clothing in front, "You must be the leader of the Correspondence Squad, give me the news... How much time does it take to completely colonize Nihari?"

The correspondence officer raised his head in fear and looked into the marshals' eyes for a moment, then looked at the imperial's feet while trembling, "Your Majesty... If we do not withdraw immediately, I am afraid that the one who gets colonized will be us."

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