Lord of the Truth

Chapter 749 What happened...

Chapter 749  What happened...



The sentence that the head of the correspondence team said was like a bomb that exploded in everyone's ears. It didn't matter if it was Pythor, the nine marshals, or even the guards who escorted the correspondence team and those in charge of the space portal inside. They all looked at him in silence.

"...Hah~" After at least a full minute a small laugh escaped Pythor's mouth

"Hahaha." after him, the rest of the marshals started laughing out loud as well, even Snight, who always looked worried, smiled and shook his head...

The First Marshal Celebus stopped his angry laugh and looked at the head of the correspondence team in the eyes, "The Great Serpent Empire is not an entity that anyone can insult, not even its own sons... Describe everything that happened to you as it is and leave it to us to judge. Stop exaggerating to polish your General's face at the expense of the Empire's prestige, this will be your first and last warning."

"It looks like Dirit screwed up big there." Another Marshall laughed angrily.

They are the ones who will get colonized? It's a Planetary Empire that rules over 5 planets and has roots in 4 other planets. COLONIZE THEM? Who can even stand in their way?! Because of the intensity of the provocation, the marshals actually forgot why they invited the correspondence team to enter...

"Y-- yes, I will tell you what we saw and leave the judgment to you. I apologize!!" The leader of the correspondence team fell on his head and both hands, sweat pouring down his bald head, "Please allow me to start the report from the beginning: Although we were able to control the central region of the planet, overall, Nihari's mission did not go as it should. We engaged 70 Martial Emperors in the eastern region, with a high probability that the number is greater than that, we found 550 Martial Emperors in the southern region In addition to three giant Treant creatures, each of them can fight a fleet alone, we battled them, and 50 of our Martial Emperors fell in that battle. The northern region is said to have at least 400 Martial Emperors, while the western region has fog surrounding it, but they destroyed half a fleet in such a short time that we did not receive a distress call, so we believe that there are 300~500 Martial Emperors in the Western Region as well."

"...." The nine marshals sent quick glances at each other, according to the messenger they saw with their own eyes +600 Martial Emperors and there were potentially a thousand more, this is roughly equivalent to half of the Great Serpent Empire's Emperors...

"And with those Martial Emperors, we fought against millions of soldiers who were users of the first, second, and third stages of the heavenly laws, all of them using pure major heavenly laws the likes of which we had never seen before, purer even than those engraved on our equipment." Then the Messenger continued as he remembered that day, "That local army is all armed with engraved weapons, Some of them wear medium-level engraved white armor, but there are many of them wearing high-level engraved gold armor. Those golden full-body armors are not inferior to our silver equipment."

*stand* *stand*

Two marshals stood up... Millions of medium and high-level engraved weapons and armor? It took them thousands of years to make the amount they have now!

"Apart from the sheer strength that matches us face to face when it comes to the Martial Emperors and engraved weapons, they also have an army of fast-flying winger beasts ridden by a number of archers with engraved bows and arrows. This beast corps easily managed to stop our cannons from providing any benefit and even shot down two warships."

 Then he remembered something and raised his head slightly, "That's right, they have black flags engraved with strange patterns that are not like the laws we know. When those flags combine in a certain way, they produce a very powerful domain of laws within them, The locals call them Arrays. They have offensive, defensive, and healing arrays that can form instantly. Because of these arrays, we have close to collapsing more than once, and we also saw them use one of the arrays to create a miniature space portal instantly to escape!!"

*standing* *standing* *standing* *standing*

The rest of the Martials stood in succession, even Snight, who thought that the worries of the whole world were on his head alone, stood in stupefaction.

"They have the ability to make miniature space portals?" Even Pythor opened his eyes wide

He had taken a copy of How to Make a Space Portal from the Overlord and he definitely did not understand a single one of those complex Runes. He had never crossed his mind that miniature arrays could be arranged that could create a portal instantly!

"Please, before you react, wait until I show you something," the messenger quickly stood up and then took out a cube object from his bag, "This is the observation box located on the mothership of the 14th Fleet, please watch this."

The messenger started clicking a few things and an image appeared in front of everyone.. *Boom* *Boom*. In the moving image, there was a fight taking place between two armies on the ground, the first wearing entirely silver armor and numbering approximately 60 thousand, and the other army wearing gold and its number not exceeding twenty... It was the battle between the sect and the 14th fleet in the eastern region.

"...It's three to one in Sully's favor and he can't win, those golden shields..." one of the marshals clenched his hand tightly.

"Look behind them." Snite quickly pointed towards the black vortexes, drawing attention to them, "They're coming out of there in large numbers... Is this the mini space portals you're talking about?"

"Yes, my lord, but this is not what I turned on the display for. Please focus here." The head of the correspondence team stopped the battle at one point when Sully tried to send a handful of his men to take control of the perimeter of the mini portals.

"What exactly are we looking at?" Marshal Nast basically narrowed his narrow eyes. In the picture in front of him, there were a large number of Sages of the Great Serpent Empire wearing the elite symbol and rushing towards the mini space portals. This is a good strategy. Even Snite nodded when he saw it. If he were in Sulley's place, he would probably do the same.

As for the other side of the image, there were people who appeared before them wearing golden-black armor and possessing golden spears with a black spearhead. But whoever they were, as long as they were not Emperors, they were doomed to death in the face when they face the elite sages of the 14th fleet.

"Okay now please give what's coming your full attention." After this sentence, he took a deep breath and restarted the show



*"No- WHY THE--?! Argh"*

"..." Silence returned to the enormous hall once again. All the Sages of the Empire were slaughtered within several seconds, not a single one of them was left with a complete corpse.

"Is this...?" One of the marshals had something come to his mind, but he laughed awkwardly and shook his head, "No, this is not possible..."

Another one muttered in stupefaction, "It's IT..."

"Nah What are you all thinking? ...It shouldn't be... should it...?!"

"You're all thinking it, just say it!!"

Snight bit his fangs, "Epic... These are complete Epic armor sets!!"

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