Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 6. Yen’s best day ever.


The party was two days ago and she had been treated nicely by Alex and Luhea. It was a little odd as she was their slave, but they treated her like their lover and equal. Luhea had treated her well before, but it was always clear that Yen was a slave and Luhea was a noble. Now things were different and strange. She wasn’t sure if she fully liked it or just accepted the change, but if it meant being owned by Alex, she would happily do anything she had to.

She was tracking animals through the woods, keeping a careful eye on the sun. Alex had requested she go to his work by noon, and she wasn’t going to be late. He could have easily ordered it, and she would be forced to obey, but he was always careful never to order her to do anything that was too unpleasant. There were times he would order her to do things in bed, but most of those were clear requests. He looked so cute the first time he had ordered her to cum and she had done so. She laughed at the memory and looked at the path. A few deer, goats, racoons and so on. Easy game, but she wasn’t in the mood to kill anything. She had just killed a large buck the day before for a bear that was stocking up for winter. The poor animal was pregnant, and she wanted to see happy and healthy cubs in the spring. Her mind drifted to Luhea and Alex. Would they have kids soon? Would she be allowed to help care for them? She had always dreamed of being a mother and if she was allowed to help them, she would do everything in her power to insure the child or children grew up strong and safe. She thought about a little girl with his dark hair and eyes, but with Luhea’s looks. Her mind drifted even further, and she allowed herself to dream of a child between Alex and her. The dark hair, her stripes, tail and ears. Would she be smart like him or strong like her?

She shook her head and blinked away a tear. Even dreams can go too far at times. She focused back on the path and bit her lip. She was feeling useless. Alex was rather upset when he found out she was skipping meals. It was one order he issued in anger. She was forced to eat three full meals a day whether or not she did enough to earn it. So many things in her life had changed and she wasn’t sure what she should do. Her heart was heavy as she headed back to their house. Everything was secure and the elk she had hunted last week was frozen in a box Alex had made. It would feed them for a long time so they wouldn’t go hungry. Alex always made amazing things and when he worked at home, she was allowed to watch him. The look on his face was shocking, the magic he used changed the very air and the scent he gave off was one of pure pleasure.

She wished she would be allowed to watch him at his work. She was sure everything would be stronger. Maybe that was what she was being called there for. That or maybe he was hoping to fuck her on his desk. She had been told by Luhea that they had done that once, but that was at the end of the day. Maybe he was going to fuck Luhea on the desk and wanted Yen to watch. It was fun watching them, but she wanted to join in. She loved the feeling of Luhea’s lips and knew her breasts would be fun to play with. She was dreaming again and needed to get going.

With a sigh, she locked up and made the short walk into town. It was active and full of people making her feel more unnerving. She slipped into her demure posture, but no one treated her as the slave she was. If anything, they treated her as an equal. It would all change soon. Humans always looked down on her kind. She was a beast and a slave. Humans were free. It was a simple fact of life to her.

The door was open to his work, and she peeked her head in. It was an active open space. She saw Luhea’s Knight standing in one of the bays. Alex had changed it and now it looked more human. She could tell from looking at it that it would move more easily and might be stronger. Luhea saw her and let out a squeal of joy before running across the active space. Some of the workers laughed and got out of her way. It seemed like it was a common occurrence. She couldn’t help but laugh as the small human woman hugged her. They had just hugged less than four hours ago. It touched her that Luhea seemed to have missed her despite the short time. “Are you ready?” Luhea asked. Yen looked down at her, a question on her face.

“For what?” She asked, her heart racing a little thinking about the three of them in Alex’s office. Would he be waiting in there for them, nude and hard? She bit her lip as her tail lashed the air.

“Nope, it’s a surprise.” Luhea said, pulling Yen back out into the town. Yen felt uneasy as Luhea tugged at her arm. She gulped as she saw the inn come into view. Places like that weren’t kind to slaves. She had once seen her adopted mother beaten for going into one. She tried to pull away but couldn’t willingly do so with the smile that Luhea had. She stopped in the doorway and took a sniff. It smelled of people, joy and a great many things. “Come on Yen.” Luhea said brightly as she pulled her into the mostly empty room and to a table. She seemed to bounce in her seat as a white-haired bunny woman came up to them slowly.

“Umm, hello, Lady Luhea.” The small bunny woman said tugging down on one of her long ears.

“Hello Lily, this is my best friend, Yen. Today is a special day for us and I was hoping for some Hunter’s Blend to start things off.” Luhea said. The bunny nodded at her. “Do you want to join us?” Luhea seemed to let her voice raise up a little and there was a laugh from the kitchen.

“Go ahead girl. You earned a break.” A man’s voice said with another laugh. Lily seemed to sag a little as she bounced off. The little woman was cute, but she seemed a shy. Soon she returned with a pot of tea and three cups. She sat down with a sigh and looked over at Yen.

“Nice to umm meet you?” She seemed to ask.

“Nice to meet you, Lily.” Yen said warmly. Her mouth gaped a little as she looked up, nearly straining her neck to look into Yen’s eyes.  Yen rested her head on her hands, so the small woman didn’t have to strain her neck so much.

“You are really big.” Lily said subconsciously before blushing. “Umm, sorry. I didn’t mean to,” She trailed off as Yen laughed.

“It’s actually a compliment even if it’s not true.” Yen said as Luhea touched her shoulder. Lily looked a little taken aback, but also curious. “I’m a tiger. For my people, women aren’t real women until they are over seven feet tall. I am only six and a half.” Yen said sadly.

“How big are the men?” Lily asked, her red eyes wide with shock.

“About the same size as you.” Luhea said with a laugh. Lily looked at Yen, her mouth hanging open, showing small buck teeth. Something strange was happening to the feeling in the room as Lily poured the tea. “Lily has been working here for a while and I was hoping we could all be friends.” Luhea said with a smile. Yen could tell that she was hoping that they could be actual friends and not like Luhea and her. She wasn’t attracted to Lily, but having a new friend might be nice. Had Luhea planned this? If so, she felt more loved by her sister. The feeling got even stronger as she smelled the tea. It was a strange, pleasant blend that tickled the nose. “So, let’s talk shop.” Luhea said warmly. “What do you like to drink, Lily?” Yen looked at the small woman who sipped her own tea.

“Lavender wine.” She said, humming softly. Yen noticed that the innkeeper was sticking his head out and nodded at Luhea.

“I love Cabernet Sauvignon, but it is a little hard to get a hold of. Maybe one day I can let you have some.” Both women turned to Yen as Luhea took a sip of her own tea.

“I haven’t had much to drink, but I remember once trying something called an Orange Tiger. It smelled like oranges, was strong and made my head feel funny.” Yen said as she closed her eyes. That night she had slept with a wanderer, but the man was gone by morning. Maybe she was like catnip for men like Alex and that one. If so, she wasn’t going to complain. It had won her the love of her life and a woman she hoped to make love to soon. With her eyes closed, she didn’t see the innkeeper give Luhea a thumbs up or Lily giggle as she tugged her ears down a little.

They talked for an hour and when the tea was gone, Luhea paid and stood, stretching. Yen found herself looking fondly at the way her sister’s breasts seemed to push out of her dress.

“Lily, it was nice talking with you.” Yen said bowing at the small bunny woman. Lily bounced up and bowed back.

“Nice to meet you too. Please come back soon. Next time you have to try the cinnamon roll. I think Master can make you an orange one.” Lily said, holding out her small hand to Yen. She took it and marveled at how small and soft it was. Would Alex like women with soft hands like hers or rough hands like Yen's? She felt warmth for the small woman, but no scent of lust from her. Yen seemed happy about that. She didn’t know why, but she felt a little protective of Luhea and Alex. She had little doubt that Alex would be attracted to her.

They went across the street to the tailor’s shop. Was Luhea going to try on clothes? Yen would enjoy watching the woman show off outfits to her. They walked in and Yen saw a brightly colored woman whose outfit seemed a little patchwork, but the outfit itself seemed to show off her skills. “Welcome ladies. Come on in.” The older woman said cheerfully. Yen was a little shocked with how pleasant and warm the woman was. Luhea pulled Yen in and to one of the changing rooms.

“Do you have them ready?” Luhea asked the tailor. Much to Yen’s shock the woman came out with a pile of fabric.

“I had to guess, but I should be able to do something. Now, Madam Yen, please go in and undress. Leave everything to me.” The tailor said with a huge cat-like smile.

“But I don’t have money.” Yen said, feeling a little scared. What was going on? Why was everyone being so nice to her? Luhea laughed and pushed her inside the changing room fully. The small blonde woman closed the curtain and Yen stood there for a moment awkwardly.

“I have this, now get undressed so we can start.” Luhea shot back with a smile. Yen could easily see her over the top as the space was not designed for someone her size. It was hard to move, but she was able to get her armor off. Now she stood there in her underwear as Luhea took her armor. Would she be forced to walk home like this? She doubted Luhea would do that to her. The tailor passed her some black fabric and Yen worried even more at how expensive the fabric felt.

“Try it on deer.” Tailor said warmly. Yen nodded but felt bad about wearing something so nice. She slid it over her head and marveled at how it fit her. On Luhea it would have been something she could easily trip over. She let her fingers run down the soft almost silk like black fabric that matched her hair, nails and stripes. The curtain opened and she saw Luhea looking up at her. The scent of lust seemed to roll off her as she looked Yen over. Yen felt embarrassed and stood there awkwardly, holding herself. Luhea pulled her to the middle of the room and helped her tie a sash around her middle. It helped the dress cling to her middle and made her hips stick out though slits on either side. Shoes were placed in front of Yen, and she gasped looking down at them. They looked like they would actually not only fit her but allow her toe claws to be clear. She started crying as Luhea helped her slide them on. They were a little awkward, but it made her three inches taller. She was almost seven feet tall.

“Get those tears out now. You’ll ruin your makeup if you cry later.” Luhea said, hugging Yen. The tailor joined as Yen stood there. What was Luhea planning? Did she want Yen to look her best for Alex and her? Did she actually see her as a woman? What god did she please to get this life? Yen cleaned her cheeks and was dragged to a mirror. The woman who looked back had her tail, stripes, but had to duck just to see her face. The dress clung to a narrow middle but pushed her breasts up nicely. All her muscles were on display, and she flexed a little letting them move under her skin. Everything about this dress showed off both her prowess as a warrior, but her nature as a woman. A hand moved over her ass, and she looked back to see a smiling Luhea. “Try on the next one.” She begged. Yen was uneasy but stepped out of the heels and back into the changing room. The next one was a lovely sundress that came down to mid-calf. It was a summer blue with yellow flowers. She was asked to put on sandals to go with it and Luhea tied back her hair. She had seen others do this and had dreamed putting on this type of show but never thought it would actually happen.

This went on for what felt like an hour, and she was given outfit after outfit to try on. Each one was made for her and helped her feel more like a woman. She was even given a nightgown that would be comfortable to sleep in. For once in her life, she felt on par with Luhea even though it wasn't true. She wondered what outfit Alex would like the most. Judging from the scents Luhea was giving off she loved the black dress and the nightgown. She loved everything she had been offered to try on. When they were done, she thought it was going to be Luhea’s turn, instead she turned to the tailor and bowed. “Thank you, Tailor, we’ll take them all.” Luhea said proudly. Yen held up her hands to protest.

“No thank you. Everyone who sees her in those will know my quality.” The tailor shot back. “If I may, I think she will look stunning in the black dress and heels tonight.”

“Shhhh, but yes, Yen, please go change. Your ass looks amazing in the dress.” Luhea said, giving Yen a wink. Yen felt something bad coming. Was she being built up just to be humiliated? She never thought Alex or Luhea could ever do that. She changed and Luhea asked her to sit so she could do her hair and makeup. She had never been allowed to have makeup before and having the two women pamper her felt like a dream she could never hope for. They walked out of the shop with Yen holding bags full of clothes.

“Where did all this come from?” Yen asked her friend.

“Alex wanted to make sure you had a choice, and I agreed. Look, after the last party we realized that you might not feel appreciated, and I want you to know that we love and care for you.” Luhea sighed as she clung to Yen’s arm. Yen's heels clicked on the sidewalk in a way that drew other’s eyes. Much to her surprise men didn’t look at her with disgust, but rather honor. The sway of her hips made her tail lash more dramatically and she felt sexy for the second time in her life. The first time was when Alex demanded she stay the night with him so he didn’t feel used. Yes, he pampered her, but to feel really sexy was a rare feeling that she delighted in it. She felt like a real woman. The clicking sound softened as they walked up the path to the house and Yen felt her heart beat faster. What would Alex say about her looking like this? Would he make fun of her? Would he demand she change back? Would he bend her over the bed and fuck her like mad? Knowing him, it would be the last one. He loved not only her, but her body despite how short she was.

The house came into view, and she could smell and feel how nervous Luhea was getting. Did she fear how Alex would react? Was she hoping to watch or join in this time as Alex fucked Yen? Luhea ran ahead and knocked on the door before opening it. It was a little strange, but this whole day was strange. Luhea opened the door and held it open as Yen walked in. The living room was off and dark, but she could see shapes moving in the darkness. Suddenly curtains were thrown open and people were screaming at her. She pulled Luhea behind her and brandished her claws, dropping the bags, growling at the group of people. Were they under attack by thumpers? She would kill them all for bothering her family.

“SURPRISE!!!” everyone screamed, and Yen growled again aiming for the nearest one. She stopped just shy of Vixey who screamed in shock. The fox woman backed into Tesser who caught her.

“Friend Runt I tell you bad idea.” Gorloth said with a laugh. Yen blinked as Luhea laughed. Did they do this to make fun of her? Yen looked around to see Tesser holding Vixey, Gorloth laughing beside an embarrassed Alex who was rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah, surprise parties are a little different in my world.” Alex said as he looked Yen over. “Not going to lie though, Yen you look amazing.” He licked his chops like a large cat and Yen stood up embarrassed. This was clearly some type of trick, but she didn’t understand it.

“Yen, this is a party for you.” Luhea said, pulling Yen in. She towered over everyone, but that seemed to matter all the more to her. There was a knock at the door and Yen turned ready for an attack only to see the innkeeper and Lily standing there. They held bags of food that smelled amazing.

“Good, we are on time.” The innkeeper said, pushing his way to the kitchen. Lily followed and Yen could tell the tiny bunny woman was a little jealous. They set everything up on the table and Alex brought out plates and cups for everyone. Yen just stood there feeling even more useless.

“Yen, relax.” Luhea said as she pulled Yen to a seat. She was forced to cross her legs as not to show her underwear to the group and felt like a useless slave just sitting around while everyone else did everything. A cup was passed to her and she saw an orange liquid that she sniffed. It was Orange Tiger. A tear came out as she tasted it. Luhea sat on her side as the innkeeper and Lily finished. They turned to leave and the big man turned to the small bunny woman.

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked her. She blinked up at him as he pointed at a bottle of wine on the table. “That is a lovely lavender wine and I expect you to stay here with your friends and drink it.” He added with a large smile. “You earned it girl.”

“Thank you, Master.” She said in a small voice. Yen laughed, a few tears making their way out. Yen took a long sip and delighted in the sting and taste of the drink. Lily helped everyone with their plates and then made her own. Luhea brought Yen a plate and they all ate and talked. It made her feel loved by everyone. This all made no sense as she was just a beast. No one would ever treat her like this. It reminded her of the doll she had back when she was little. She wished she had the little burlap doll back. Maybe she could do some work to earn enough to have that nice tailor make one. Would Alex and Luhea let her do that? Somehow, she knew they would get it for her if she asked.

Lily joined them and happily sipped her glass looking around. She looked as awkward as Yen felt, but the Tiger was helping Yen. Alex sat on her other side and his hand traced her leg, sending tingles up her spine. She felt not only owned by him but loved by him too. He showed the world every day that she was his and she loved him back. She loved both him and Luhea to the deepest part of her core. The Orange Tiger warmed her belly, and she took a strong gulp. It was strong, smokey and the orange flavor tickled her tongue and nose. She wanted more and drained the cup. Allowing it to slide down her throat burning all the way. Something in the room felt off and she blinked. She felt nice and her skin tingled in a fun way. Alex was patting her leg, and she looked over at him, the room spinning lightly. “Yen, are you okay?” He asked, but she could see an amused look in his eye. He smelled so nice that Yen couldn’t help herself but tilt his head up so she could kiss him. His mouth tasted so good, and she felt his tongue press its way in. After far too short a time, she was pulled away slightly. “Let’s get you to bed.” He said warmly. The small man and Luhea helped her to their room. Her dress was slid off her and she purred softly in the slight chill of the room.

“If I had known, I would have told you to slow down.” Her lovely Luhea said, tingling Yen’s ears. Her new nightgown was slid over her, and she wrapped around Luhea. “Alex, my love, go ahead. I think she needs me.” Alex said something, but Yen didn’t understand it. Someone set her down and she sat there, swaying lightly. She leaned her head back and purred softly, everything feeling so good. Hands pushed her back and she could smell Luhea.

“I lllllovvve you.” Yen slurred. Why were her words coming out so strangely? Luhea laughed, but it was a nice sound.

“I love you too.” Yen shook her head, long hair swaying under her.

“Nooo, I lllovve y yyyou. Really lllovvve yyyou.” She had to close her eyes because the room was spinning a little too much. She turned to the door as she smelled Alex coming back in.

“She should drink water before you two lay down.” He said and a cup was pushed into her hand. She wanted another kiss. She wanted to kiss them both. Her stomach felt off and bubbled slightly.

“Yen, sweetie, please drink this.” Luhea said and Yen could hear the worry in her voice. She nodded and drank the cup. Luhea was always nice to her and if she thought Yen needed water, she would drink some. She really wanted more Tiger, but knew it wasn’t wise. She drank the water and felt her stomach calm down a little. Luhea was right. Her head still spun as she reached out for Alex.

“Allllexxx. I llllluve yyou.” She managed to mutter as she felt sleepy. It was such a nice day, and the sun was making their bed warm. She was never allowed to lay in the sun before, but this felt right.

“I love you both.” Alex replied and Yen smiled as Luhea was pulled down to the bed. She felt Alex kiss her forehead and brush the hair from her eyes. He had just told her something she had always wanted to hear.

“I love you too, my love.” Luhea said as Yen wrapped around her. The small woman was in her nightgown and Yen loved the feeling against her claws. Holding her lover, she felt her mind ease. Today was the best day of her life and one she never wanted to end.


Hope everyone is liking this. Alex learned earlier that surprise parties aren't always a good idea. Gen will be spared this time. lol.  I expect in the next two chapters to have the climax for the first act. Hold on to your butts as things are going to get crazy.

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