Lucifer Quirk

6 – Timothy 6:7-8

Timothy 6:7-8

for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.

James' mother walked up to him seeming a little unsure, but still hugged him with determination.

"I'm sure your quirk will be amazing just like my little baby!" she said firmly.

"Haha, how could my son not be amazing just like me." his dad laughed and added with pride.

"I'll make you proud... mom... dad." James responded with a smile. They might not have been his first set of parents, but that didn't matter. They loved him and he would make sure not to let them down.

The doctor smiled watching the family moment and gave them their time.

"Let's do this. Since we don't know what his quirk is we will do yearly check ups to make sure there aren't any negative side effects we need to handle. Of course if something seems off make sure to bring him in immediately for an additional check up." he finally said.

They ended up leaving the hospital not long after completing a few more basics tests for his health since they were unable to determine more about his quirk at the moment.

James wanted to test himself further to try determining ore aspects of his quirk. Given his luck and the results of the test returning his body generating large amounts of energies there was no way he was going to believe he had "just" a flight quirk. He didn't get this chance though.

"Now it's time for shopping!" his mom said with glee while hugging him tightly once they got back to the car.

"Cough...cough... I still have some work to finish in the office." his dad quickly said while sweating, obviously wanting to get out of being forced to shop. He was in luck though as his mom was completely distracted by James allowing him to get away with his flimsy excuse and after the driver dropped him off at the office they took just James and his mom to a nearby high-class shopping centre.

When they got out of the car 3 guards go out from the car following them to provide their security while shopping. James could tell they were powerful quirk holders just from looking at them. Though they weren't known they were probably powerful to be actual heroes, but were instead working as bodyguards for the Busujima family.

His mom dragged his from one storefront to the next trying to make up her mind which store to visit to play dress-up...ahem... buy clothes for her son. While they were walking around many ladies wanted to just run up  to hug him and pinch his cheeks.... or abduct him in worse cases, but the 3 intimidating bodyguards were doing their job and reluctantly none of them approached though James could see the fervour in their eyes as they stared at him. Some even followed them for a while though ended up being deterred when the bodyguards sent them some stern glares.

When she finally made a decision they didn't actually enter the store right away, but instead one of the bodyguards entered the store first and escorted everyone other than the staff out and verified the store was secure before they could enter. Inside there were two young ladies standing behind the counter like professionals and though their eyes lit up when they saw him they were well trained and maintained their professionalism.

"Welcome to our store madam, sir. Is there anything we can help you find?" one of them asked politely.

"Sweetie, mommy used to be the head of the fashion and beauty companies in our families business so just trust me and let me choose. Ok?" she asked cutely before he could say anything.

"Ok mom." James said nodding with a smile, he had already given up on getting out of this and his mom's excitement was rather cute so he decided to happily indulge her wishes. She was like a whirlwind as she stormed through the store picking up clothing items left and right before finally dragging him to the changing rooms.

She put in him various outfits ranging casual to more formal gushing over him every time she had him show off the clothing she dressed him up in as if he were some kind of runway model for an audience of three. He had to admit though that his mom had amazing taste as every outfit she picked looked good on him and emphasised some positive part of his appearance. He could tell she was a professional when it came to things like this so he decided to pay close attention to her decisions and reasoning. Though he had no experience with this in his previous life and was cute meaning he would likely be attractive after growing up some and the heir to one of the largest consortiums in all of Japan, but presentation still matters and the right outfit, hairdo and bearing can make or break things both in business and relationships so building this skill early would only help him down the line.

"Mom, can you tell me why you picked the clothes you did?" he asked her.

"Oh, of course sweetie!" she exclaimed raining kisses on him while hugging him. It was obvious that him showing interest in her field of expertise was just building her excitement even further.

"I'll make sure you'll know everything mommy does when we're done." she said with a wide smile.

In the end they spent hours in the shopping centre even having to recharge in the food court with a quick lunch before diving back into other stores where the same scene repeated with him going through more outfits than he could recall with his mom explaining why she picked certain pieces and combinations even telling him ways the outfits could be improved further. Even though she probably thought most of it would go in one ear and out the other he made sure to imprint as much of it as he could into his memory for future reference.

It wasn't until it got closer to dinner time that they had the bodyguards escort them back home. He wasn't sure how, but it seemed like his mom was as if not more energetic than when they started despite feeling completely drained himself.

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