Lucifer Quirk

77 – Exodus 14:22

Exodus 14:22

And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

"You really must be kids, with all the chirping and screaming," a villain that looked like a shark said.

"Hey, Shigaraki said just don't let down your guard, remember? Don't judge them by their ages. Look at their Quirks. It's common sense, isn't it? Because our Quirks will definitely have an advantage in the water," one of his fellow villains warned him.

Izuku looked up hearing the commotion and noticed James and Himiko. "Hey there's two James-sans," he shouted excitedly.

Itsuka waved up at them excitedly. "Yahoo," she shouted.

Yuga pulled her back down hiding in one of the remaining pieces of the shipwreck. "Are you crazy? Do you want to be killed?" he asked her nervously.

They had been panicking now that the ship was sinking, but it seemed back up had shown up in the nick of time providing great relief.

Izuku smiled. "It must be James and Himiko, with their help we actually stand a chance," he said.

Meanwhile Tsuyu had already managed to eliminate the first villain she dragged under the surface and moved on to drag down a second before the villains even realised someone was attacking from below due to James and Himiko managing to capture all their attention. Unlike before now that she was in water Tsuyu was really able to show off her abilities at their best. It was pretty much the home field advantage for her as she shot through the water like a fish.

James looked down at the trio hiding amongst the ship wreckage and gave a somewhat lazy excuse for a salute with a light smirk. "Yo Itsuka. Seems like you're in a little trouble," he said.

Itsuka smiled. "Yeah not great, I'm sure you can help though," she said.

He smirked. "Your wish is my desire," he said.

Himiko who still looked like James rolled her eyes. "Are you two going to keep flirting or do something?" she asked.

Itsuka blushed lightly.

Meanwhile James just shrugged nonchalantly though.

He stopped flapping his wings and flipped backwards causing himself to fall face first towards the water surface. There was a villain treading water right where he would land though and a fraction of a second before he collided he swung his leg around flipping himself and kicking the villain in their face kicking off again before he entered the water himself leaving the villain unconscious.

Himiko blushed heavily when she saw the blood erupt from the villains face from James' kick. This just disgusted James though as she was forced to watch his own face gaze and blush like a teenaged school girl.

The other villains gulped. "Get him!" one of them yelled finally waking them up from their stupor.

They didn't even notice how Tsuyu took care of the villain he had knocked unconscious and moved on to another target.

They all started bunching together towards where James was considering him the greatest danger, not realising that Tsuyu had taken out far more of them already than he had.

Izuku was watching them with a glint in his eye. He stepped on the railing of the boat glaring down at the villains.

Itsuka looked at him with concern. "Be careful Midoriya?!" she shouted.

"Die...!" Izuku yelled while jumping off boat towards the bunched up villains.

"Back away Himiko," James warned.

Despite being caught up in the heat of the moment hearing his voice snapped her out of it enough for her to listen. Flying away from the group of villains.

"He's a kid after all," one of the villains said.

"He's delivering himself to us," another chimed in.

Izuku stretched out his arm towards the villains holding one of his fingers as if he was going to flick it.

"After he hits the water..." one of the villains said excitedly.

"I know!" another villains agreed.

James could only shake his head at the stupid villains that were excited about what was to come. He worried about Tsuyu though who was still underwater below the villains though. He would have to keep a close eye on her in case he needed to save her.

Right before Izuku hit the water's surface he flicked his finger with the power of One For All. "Delaware Smash!" he cried out.

None of the villains were expecting the explosion sending the water and them flying all over the place though.

Izuku was holding his hand grimacing in pain from the two broken fingers.

The water that had been pushed out started gathering back together dragging all the swimming villains in towards the centre of the impact along with it.

"Hey!" one villain shouted.

"I'm getting dragged in..." another shouted.

"If a strong force is applied to the surface of the water, it'll spread... ...and then converge back in the middle!: Izuku said.

"Move!" one of the villains panicked.

"Get away!" another shouted.

"You too!" the first shouted back.

"You're in my way!" another shouted trying to escape the whirlpool.

Himiko seemed to sigh in relief realising she could have been caught up in that if he hadn't warned her.

Both Itsuka and Yuga looked on in surprise.

James took the chance while most villains were knocked unconscious and the few that remained conscious were still struggling against the whirlpool to eliminate them one after the other with minimal resistance.

Tsuyu surfaced not much later still in once piece, but definitely worse for wear. It seemed the shockwave had still had some effect on her despite being further below the surface of the lake.

Still flying James looked over the situation, deciding what to do. "Himiko, you carry Tsuyu and Itsuka," he told her.

Although he would much prefer to carry the two girls himself he didn't want the two boys to be in contact with any of his girls. Not even Himiko while she was transformed in his image. He didn't like others playing with his toys after all. So that only left the option of him carrying the two boys to safety.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 10+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Ertakay - Various Tracks

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