Love The Psycho

Chapter 133: Wedding Day 2

''August Maijune, don't you have any respect for elders? How could you speak to grandma Myers that way? Apologise to Grandma Myers right now?'' Mimi Garcia voiced out after been unable to keep her thoughts to herself. She pretended to act angry but deep down within her, she was just doing an experiment. To know exactly what went on inside the mind of a rare specimen like August Maijune.

Mandy Myers was a little helpless and didn't know how to handle the situation so Mimi Garcia's outburst though untimely seemed timely for her and she raised her head high watching Maijune.

Maijune been her usual self wasn't faced by what Mimi Garcia said, she remained calmed for a while and when everyone thought she was going to apologise she raised her head saying ''family is someone who is related to us my blood? What nonsense is that? Whoever said that needs a good trashing to wake up from slumber. What a piece of dog shit saying''. Maijune cussed and looked at Mimi.

"Woowwww''. The soldiers hailed happily.

Aaron Saint smirked and just looked on calmly. He had no intention to stop Maijune whatsoever. She looked sexy when she was a badass.

''What?'' Mimi Garcia couldn't believe what she was hearing and so was her father and Mandy Myers. One would think she would apologise and admit her mistake but now not only was she not apologising; she was saying something more vulgar. By now, the governor couldn't stand it and decided to intervene.

''What kind of manners have you been taught to speak that way to your elders? Aaron Saint, haven't you taught this child any manners? Look at how she is speaking to her elders?'' The governor said in a pissed tone that clearly depicted his anger.

''He has but, manners? That all depends on my mood and who I am dealing with, sir. I speak politely to human beings not dogs'' Maijune concluded with a sarcastic chuckle. Aaron Saint walked to them and added.

''Governor, with all due respect, you are the one who didn't treat us with any respect. You know clearly the kind of relationship Liyah has with her grandmother, Mandy Myers yet you brought her here. Could I interpret that as you taking sides right now? Or maybe, you have already decided whose side you belong long before now''. Aaron Saint finished and stood smugly by Maijune's side.

''Okay, if this is how you are going to treat a business partner then, let me tell you right now. Our joint collaboration project is over. You are no longer a partner as of today''. The governor said arrogantly. He was sure with himself that Aaron Saint would beg him after hearing this news, but what he heard shocked him instead.

''Well, I was going to terminate our contract and pay for the damages under your terms but since you are the one bringing it up first, you can go ahead and terminate it, but you must pay Saint Group for the damages and breach of contract. You can contact my secretary from now onwards'' Aaron Saint said.

''Aaron Saint, are you cutting my father off because of this girl?'' Mimi Garcia asked and pointed at Maijune. Her expression clearly showed her disgust at the outturn of events. She was usually level-headed but watching Aaron Saint humiliate her father wasn't something she could take or was willing to take in with a grain of salt. She even sounded rather aggrieved.

''Miss Garcia, the girl you are referring to is my fiancée and she has a name. Don't you ever refer to her as 'this girl' because she isn't a girl but a woman'' Aaron said and looked warningly at Mimi Garcia.

''Fine, mark my words, Aaron Saint. I am the state governor of D-City and you just made me your enemy. Let's see how you will survive in this city from now onwards'' the governor sneered.

''And I am the Chief of D-City's armed forces unit and I hold enough power to see to it that you are removed from your position, Mr. Garcia''. Old Master Martins spoke up standing up from his chair.

The governor's face turned ugly immediately. It was like he was being poured with cold water all over his body. He had forgotten that the wedding today was between Leo Martins and Liyah Myers. He really wanted to find a place to hide his face though it was too late.

Mandy Myers noticing the increased tension decided to speak up ''I am the one at fault. The governor only did me a favour as an old friend, so I hope that he won't be brought down by helping me. But, Liyah is my granddaughter no matter what you all say. I have taken care of her since she was young when her parents passed away. Even if our relationship is severed, I am still her family and deserved to be here today. Right Liyah?''

''Granddaughter? Since when have you ever acknowledged me as part of the Myers family? You never liked my mother. Had it not been because you didn't want people to talk bad about you. Would you have even taken me in back then? I was just 12 years old back then but you always made it clear to me that you hated me because I resembled my mother whom you hated.

You destroyed my life a year ago and destroyed the company I struggled to build. But, that has always been your style, right? What you can't have, you don't dare to see another person having it, so you either snatch it and make it yours or you destroy it. Which is exactly what you did with me. This kind of family, I would rather not have. I have a new family now and they are the people with me now. Madam Myers, please I request that you leave this place before I call the security to escort you out''. Liyah said as she stared straight into Mandy Myers' eyes.

''Ahh'' Mandy Myers chuckled sarcastically and looked at Liyah and Maijune saying ''do you two even know the truth of your existence? You two are ill-fated and your friendship will break apart sooner or later when the truth comes out. August Maijune Elizondo, you are quite the character''.

''What nonsense are you spouting, old woman? Get out of here now or do you need the security to escort you out?'' Maijune said impatiently.

''Wait. Before that, what do you mean by that statement?'' Liyah asked and looked at Mandy Myers' face as if trying to figure out her thoughts but the old woman was a pro at keeping her head cool and made sure her face didn't give her away.

''Why don't you find out that if you are so curious, my granddaughter? Let's go''. Mandy Myers turned and walked away followed by the governor and his daughter. The hall felt like a breath of fresh air as soon as the unwanted people left.

''Everyone, go back to having fun''. Leo Martins said and turned to Aaron Saint. They looked at each other and confirmed with their gazes. What Mandy Myers said wasn't a bluff and both Aaron Saint and Leo Martins knew she knew a lot more than she was letting out. She wouldn't have said such things casually without knowing something.

Aaron Saint removed his phone and went out to make a call ''hello, have you found out what I asked you to look into the last time? Send it to my mail immediately, mm''. Aaron hung up and stood at the entrance watching Liyah and Maijune chatting happily.

The last time he was investigating August Maijune's family, he stumbled upon some pictures of another couple which he didn't really look at properly. But, now that he was thinking back, he seemed to have remembered the picture he saw with June. After hearing what Mandy Myers said, he had the convection that those pictures held some secrets. He wanted to dig deeper and find out more but a part of him was scared of the things he might find. Now that he was thinking back, the girl in the photo seemed to resemble Liyah a lot.

Maijune looked towards the entrance and saw Aaron Saint and waved her hand at him and he walked to her.

''What's on your mind? You seem to be thinking of something''. Maijune asked and he placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to himself. He whispered into her ears.

''Nothing, I just can't wait to go home and cuddle with you to sleep'' Aaron Saint said and Maijune blushed.

''Is that all? But, I feel that there is something else on your mind. Is something bothering you?'' Maijune asked again.

''En, there is indeed something else on my mind. I want to sleep naked with you. feel your bare skin against mine as I hold you to sleep'' Aaron said with a sly smile and Maijune pushed him aside and spoke as she walked away.

''I think my great aunt came to visit this morning. Ahh, my abdomen is paining"

Aaron Saint chuckled and ran after her.

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