Lucifer Quirk

74 – Numbers 16:21

Numbers 16:21

“Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.”

“No, I can’t!” Shota replied before easily dodging the telegraphed attack and countering him with a punch of his own to the villains face sending him flying back.

Before the villain could even land though Shota sent his scarf after him capturing him by the leg.

“But the skills of guys like you…” Shota said.

Another villain tried to hit him while he was distracted, but he dodged that too kicked back the second attacker.

“…are statistically more likely to manifest in close combat…” he continued.

He finally slammed the one he had wrapped into the second one.  

“…so I've taken measures against that,” he completed.

“He's also strong in hand-to-hand combat. And since he's hiding his eyes with goggles... can't tell whose Quirk he's erasing. When he fights against a group, that makes it harder for them to work together.” Tomura said.

“I see. I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them,” Tomura muttered.

Izuku watched Shota in amazement. “Wow... Teacher is actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?” he exclaimed.

James shook his head. "We should be trying to get out of the USJ, both for safety and to call backup," he announced.

That seemed to finally get them to realise their position. Only just having arrived they weren't far from the entrance. They all made a mad dash towards the entrance when another dark portal appeared on the ground in front of them cutting off their path of retreat. It quickly turned back into the shadowy figure again.

“I won't let you,” it said.

Shota noticed the shadow guy had disappeared. He tried rushing back to the students, but the other villains blocked him.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us... but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School... order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath,” the shadow said.

His sudden appearance startled most of the classmates and put Anan on edge.

“I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play,” the shadow continued. 

It spread its shadowy arms or wings preparing to attack.

Anan opened one of the fingers on her suit ready to respond when suddenly Katsuki and Eijiro jumped towards the shadow. Eijiro slashed it with his hardened arm while Katsuki created the biggest explosion he could create at point blank range. The battlefield was immediately blanketed in smoke obscuring their view.

“Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?!” Eijiro shouted.

“Oh dear, that's dangerous,” they heard the shadow’s voice say.

The smoke cleared revealing it had been unharmed.

“That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs." it said.

“This is bad-“ Anan started to say.

"Move away, you two!" Anan tried warning Katsuki and Eijiro.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" the shadow said.

James took action immediately. He unfurled his wings and wrapped them around Himiko, Momo, Mina, and Tsuyu pulling them closely against him. He was fairly certain Kurogiri's shadow portals couldn't send people to a separate location if they were holding on to each other so he decided to make use of that to prevent being separated from his toys.

Himiko and Momo didn't seem to surprised, but both Mina and Tsuyu screamed in surprise until they realised what had happened and that all of them were pulled against James' broad chest and wrapped in his wings. Tsuyu blushed only a little, but Mina was sporting a full on flush.

"Ribbit..." Tsuyu murmured.

"J-James!" Mina said.

Before anyone else could respond the shadow spread out enveloping them all.

"What the—?!" Eijiro shouted.

"Everyone...!" Tenya shouted. He dashed using his Quirk and pulled Ochaco and Rikido out of the fog with him.

Within moments the fog thickened until they couldn't see anything at all. Suddenly gravity seemed to shift and they found themselves falling from the sky. They couldn't tell where they were.

The girls screamed.

James wrapped all four of them in his arms freeing his wings which he used to stabilise them and slowly descend.

Now that he finally had a moment to gather his bearings he could see Kurogiri had teleported them to the top of the landslide zone and villains were teeming all over the mud hill waiting for them to land.

-Shipwreck Zone-

Izuku, Yuga and Itsuka were on a boat surrounded by villains in the water who were waiting for them to move. They were discussing frantically trying to figure out what was going on.

-Collapse Zone-

Eijiro and Katsuki were inside a building in a fake collapsing city surrounded by a bunch of mob villains taking them down one at a time using close combat.

-Mountain Zone- 

Kyoka and Denki were on a mountainside surrounded by villains and struggling to survive. This wasn't the kind of situation either of their Quirks excelled at.

-Fire Zone-

Shoto was letting loose. The fire zone was perfect since it counteracted the freezing problem he had when using his ice Quirk too much without also using his fire Quirk to balance it out. Villains were freezing one after the other as his ice spread. He just looked down on them arrogantly as if everything was within his grasp.

-Squall Zone- 

Fumikage and Ibara were surrounded by villains in what seemed to be a simulated hurricane. Fumikage had already unleashed his Dark Shadow while Ibara's vine hair was spreading around them read to respond to the villains at a moment's notice.

-USJ Entrance-

Tenya had acted in time saving Ochaco and Rikido from being teleported. It seemed Kurogiri had either also left Anan and Mezo there intentionally or they managed to escape on their own. The shadowy fog was gathering together again. Kurogiri was re-forming himself after having spread out to a dome around everyone to teleport them away and separate the group so the villains could pick them off easier.

-Central Plaza-

The villains were still surrounding and attacking Shota while Tomura and the Nomu were simply watching on from the side.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Nick Eyra - Various Tracks

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