Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Going Into The City To Consume Food

Chapter 27

In the early morning, Mrs. Zhen and Mrs. Zhang got up early to prepare breakfast for the people who were going out. Mrs. Zhang had just washed the rice, and Yunhe had already arrived in the kitchen.

“…You got up so early too.” Seeing that Yunhe started to roll up his sleeves and prepare to cook again, Mrs. Zhang didn’t plan to wake up a few people in the back room. After all, taking care of patients is also very hard work.

“Well, I heard from Miss Yin yesterday.” Yunhe replied.

“Then I’ll trouble Yunhe.” Zhen Shi consciously stepped aside, just because the rice they made with the same ingredients couldn’t be compared to the one made by Yunhe.

The courtyard of the Yin family is divided into left and right by a long road in the middle, which is covered with stones. The left side is connected to the kitchen where Yin Miao has planted vegetables, while the right side is mostly transplanted from Changling Mountain. Plants: four or five bushes full of gorse were planted near the gate, and further ahead were the lettuce, small taro, and black boletus by the wall, etc. .

The little taro has been planted for more than a month, and many taro juveniles have grown around. Yunhe was about to go to the vegetable basket to find some available vegetables when he saw Yin Miao brought in another big pot of things.

“Just picked from the yard, it’s still fresh.”

Yin Miao shook the lettuce with fresh mud on her hand, and there were two black porcini mushrooms and a few small taro in the pot.

“Okay, leave it to me.”

Yunhe brought it over.

“It’s good to have land to grow. We have vegetables to eat in just over a month.”

Mr. Zhang exclaimed.

“Yeah, and it’s quite durable.” Zhen Shi said while washing the little taro.

Yin Miao smiled, normal leafy vegetables and root vegetables would not grow so fast, but the whole family had never planted land, so no one doubted it, which was convenient for her. Take something out of space.

A few small taro were made into taro paste by Yunhe, and drenched in the middle of each bowl of porridge. A bowl of ordinary porridge immediately became extremely sweet. Although the black porcini was only stir-fried, Together with the garlic sprouts that Yin Miao found, the taste was delicious and tender. Even Liu Shi used a few more mouthfuls. There was also a plate of lettuce fried with lard and fried gorse with bird eggs. The family praised this table of dishes. I can’t stop talking.

“Brother and sister, Han’er hasn’t gotten up yet, so I’ll trouble you to take care of it at home today.”

Wei knew that his youngest son would not get up so early, and after having breakfast, he took Yin Miao into the carriage driven by Yin Bowu.

“Don’t worry, sister-in-law, be careful on the road.”

Mrs. Zhang replied that making money is not that easy. Now she is also learning needlework and embroidering women’s red, so she thinks that she will be able to share more for the family in the future.

In order to avoid being chased and killed by Yin Bowu and the others, the carriage was just an ordinary old carriage. Yin Miao did not feel comfortable sitting in it, although Wei Shi also put some straw and a thin sheet of cotton under her body. quilt.

Fortunately, the horse-drawn carriage was much faster than the speed of the few people walking to the county, and the three of them arrived outside Changling County in only half an hour.

“Dad, let’s rest for a while.”

Yin Miao stuck her head out from the front.

They figured out the reason yesterday, as long as Yin Bowu had a jade pendant as a silver tael, they could go home with a few stones of food, but Yin Miao still planned to take out some food first, or go to the county to see if they could. You can’t exchange food for something else.

“Okay, I’ll watch for you.”

Yin Bowu, who was wearing a human-skin mask, jumped from the seat of the carriage, and then casually leaned on the carriage and pretended to rest.

Wei watched his daughter fill three empty cloth bags with food with just one move, and suddenly felt that she had a fairy daughter.

“It would be nice to open a grain store.” Wei said regretfully.

“No, mother, who’s grain store can only sell 8 stone grains in half a month?”

Although Yin Miao had this idea at the beginning, she actually thought about it carefully. Every 20 days, about 900 kilograms of grain was only a little more than 8 shi, which was more than enough for their family, but for a single grain shop, it seemed It’s a bit lacking.

“That’s right.” Mrs Wei helped Yin Miao fasten three cloth bags, and then signaled that her husband could enter the city.

“This is not the case in Changling County.”

Yin Bowu drove towards the tailor’s shop according to the road his wife pointed out. He found that beggars were begging for food on both sides of almost every road. Some shops facing the street had closed their doors, which were much more depressed than other places he had been to.

“It wasn’t like this the last time we came.”

Wei Shi and Yin Miao also looked outside. When they came last time, there were not so many beggars on the roadside. Although they could see one or two occasionally, it was a normal phenomenon.

When Wei went to the tailor’s shop to do the embroidery work, he found out the reason from the shopkeeper’s mouth.

“Hey, last year’s autumn harvest wasn’t good enough. The imperial court added taxes, and the farmers are also sad. Now the price of food has risen sharply. Many people can’t open the pot, so they can only come to the streets to beg for food.”

Shopkeeper Wu of the tailor shop first praised Wei and Zhen for their craftsmanship, and then explained to Wei.

“It turns out that we didn’t receive arable land, so we don’t know about it. The price of this food is too expensive.”

Wei was a little fortunate at this time. Many people could not save a tael of silver a year, and now a stone of rice costs more than a tael of silver, so it’s no wonder that so many people can’t afford it.

Yin Miao had been with Wei Shi all the time, and she also thought about it. Naturally, the life of ordinary people was not mentioned in the original work. She only knew that the court finally found a corrupt official surnamed Wen. The embezzled silver taels and food amounted to more than 10 billion, which directly hollowed out the interior of Nanxiao Kingdom, which was also a major reason why Nanxiao Kingdom finally destroyed the country.

It seems that it has already started…

Wei Shi and Zhen Shi’s embroidery work in recent days has been changed to 60 wen, although it is very little, Wei Shi is still very happy, she handed all 60 wen to Yin Miao: “Two taels of silver is 2,000 wen, plus we What’s left before, how much is it now?”

“It’s still about 900 texts away…” Yin Miao felt that her lie was a bit big at this time, and 2,000 texts was still difficult for their family…

The two were talking when Yin Bowu came over and said mysteriously:

“Miao’er, I just went to the grain store for a walk. Someone is still crying and begging the boss to sell grain to him if he doesn’t have enough money. Why don’t we go to him and try?”

“Will the old gentleman disagree?” Wei was in awe of ghosts and gods, and she had repeatedly instructed Yin Miao not to call that person a bad old man again.

“Should I ask?” Seeing the two nodded, Yin Miao sat in the carriage and closed her eyes.

Wei Shi and Yin Bowu stared nervously at their daughter, Yin Miao opened her eyes after a while and said, “Old gentleman agrees.”

“That’s great!” The two couples were overjoyed, and then rode in the carriage towards the direction Yin Bowu said.

(end of this chapter)

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