Lucifer Quirk

76 – Exodus 14:21

Exodus 14:21

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

Now that they had taken care of all the villains where they landed James rushed towards the shipwreck zone. If he knew where everyone was he might have gone to save one of the other girls in class. However the Fire and Squall zones were covered so even when using his improved eyesight while flying above he didn't know where everyone was. So he decided to make sure Izuku survives first. The others would just need to do their best to last longer.

He would be leaving the main plaza and the entrance for last as the Pro Heroes Shota and Anan were there to hold the line for the moment. He also wasn't too worried about them needing to last too long since it had already been quite a while for Toru to get help. His action of getting Toru to get help much sooner should be enough to get backup for them much sooner than it had originally shown up.

He looked over the girls who were still gasping trying to recover. "Come, follow me to the shipwreck zone. I'm sure our classmates will be in need of help," he said.

Himiko shrugged casually.

"Sounds good," Tsuyu said.

Mina pumped her fist. "Let's go!" she said excitedly.

Momo nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, we need to move fast," she said.

James smiled. "Indeed," he said.

They started running towards the shipwreck zone under James' lead.

-At The Entrance-

"Shouji! Is everyone here? Can you check?" Tenya yelled.

Mezo closed his main eyes and turned his extra appendages to eyes and ears to scout.

After a few moments of focus he opened up his eyes again. "Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building." he reported.

"Damn it, physical attacks can't hit him, and he can warp things... His Quirk's the worst!" one of them yelled.

"Ida-kun!" Anan shouted.

"Yes?" Tenya responded.

"I entrust this duty to you. Run to the school and tell them about what is happening here. The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have signal. The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though Eraser Head is erasing people's Quirks left and right, they are still not working... ...which means they must have someone with an interference Quirk... ...who hid right when they arrived. It would be faster for you to run than for us to find that person," Anan ordered.

"But it would be a disgrace to leave everyone behind—" Tenya started saying.

"Go, Ida-san! If you can get outside, there are alarms. That's why these guys are only doing this inside, right?" Rikido said.

"Use your Quirk in order to save others!" Anan shouted.

"I can totally support you like I did in the cafeteria! I will! Please, Ida-san!" Ochaco yelled.

Ida got into running pose his thrusters extending fro, his legs and back.

"Even if you have no other choice, are there really idiots who talk about their plans in front of the enemy?!" Kurogiri questioned.

Kurogiri launched shadow tentacles at them.

Anan pointed at Kurogiri and the index finger of her spacesuit opened up. "We did it because it doesn't matter if we're found out! Black Hole!" she shouted. 

Kurogiri's shadow fog started being sucked up into Anan's finger.

-Shipwreck Zone-

"A-are you sure? Maybe we can surrender. They said they were after All Might after all. Maybe we can delay things until backup from U.A. arrives," Yuga said nervously.

Izuku shook his head. "We can't rely on that and a hero doesn't surrender," he said stubbornly.

Itsuka nodded. "Yeah, we need to work together. If we can join the other students we will stand a better chance," she said.

Izuku peeked over the edge of the boat at the villains surrounding the boat in the water. "Those guys down there... ...are clearly assuming we'll fight in the water, right?" he said.

The other two nodded.

"Unlike us most of them seem to have quirks that work best in the water. They were definitely prepared," he said.

"Doesn't that mean they knew about the U.S.J. beforehand?" Itsuka wondered.

Yuga looked nervous, but neither of the other two were paying too much attention to him.

One of the villains that were surrounding the boat Izuku, Yuga, and Itsuka were on summoned a giant hand made out of water. Moments after it formed it slashed down at the boat slashing trough the hull which caused it to sink.

James, Himiko, Momo, Mina and Tsuyu arrived at the lakeshore right in time to see it.

"Himiko, we will fly and Tsuyu can swim. Mina stick with Momo and the two of you keep an eye on any of the villains trying to escape. Prioritise your own safety though," he said with a soft smile causing the girls to blush. His wings spread out of his back.

Himiko consumed her storage of blood which started her transformation into him allowing her access to his wings. She seemed to be hugging herself with a disturbed smile which was a little creepy. James decided to just ignore it.

"On it, ribbit!" Tsuyu said.

Momo almost seemed to be pouting. "I wanted to fight together with James though," she said.

Mina patted her on the shoulder. "We'll cover their backs. Don't you want him to trust his back to you," she said reassuringly.

This returned Momo's smile.

The ship was starting to sink rather rapidly and there wasn't much time left for those on board before they would be forced into the water with the villains.

Tsuyu jumped into the lake taking like a fish to water... or a frog.

James and Himiko both took off. Himiko looked excited to be able to fly alongside him.

The lake wasn’t very large so it took only a few moments before the first villains noticed their approach turning to look up at them.

“What are the other teams doing?” One of the villains grumbled.

While they were distracted by James and Himiko flying over then though they didn’t notice one of their Allie’s getting pulled under the water surface by Tsuyu using her tongue to drag them under.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: My Chemical Romance - Various Tracks

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