Lucifer Quirk

75 – Isaiah 49:25

Isaiah 49:25

For thus says the LORD: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.

-Landslide Zone-

James was holding on to the girls tightly as they descended slowly using his wings. "It's ok. I've got you," he reassured them.

Watching the villains he didn't see any issue. The only actually powerful villains were left at the main plaza intended for Shota and All Might. That meant all the ones left for the students were just extras that didn't stand a chance against him. No one among the students had even died from them in the original timeline despite being ambushed after all.

He needed to move fast though. His presence and grabbing the girls had changed things since Tsuyu and her expertise in water environments had been there to help Izuku escape the villains in the shipwreck zone originally and now she was with him. He had noticed the world had a tendency to try to make things go closer to the canon timeline, but he didn't want to risk the useful little puppet that was Izuku to die when he was meant to be the publicly known number one hero in his plans for the future and hold the aggro of all the big villains for him.

Mina blushed holding on to him tightly. "T-thanks..." she mumbled shyly.

Himiko and Momo instead took the chance to take advantage of his pressing as much of them up against him with the excuse of being afraid of falling. He wasn't buying it though. Himiko with her quirk could get his wings and fly herself and Momo could easily build a bunch of things that could help her survive the fall with zero risk.

Tsuyu was on his back her arms wrapped around his neck. Her ears were a little pink. "R-ribbit," she said quietly.

James smiled. "Ok ladies. Time to focus. There are a lot of villains down there and our classmates need out help," he said confidently.

Himiko had a wide grin on her face. "Let's have fun!" she said excitedly.

The girls seemed almost reluctant to let go when they finally landed.

James folded his wings away and took out the batons he brought immediately. They were already surrounded by over ten villains climbing up towards them from all sides.

Before the girls were even able to adjust he was already moving as he dashed to the closest villain. They froze in surprise. This wasn't how it was supposed to go after all.

Before they could even respond James struck them in the abdomen with one of the batons folding them in half. Now that their head lowered James used the opportunity to swing the other against the side of their head sending them flying and unconscious.

Himiko dashed in the opposite direction still wearing the same bloodthirsty grin as she rushed her first victim. Her technique was nowhere near as practiced as James', but when you could easily physically overpower the other party skill only counted for so much.

Before the first had even hit the ground he was already on the second who tried to swing a flaming fist towards him. Before it could reach him though James ducked and swung the baton at his kneecap dodging the punch and sending him to his knees in pain before kneeing him in the face sending him sprawling.

It took a few moments, but the other girls finally got their heads in the game.

Momo started creating tools that could be used to capture the villains.

Mina was using her acid both to defeat some of the villains and also as a form of crowd control making sure none of them ganged up on one of them at the same time.

Even though she wasn't in the shipwreck zone this time. Tsuyu was performing quite well as the large amount of trees and big debris in the landslide zone were useful for her to be able to hop around at high speeds and dispatch the villains.

When the villains noticed James was by far the strongest amongst them they started to focus on him alleviating some of the pressure on the girls, but it was already too late at that point. Almost half of them had been taken out before they could even regroup.

James was surrounded by four villains by himself while the girls were dealing with the other four villains.

He felt the ground shift quickly jumping up and dodging as it tried to grab on to his feet he landed on one of the others sending him to the ground. One of the others slashed at him with a sword, but was easily blocked by one of the batons hitting it to the side and the other stabbed towards his forehead knocking him out.

The one left under his feet tried to push himself off the ground. Nothing a quick stomp on the head couldn't fix though.

He could see the one manipulating the earth trying something again and quickly threw one of the batons at him which hit him in the throat sending him tumbling while grasping at his throat gasping for air.

The last of the four still conscious seemed frozen as James walked over and picked up the baton he had thrown and hit the one still struggling for air on the temple knocking him out. He wasn't concerned about all the head trauma he was inflicting even if it left lasting damage him using a "non-lethal" weapon was already enough to show he was being a good boy and any grievous injuries were just "accidents".

Slowly walking towards the last one they finally broke out of their stupor and stumbled back falling onto their back as they tried to flee. "N-no... stay away!" he yelled in panic.

James didn't care though and stepped on his leg breaking it effortlessly and holding him in place so he could finish him off. They tried to guard their head with their arms, but with his superhuman strength those simply broke from his next strike leaving him wide open for his final strike.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Motionless In White - Various Tracks

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