Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 5. Party Animals.


The days passed and I was able to build a hot tub in our house. It was a nice treat after a long day. Yen and Luhea would often join me in the tub and even if we didn’t fuck like rabbits, it was still nice to have them close. Yen seemed to love the water and watching the steam drift off her muscles was a new delight I needed in my life. I would catch Luhea looking and every time she would blush. We hadn’t had a threesome yet, but both Luhea and Yen loved to watch each other as I fucked the other. I noticed that Luhea was drawing closer each time and she had started playing with herself the last few times. It was too hot for words. Summer had come and I was able to tolerate it easily. Summers in the south are impossible every year. I doubted humans could live in temps over one hundred and ten degrees. (43.3 in non-freedom units.) The worst part of it all was getting into a hot car and trying to grab the black fake leather steering wheel that seemed to burn the finger tips off. It was one of the many things I didn’t miss about my old life. On an unexpected upside in this new world, I was able to earn more money as some of the townsfolk and caravans bought Dolls and tables from us. It was a nice boost to not just my funds but Boss and the towns. Innkeeper was talking about having another two tables installed to bring in more coins.

Right now, I was in our spare room that had become my office. We had my old bed set up and the new much larger bed installed in the main bedroom. I wasn’t sure who the bed was for, but it would be nice if we ever had guests. Speaking of which, my mind was a little muddled as I knew Jase and his wife were coming over tonight. They were bringing their son and his girlfriend. The living room would be a little tight, but Yen was able to move things around so we would have enough room. I wasn’t sure what games we would play or what we would talk about. I had never had friends before let alone other people over to my house. Yes, I would have one-night stands or hook ups, but most of those ended rather quickly before I could really get to know the other person. I just didn’t care before.

There was a knock at the door, and I jumped. It made Luhea laugh. She had been laying in the bed next to me watching me work. I never noticed her entering or when she had lay down. My work would always get me distracted. She giggled and leaned over stealing a kiss, my hands moving over her body. “We have guests, my love.” She said in a slightly smoky voice. She was right through, and I was just procrastinating. That being said, it was a lovely bed. Focus Alex. The quicker you get out there, the quicker they will go home.

Walking out I saw Jase and his wife as well as two others sitting in the living room with Yen. My muscle mommy stood behind the couch and seemed like she was waiting on them. I hated how she was forced to act like a slave. I mean I know she was a slave, but it wasn’t right. All the people in the small room made the house active and a bit tight. Yen was nervous and was acting strange as she held her hands in front of her. I tried to distract myself by looking over the two newcomers. 

Jase’s son was tall, well built like his father, but thinner than most of the human men I had met. He was mostly dressed the same as his dad, but his eyes stood out. It was like the man was able to see more than he was letting on. It was the same look I had in my own eyes if I was in a room full of people I didn’t trust. He stood and bowed to me. “My name is Tesser and this is my betrothed, Vixey.” At the young man’s words his mother beamed and clapped her hands, and his father nodded approvingly. Vixey on the other hand blushed and looked at the ground. I nodded at him as I took my own seat in the large loveseat. Luhea took her place on my left and I waved Yen over to my right. She was a little uncomfortable, but at the same time blushed madly as I put my arm around her middle.

Turning my attention to Vixey, I saw a stunningly beautiful redhead dressed in a bonnet and a dress that flared out around the waist. Bright green eyes looked over at us as she kept stealing glances at her man. It was clear she was madly in love with him and the way Tesser’s mother kept looking at them, showed she fully approved.

“Vixey, he is like me.” Tesser said holding his future wife close. “Alex, sorry to use you like this, but there is literally no better time." She looked at him worried but nodded. Much to my shock and the shock of his parents, Vixey took off her hat showing long fox ears that quickly moved to lay against her long red hair. So, her dress must be hiding a long bushy tail. Would it be soft like Yen’s was? I loved brushing my lover’s tail and Luhea had even taken to petting Yen’s ears. It was a nice way to pamper my lover.

 Vixey was blushing as she looked around. The cute fox woman pulled free a long bushy tail. It looked really soft. Tesser pulled her into a hug and held her, showing us all the love, he had for who she was. Clodsa became outraged and bristled.

“Well, you have to kick her out of your house and get a REAL woman now. Luckily she is a beast so your marriage isn’t real so she isn’t owed anything.” The older woman screamed into the small room. My anger bubbled and watching him step between his mother and his future wife showed I wasn’t the only one pissed the fuck off right now. Yen and Luhea put hands on my shoulders holding me back gently. I could break free of them, but the sign was clear for me to calm down.

“I will do no such thing mother.” Tesser said, his chin held high. Vixey pressed into his back, the fear was clear in her eyes as she cowered behind him. Jase stood between them, his back to Tesser, anger bloomed on his face.

“Outside now.” He growled.

“You heard your father, join us outside right now.” I had never seen this woman angry before and it was not a nice look on her.

“Clodsa, your ass, outside, right now.” Jase growled at his wife. Her jaw dropped as she looked up at him. 

“You can’t be okay with him marrying that animal.” She protested.

“What is wrong with Vixey?” I asked, a cold smile beginning to bloom on my face. All eyes turned to me, but I was too pissed to care.

“Sure it’s okay for you to be with them, but I want grandchildren.” She tried to protest.

“And I wanted a mother who didn’t think I was a FUCKING MONSTER!!” I said softly that ended in a cold scream. I had said too much, but my eyes and anger were solely focused on the offending woman. Tears started to make their way out and she stood, running from the house. Jase turned to me, I expected anger, him to call me out, say I was too cold or too harsh. In place of that I saw pity.

“Sorry, Alex. I’ll go after her.” He said, turning away from me. Yen and Luhea held on to me tightly as though to tell me it was okay.

“Sorry about that. My skill told me that this was the best moment to attack this issue.” He said standing and holding his hand out to the cute redhead fox woman. Did she have a sister? I nodded at him and waved him and Vixey to their seats.

“Have a seat, it may be a while for them. If they don’t accept you, know that we will.” I said coldly a dark look in my eyes. My own parents never openly called me a monster, but Clodsa did and it was part of the closure I knew I would never have.

“That goes double for me.” Luhea said, reaching out to hold Vixey’s hand. The heartfelt look in her eyes told me that she was happy to become friends with Vixey. Yen nodded at her and lay her head on my shoulder. “Tell me about how the two of you met.” Luhea asked, a happy expression on her face. She was doing her best to make the couple feel welcome. I would have to reward her later. Yen held me for a moment and whispered into my ear.

“Thank you, Alex.” She said with a smile. I kissed her cheek and held her hands.

“Why are you thanking me?” I asked as she wrapped around my arm.

“For being amazing.” She said, kissing the top of my head.

“I am only a mirror to you. What you offer I will reflect back one hundred full.” I said as the other three talked. She laughed at my words and I reached up to scratch those round ears. After a while she broke away to bring out bottles of wine and glasses. If only we had a movie to mock like MST3K.


{Jase Ven Lothos}

He stepped outside following his wife. He didn’t mean to slam the door, but his rage had overruled his mind. She turned to him and crossed her arms, her own rage filling her.

“Don’t tell me that you are okay with him sleeping with that animal?” She yelled.

“I am fine with him sleeping with his future wife.” He said coldly, a warning clear, but ignored. It had been a long time since their last fight. Maybe they were overdue.

“Wife? She is an animal, his slave, and it is unacceptable for him to live like that.” She put her hands on her hips, her face twisted in rage.

“You didn’t have an issue when it was Alex.” Jase said coldly. Unlike most men, he got calmer and his voice lowered the angrier he got. She began to draw closer, struggling to hear him.

“Alex is not my FUCKING SON!” She screamed back.

“And that makes a difference?” He asked growling out each word.

“It makes all the difference. I want grandkids and SHE can’t give them to us.” She replied, crossing her arms.

“And I want our son in our life. I’ll pack my things.” He said, turning his back to her. He couldn’t look her in the eye right now after what she had done. She stood there for a moment watching him walk away.

“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” She screamed chasing after him. Her hands shook, but she couldn’t fully reach him.

“WHY NOT!” He shouted, turning like a wolf and stomping towards her. She froze, fear filling her small frame. He could never hurt her, but she had behaved like a, like a, he didn’t know what, but he knew it was so wrong. Alex had changed their lives and his son was like that man. “I want to be in my son's life and I want to see him happy.” He sighed and looked at the ground, “With or without you. I can move out tonight. You can have the house. I'll build a new one.” His heart was breaking, but this was the right thing to do. His son needed him. As soon as this got out, people would turn on him and the young man needed support.

“Why?” She asked him in a small voice. He looked up as she sniffed, tears flowing down her face. He loved his wife from the moment they met, but despite that, he needed to be the bigger man. “Why take his side?” She asked, her own tears flowing now.

“Because I see the look in his eyes when he looks at her. It’s the same look I see reflected when I look into yours. He loves her as much as I love you.” His words hit like a blade on his own heart and from the look in her eyes, it hit the same for her. She fell to her knees and started crying her hands covering her face. He knelt next to her but couldn’t bring himself to reach out.

“Why are you leaving me?” She sobbed.

“Because I love you as you are and don’t want to spoil the memory of the woman, I love with the monster you were tonight.” He had meant to soften the words, but they still came out harsh. Her sobs became louder as she clawed her way to him. She clung to his shirt sobbing into his shoulder.

“I love you. Don’t leave me. I’ll be good.” She was acting like a small child, but he couldn’t help his own heart and held her, sitting on the ground outside Alex’s house. The world could easily walk around laughing, but he wouldn’t have cared. When her sobs had slowed, he pulled away looking at her. Dark brown eyes were red from her tears as her plump lip quivered. Even now she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known.

“Do you really believe Vixey is an animal?” He asked her, his voice still holding an edge of warning. She shook her head and hugged him tightly. “When you are ready, we can go back inside.” He said as he held her. He leaned his head back and looked up at the stars. “Our son is brave. It took courage to show us.” His voice wavered, as he joined her crying openly. She nodded, but still couldn’t speak.

Her tears slowed, but she still clung to her as they sat on the path. When she was ready, they stood and went back inside. Alex, his women, Tesser and his wife to be were in the living room talking and laughing, but Jase could see the worry on his son’s face. A bottle of wine was open and the glasses sat on a table. Vixey was holding her glass laughing openly, long ears up. The moment they entered, the room fell silent. He pushed Clodsa to Vixey and nodded. Clodsa looked back, embarrassment and fear on her face. He nodded again and gave his wife a sweet smile as he rubbed her back.

“Vixey, I’m sorry for my outburst. I was wrong.” She said, looking at the ground.

“Mother, it’s okay.” Vixey said, her hands clasped around her wine glass. Clodsa looked up into the fox woman’s eyes and she started crying again as she leapt into Vixey’s arms.

“I’m so sorry.” His wife wept. He moved to his son and pulled him into a hug. Alex was being held by his women, a sad look in the young man’s eyes. Vixey held her as both women cried. Alex was pushed by Yen to the group and Jase remembered his words about being seen as a monster. He pulled the small, strange man into a hug with his son. Alex stiffened, but didn’t fight it. When they broke, Jase turned to his son.

“Did you see this coming?” Jase asked. Tesser rubbed the back of his head and gave his father a weak smile.

“My skill.” He muttered in reply. Jase nodded and smiled at his son.

“Next time warn me.” He said, slapping his son’s arm with a smile. Alex moved back to his spot on the couch, a strange expression on his face as his women held him. The women had sweet smiles, tears in their own eyes. His wife may be a little rough, but she had picked a good friend for him and his son. They walked in as three families, but now they felt like one.



Kind of a short one, but a happy one. Alex will view them as his family, but it will take time. Next chapter is where things really change. Tune in for things to go sideways.

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