Lucifer Quirk

7 – Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

It wasn't until his parents had put James to bed that night that he finally got a chance to start some experimentation regarding further changes stemming from his quirk awakening.

'Ok, easiest things first. Since I'm limited without any real equipment and being in my bedroom let's start with strength.' he thought to himself.

First he tried lifting his desk which would be easy to lift for an adult, but for a 4 year old would be very hard if not impossible. He managed to lift it without any struggle at all which confirmed that his strength at least was already higher than it had been before awakening his quirk.

He immediately moved towards the bed which was significantly heavier and would be a struggle to an average quirk-less adult and impossible to himself before today, but actually managed to lift it though with significant struggle. He didn't try to lift any of the heavier furniture like dressers in his room given the struggle his bed already gave him, but he was very satisfied with his preliminary test. 

He didn't have any accurate training equipment to measure accurately, but he was fairly certain he was at least three times stronger than he had been previously. He also suspected that since the doctor mentioned his cells were actually continuously producing more energy and storing it and it was already improving his strength that this wasn't the limit of growth for his strength.

Due to the inconvenience of the situation he decided to skip on testing his speed. Even though his room was very large for a regular kid's bedroom. It wasn't large enough for him to start running laps in. He was also worried that if he did the noise would bring either his parents or the staff to check up on him. He could check up on it some other time when he managed to find some time alone outside or at the gym in the basement.

He wanted to test his recovery factor. He just needed some way to give himself a light injury to see how fast it would recover. Eventually he found a piece of metal on one of his cabinets that could be sharp enough to give himself a cut. He made sure to do it on the back of his hand as hands tend to heal quickly and doing it on the back meant even if it didn't heal faster it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience while he waited for it to heal. 

It seemed hard to cut, however this could either be that his resistance grew or simply the junk he was using wasn't that sharp so that needed further testing when he gets the chance. The cut immediately started bleeding, but it took only about half an hour to form the scab. After some online research it seemed that 2 hours was around the expected time for a minor cut to form a scab making it nearly 4 times as fast. Though he suspected that was the average for adults and he was fairly certain kids tend to heal a little faster than adults, if he took that into account he wouldn't be surprised if just like his strength his recovery ability had also tripled. It would make sense if the improvement was across all functions of his body which he was beginning to suspect now that two factors of his body were confirmed to have improved and by similar if not the same amount.

At the rate it had scabbed he suspected it would be healed in less than half a day. Not something that useful in combat yet, but if it kept growing as he suspected some day it might be he had only just awoken his quirk after all. Also even as it was, if all his recovery and health factors had tripled he would likely be immune to almost all normal diseases and illnesses though all he could do was speculate in that regard since he didn't have a lab to actually test these kinds of things.

Other things were harder to test at the moment. He felt his night vision might have improved as he thought he was having less trouble seeing in the dark room, but it was hard to compare to before as he had never paid that much attention to it. He would be happy if some or all of his senses were also improved though as they were an invaluable support to various skills.

He ended up going to sleep after confirming the things he could think of confirming currently. The next day he managed to sneak away from his mom and the staff and go to the gym where he managed to test his speed and stamina on a treadmill. He wasn't sure what his speed before the awakening, but it was definitely far too fast for a 4 year old and he was able to keep it up his top speed for much longer than he was able to before. He was also growing more and more sure his eyesight was improved since he felt he was able to see and read things from distances he didn't think he was able to before.

His senses were much harder to confirm if they had improved and if they had then by just how much as it was all just off guessing. He might be able to test how sharp his eyesight has become if he were to go to an optometrist, but measurements for his night vision, range of light frequencies and the speed of his perception were all much harder to test let alone obscure things like his sense of smell and taste were all things that would require much more obscure tests that would stand out if he went to take them leading him to hold off on those until he had made up his mind about how much of his quirk he wanted to reveal to others, even his parents.

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