Love The Psycho

Chapter 132: Wedding Day 1

''I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may now kiss the bride''. The officiating minister declared and Leo Martins cupped Liyah's face closer and kissed her as the soldiers screamed fumingly at the background. They shouted all sorts of military jargons making the place lively.

The wedding took place at Saint Hotel's VIP hall and the number of invites were limited. Included just a few people, the soldiers, and a few others. Old Master Saint represented Liyah as a step in to lead her to the altar. The officiating minister was the father of Morris, Aaron Saint's secretary.

The wedding started with a procession of the groom and his best man that was Leo Martins and Aaron Saint followed by the bride and her bridesmaid which were Liyah and August Maijune.

Old Master Saint walked Liyah to the podium and handed her hand over Leo Martins who was all smiles and said in a light tone to him ''take care of her, Leo''

''I will grandpa'' Leo Martins said and smiled as he looked at Liyah. She was already beautiful but Leo Martins felt that she looked exceptionally captivating that moment and couldn't wait to finish and leave with her. It was a joyous occasion and everyone was happy.

It was now time for the bride and the groom to greet and toast with everyone so Leo Martins picked a glass of white wine and gave it to Liyah as he whispered to her ''don't drink too much, wifey''. Liyah smiled and nodded her head as they walked towards Old Master Saint and Old Master Martins.

''Liyah, my child come and give grandpa a hug''. Old Master Martins said and Liyah leaned towards him and gave him a hug. ''I'm so happy that you are now a part of the family''. Liyah smiled.

''Liyah, make sure you be happy always. You deserve it'' Old Master Saint added.

''Thank you, grandpa''. Liyah was all smiles. She felt that today was probably the happiest day in her life. She was finally married to the man she loved and adorned and couldn't wait to start the next chapter of her life with him. They were going to begin a journey of a lifetime together and she was going to make sure it was the best kind of life for her. she was confident in trusting her future to Leo Martins.

Liyah's thoughts were disrupted when a suddenly spoke behind her draining her face of all colour.

''Look at you calling an outsider your grandpa when your real grandma is standing before you? Liyah, your parents must be turning in their graves right about now''. A voice rang from a distance. Everyone turned and saw Mandy Myers standing with the governor and his daughter. Leo Martins held Liyah's hand and stepped in front putting her behind him as he spoke.

''What are you doing here? I can't remember inviting you to our wedding?'' his voice didn't hide his contempt.

''You didn't but still, it doesn't change the fact that I am now your grandma in law because I am the legal guardian and only family of Liyah Myers who happens to be your wife now''. Mandy Myers said walking closer to them. Old Master Saint and Old Master Martins both stood up from their seats.

'"Hello, Mr. Saint and Mr. Martins. How long has it been since we last saw each other?'' Mandy Myers asked and smiled as her eyes roamed the hall. The whole place had become quiet due to the sudden interruption and appearance of the unwanted guest.

''What does she want here?'' Maijune asked Aaron Saint who was standing by her side.

Their intertwined hands caught Mimi Garcia's eyes and she sneered in her heart. Very soon she was going to get married into the Saint family or so she thought. Josh Saint had promised her that they will get married soon before Aaron Saint does and that the inheritance went to the one who married first. She wasn't really interested in the inheritance. She just needed the backing of the powerful family to accomplished her plan that was already set in motion.

As she thought about this, she couldn't help sizing August Maijune up. her eyes seemed to have found something rather interesting and it looked like she knew something that no one else did. Her lips curved into a smile while she stood next to her family, watching the drama unfold.

''You still haven't answered my question, Madam Myers. How did you get in here without an invite?" Leo Martins asked again this time impatiently.

''Madam Myers is a close friend of mine, since this was her granddaughter's wedding I thought it was natural to bring her along so that they could mend their relationship. Blame it on this old man's kind thought" The governor said apologetically as if he just realised his mistake.

Leo Martins exchanged glances with Aaron Saint and Aaron Saint shook his head slightly signalling him to remain calm and level-headed.

''Liyah, no matter what has happened, I am still your only family. Rowena is in prison paying for her crimes. As you can see, those videos and whatever happened were all her doings. Grandma never intended to hurt you in the first place. Since that day, I haven't been sleeping well. I have been worried about you but, I never got the chance to have a good chat with you because you were being protected by your husband now. Do you think it was grandma's intention to destroy Fashion Lyah? Okay, if it makes you feel better, blame it all on me''. Mandy Myers said tearfully walking closer to Liyah. If an outsider were to be there at that moment they would have believed her.

Leo Martins noticed Liyah nervousness as Mandy Myers drew closer to them and stopped her :'stop there. My wife is not feeling well. Can you maintain your distance?'' Leo Martins said.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder if there is any movie director here tonight? Because, this would be such a great opportunity to not miss, casting such a good actor. Even Park Shin Hye's amazing acting skills couldn't be compared to yours right now''. A mocking voice was heard.

Everyone turned and looked towards the voice and found Maijune. Maijune let go of Aaron Saint's hand and walked to Liyah and held her hand adding ''who said you are the only family member big sister has? I am her family, her younger sister and grandpa Saint is also her family. Aaron Saint is her family. All the soldiers here tonight are her family. Her husband is her family and grandpa Martins is her family. With such a big and great family, who cares about the absence of one more person. Aren't I right?'' Maijune cocked her eyes at Mandy Myers and curved her lips as if looking down on her.

''You're right second sister in law''. The soldiers responded. Liyah smiled and held Maijune's hand as they stared into each other's face. Both the two old Masters were equally happy. They never expected that the young chap could be full of so much wisdom at such a young age.

Mandy Myers face turned ashen and she looked terrible. She had never been humiliated in this manner. Her nails dug into her purse. Apart from that time at the shareholders meeting, she had never met with this girl again.

After the terrifying night she made her go through at Lorca's gardens she has been having nightmares and even had one this morning of the girl shooting her with a gun. She was just someone with DID. How dare she humiliate her this way?

She only came here today to make Liyah believe that she was a good person and maybe get her on her side now that her granddaughter was married into a rich and powerful family but, what kind of nonsense was this girl spouting? Mandy Myers really wished she had died that night along with the explosives she had planted. She could only blame it on the fact that she was simply a monster. A three-faced monster who was akin to a time bomb.

Standing beside Mandy Myers, Mimi Garcia wasn't feeling any better. She had thought that the girl was timid and easily bullied but watching her now, she didn't seem like the girl she had met at the cultural centre that night. The girl seemed to be a lot different from that time. The way she spoke to Mandy Myers was so daring. Even she was afraid of the old lady but the girl didn't look scared at all.

Mimi Garcia wished she could rip Maijune's face apart but she remained calm and just watched. After all, her main aim coming with her father was to know more about August Maijune. The main subject of her plan that was set in motion.

Inside the hall, everyone had their own thoughts after hearing Maijune's speech. Leo Martins felt especially happy to see Maijune supporting his wife.

''August Maijune, don't you have any respect for elders? How could you speak to grandma Myers that way? Apologise to Grandma Myers right now?'' Mimi Garcia voiced out after been unable to keep her thoughts to herself. She pretended to act angry but deep down within her, she was just doing an experiment. To know exactly what went on inside the mind of a rare specimen like August Maijune.

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