Loss A Love And Gain Three






 Tanya suddenly gasped from the pain she felt within her dead heart. She dropped the book she was reading onto the floor, her beautiful face contorted with agony. She sensed that her mates were experiencing the same condition.

In the living room, Kate and Irina were watching TV while she read. Tanya communicated telepathically with her mates. Their bond was unique, allowing them to share thoughts and emotions.

 “What’s happening? It feels like my heart is being crushed.”

 “I don’t know.” Irina replied, pressing her hand against her chest.

 “I believe our mate is in danger. Finally, we’ll be able to find her.” Kate rasped, trying to ignore her own chest pain.

 “Are you sure?” Irina asked.

“It’s the only explanation for the pain.” Tanya agreed with Kate.

“At long last, we can be whole.” Kate smiled.

 Ever since they found each other, they sensed a fourth member to their group. A persistent feeling of longing and incompleteness. They had traveled the world, hoping to locate their missing mate, but without success, until now. Having a three-mated group was rare, and having four was even rarer. Tanya felt the pain gradually subside.

"We need to find her now!”  Irina said in a panicked tone. “We don’t know what kind of danger she’s in; the pain must be a warning.”

“Let’s leave now.” Tanya said, concentrating on the pain and teleporting with her sisters.




Bella woke up to warmth against her body, hearing soft purring that made her feel comfortable and safe.

 “I know you’re awake, little one. Please open your eyes.”  Irina urged softly, wanting to check on her mate.

 Bella opened her eyes and inhaled the sweet scents of strawberry, freesia, and vanilla. Calming fragrances. She felt two bodies pressed against her, one on each side of her, as she became aware of her surroundings. Panic suddenly set in as she opened her eyes, and took in the unfamiliar room and the two blondes beside her. Another blonde woman stood in front of the door.

 “Please don’t be frightened, little one. We won’t hurt you. You are safe.” Tanya said.

Bella noticed bandages around her waist and remembered the previous night's events. “Safe? Who are you? Why am I here?”

“My name is Tanya Denali, and these two beautiful ladies are Irina and Kate, my mates. You are in Alaska, and our home is in Denali. And yes, you are safe. We brought you here after rescuing you from that creature in the forest.”

Although Bella accepted her fate, the pain of the Cullen’s betrayal still lingered more than the creature’s attack. She felt unworthy of anyone’s love. But one thing stood out from Tanya’s answer.

“Mates? You have two female mates?” She asked in confusion. Edward had told her that vampires always had one true mate for life. And they were supposed to be the opposite sex.

“Yes, mates.” Irina answered. It’s probably strange for a human to see three people in love.

“Are you going to kill me?” Bella blurted out. Momentarily setting aside the fact that vampires could have more than one mate.

“No, of course not.” Tanya said, moving closer to the bed to comfort her mate. She stopped beside Kate.

 Bella sat against the headboard. Mindful of her wounds, and hugged her knees.

Kate and Irina got up to give her some space. Sensing that she needed it.

“Well, you are vampires. And according to the law, anyone who knows about vampires should be killed or changed. Why else did you bring me here?”

“We are not going to kill you.” Kate said, her voice filled with hurt.

Bella was startled by Kate’s tone.

 “How do you know that we are vampires?” Tanya asked curiously.

Bella trembled with hurt. The three Denali were by her side in a flash, trying to comfort her with a touch of her hands. As they purred in unison.

 Bella was startled at first but welcomed their affection. She felt confused about why she felt so comfortable and safe around the three women.

 “Why am I here?” Bella wanted to know because the last time she checked, she was in a forest while it was raining. She tensed with the memory of last night: Edward, her family leaving her, and the creature that attacked her. It was all so overwhelming.

“It’s alright.” Tanya said softly. “You are here because we want you safe and protected.”

“But why? Why do you care?”

“We care because we love you.” Kate said as both Tanya and Irina glared at her. It was too soon for their declaration, they didn’t want to scare their new mate off.

“Love me? You don’t even know me. And how did you find me?” Bella asked. Why would three vampires go out of their way to save her?

“Please calm down. We will explain everything to you.” Irina said softly.

“And after that. We would like to know why you were in the forest alone. In the rain, and at night, no less?” Tanya said, looking at Bella softly. “Do you agree?”

Bella looked into Tanya’s eyes and answered. “Yes.”

“Good. My mates and I felt that you were in danger and wanted to protect you.”

“You felt that I was in danger, but how? Bella sees the uncertainty on their faces.

“Please don’t lie to me. I’ve had enough of that my whole life. Tell me how did you know?”

“First of all, can you tell me how you know about vampires?” Irina asked, holding one of Bella’s hands that was resting on her knees.

Bella squeezed Irina’s hand, seeking comfort as she looked into Irina’s eyes. “I… I… I…” Bella started. Taking a deep breath, having no idea how to begin.

Tanya saw Bella’s struggle and decided to help her. “What is your name?”

“I’m Isabella Swan. Also known as Bella.”

The mates gasped, having heard her name before from the Cullens. The last time they heard from the Cullens, they were visiting and told the Denalis how heartbroken they were. Because the human didn’t want anything to do with them.

Kate somehow knew they were lying. She stood up quickly, pacing back and forth, cursing the Cullen’s name. They had hurt her mate after all.

“Kate calm down.” Tanya urged. Kate growled in anger; her eyes became dark. Tanya was by her side instantly, hugging her while purring.

“I told you, I told you that they were lying. And now we know why her name sent such longing to us.” Kate said tearfully.

“I Know Kate, but you need to calm down.” Tanya said softly.

Irina was squeezing Bella’s hand; tears streamed down Bella’s face as Irina wiped them away with her thumb. “Please tell us what happened, Bella. We would like to help you.” Irina said.

Tanya and Kate took seats at the edge of the bed, holding each other.

Bella sighed heavily and began recounting the events from the very beginning, starting with the first time she met the Cullens.

As she spoke, her mates grew more enraged by the Cullen’s carelessness, Edward’s manipulation, and lies. Their eyes turned black with anger as they listened to what their young mate had endured.

Tears continued to flow down Bella’s face during her story. She realized that Edward wasn’t a good person. He made all the decisions, treated her like a child, and dismissed her opinions. He even kept her away from her friends. Bella couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed this before; it all became clear as she shared her story. She felt like a fool for falling for someone who didn’t truly love her, a controlling, possessive jerk. Perhaps Rosalie had tried to warn her about Edward, not out of hatred but concern.

Bella’s anger intensified as she thought about how the other Cullens allowed this situation to persist. Did her feelings not matter to them? Did they only tolerate her because she loved their son and brother? Except for Rosalie. Bella wondered if Alice had known all along, and the betrayal hurt even more coming from her best friend if she does.

“Bella!” Irina called, hugging her tightly.

 Tanya sat at the end of the bed, with Kate between her legs, both facing Bella.

“Bella!” Irina called again.

 Bella seemed lost in her thoughts after finishing her story.

 “Bella! Please my love, look at me.” Irina said with a worried voice.

The sound of Irina’s voice snapped Bella out of her tormented reverie. She turned to Irina and asked.

 “Why did you call me, your love?” Then she turned to Tanya and Kate. “Why am I here? What’s going on?”

Tanya took a deep breath and asked. “What do you know about mates?”

“Not much.” Bella replied. “Edward said it’s when a man and a woman love each other and can’t be without each other.”

“There’s more to it than that.” Irina explained. “Soulmates experience a pull towards each other, along with immense love. It’s impossible to hurt or leave one another, no matter the circumstances. As their bond grows, they can sense each other’s emotions, and sometimes a unique power develops between them. Enhancing their ability to protect each another.”

Bella shook her head; she had no idea about any of this. Once again, the Cullens had kept her in the dark. “What about same-sex or multiple mating, like you three? I was told only a man and a woman can be mates.”

“Mating bonds.” Kate said. “They’re not limited to opposite-sex pairs. Two males or two females can be mates, and in rare cases, multiple people can be mated with each other. It’s uncommon, but it does happen. I have a female friend who is happily mated to two males.

 You see, Bella, the mating bond in the supernatural world isn’t what humans are used to. It’s taboo to them. Yet some humans find love with multiple partners, and it’s a fulfilling and wonderful bond.” Tanya said.

Bella’s eyes widened as she finally understood why the Denali had brought her here. A sudden lump formed in her throat. “Are you saying that I’m your mate? She asked, looking at each of the blondes.

They nodded their heads in agreement.

 “From the moment we heard your name from the Cullens, we felt such longing. At the time, we didn’t know why, but now everything makes sense.” Tanya said, burying her face into the back of Kate’s neck.

“I understand that this is a lot to take in, Bella. And you need some time to process it.” Irina said softly. “Are you hungry? I’ve brought some food while you were sleeping, or I could cook something for you.”

Bella didn’t know what to think. She was in a strange room with three beautiful blondes, her mates. Who had rescued her from the creature. Were they truly her mates? Or were they lying like Edward? But she couldn’t deny the pull she felt toward them. She would see where this takes her.

“No, thanks. I’ll eat later.”  She has no appetite.

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