Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Equivalent Exchange

Chapter 28 Equivalent Exchange

Yin Miao had indeed consulted the system for approval. It seemed that the system had been more generous to her since she met the bearded uncle on the bed.

This time too, the system even reminded her that the second batch of grain will be mature in two days, so that she can consume more today, but it is in the form of an equivalent exchange, not to throw the grain at will.

Yin Miao couldn’t miss such a good opportunity, so she made plans in the carriage at the moment.

Changling County is not big, and the three people’s carriage soon arrived near the grain store. Yin Bowu stopped the carriage at an alley, and then let his wife and daughter wait in the car, and went to find the person who was still crying for help. .

“I beg you, please sell me some food, we only have this amount of money left in our family, and our children can’t even drink some rice soup!”

A man with straw on his head cried and cried.

“You still want to buy food for one hundred and forty cents? You at least bring enough money for a bucket of rice, right?”

The shopkeeper of the grain shop waved his hand impatiently.

“But you could buy it two months ago, why can’t you buy it now?”

The man was at a loss, as if he didn’t understand why the money in his hand was worthless.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. Our purchase price is also expensive. You can go and see which store you buy if the food doesn’t go up.”

The man stopped paying attention to the man after saying that, because there were still a lot of people queuing up behind to buy food.

The man continued to beg for mercy, but was pulled up abruptly by a man with a raw face and looking extremely strong.

“Brother, do you still remember me?”

Yin Bowu said and smiled and pulled the man to the corner.

“Who are you?” The man really didn’t remember that he recognized this person.

“Stop screaming, how much money do you have? I can sell you food, can I buy it?” Yin Bowu asked directly, seeing that no one noticed them.

The man was stunned for a while, then nodded frantically and said, “I have money, I have 146 cents, can you really sell me food?”

Yin Bowu sighed and said, “Someone in my family is sick, but now there is a shortage of silver taels to see a doctor. Fortunately, I bought more food three months ago, and now I want to exchange the food for silver money to see a doctor for my family, otherwise I wouldn’t think about selling the food. .”

“Brother, I really want to buy food. Since everyone is in trouble, you can sell me some, even half a bucket of food!”

The man believed it to be true, and the man in front of him didn’t look like a treacherous person.

“That’s it, come with me, the carriage I borrowed is parked in the alley over there.”

Yinbo armed for a moment thought, and then walked towards the carriage with the man.

Yin Miao did not expect Yin Bowu to bring a person so quickly, but they did not have the tools to weigh the grain, so the man suggested that the three of them go to their door to exchange grain, Yin Bowu thought about it and agreed immediately.

The man’s house was indeed not far away, Yin Miao only felt that she would be there in just a few minutes.

“We won’t go in, you just take out the rice bucket.” Yin Bowu still didn’t dare to go to a stranger’s house rashly. This is a narrow street with people coming and going, and it’s safe enough for them to park outside.

“Okay, my name is Wei Yi, everyone wait a moment, I’ll come right away!”

Wei Yi said while running.

“How will we sell our food later?” Wei Shi was a little uncertain.

“It can’t be too expensive, and it can’t be too cheap.” Yin Miao didn’t know what the system meant by equivalent exchange, but she did think so.

After the three discussed it for a while, Wei Yi ran out with a wooden rice bucket. Behind him was a yellow-faced and thin woman holding a child who was about one year old.

“Brother, I found some more at home just now. It’s just 150 cents here. How much can you sell to us?”

Wei Yi said.

Yin Bowu thought for a moment and said, “Well, I don’t think it’s easy for you. Why don’t you just have a bucket of rice, sorghum, and wheat?”

According to his calculations, Miao’er’s place is 25 cents per buck of grain, and if they sell 50 cents a buck, they still make a lot of money.

And he also agrees with Miaoer’s words that if they are sold too cheaply, some people will treat them as fools.

However, this price made Wei Yi and the woman behind him almost cry with excitement.

“Manduo, thank you for this uncle, brother, you are really our savior.” The yellow-skinned woman said with red eyes.

“You’re welcome, we are also in urgent need of money to treat our illnesses and have no choice but to sell grain.” Mr. Wei replied while pouring sorghum rice into the rice bucket.

“If a few benefactors are so short of money, I wonder if you can still sell this food?”

Wei Yi asked suddenly.

Yin Bowu was stunned for a moment, but heard Yin Miao say from the side, “Dad, we should still be short of three taels of silver.”

“Yes, yes, you have to sell it, you have to sell it, you can’t do it if you don’t!” Yin Bowu also responded, since his daughter said that it can still be sold, then continue to sell!

“That’s great, Madam is waiting here, I’ll call the old king next door and the others, everyone is waiting for the price of food to drop!”

Wei Yi seemed to be warmhearted, and immediately ran to the next courtyard.

“Hey, I’m all waiting for the price of food to drop. I think this food will only rise higher and higher.” The woman sighed.

After a while, someone in the next courtyard ran after Wei Yi and looked around. Wei Yi pointed to those people, and then ran to the next house.

The short and thin old king’s face was covered with wrinkles. He took out some copper plates from the handkerchief in his hand tremblingly, and the people behind him also took out their own silver coins. Wen money.

“How much grain can you buy from these?” The old man asked cautiously. If you bought it at the grain store at this price, you could only buy two buckets of grain, which was the only savings left in the family.

“We’re not a grain merchant, and we don’t have any pricing. Just based on the price we gave to the Wei brothers just now, we’ll sell you a stone for 500 wen, but it’s best to mix three kinds of grains.”

Yin Bowu replied, in this case, they will make a net profit of 250 cents per stone of grain, and 500 cents of grain per stone is also the normal price of grain three months ago.

One stone? !

“Is what you said true?” Old Wang asked with his cloudy eyes.

“Grandpa, it’s true, it’s just that we don’t have any sacks for food, so you have to use your own.”

Yin Miao replied.

Seeing that Wei Yi brought a few more people over, the old man no longer hesitated, and immediately sent his daughter-in-law behind to get the cloth bag, and then quickly handed over the money.

The two families brought by Wei Yi were equally surprised, but they also knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They are out of food.

“Wait a minute.” A short and thin old lady who had just bought the food ran back, and when she came back a while later, she was still carrying a medium-sized live chicken.

“You are all good people. Someone in the family is sick. Let’s take this and make up for it. We thank you.”

The short and thin old lady said to several people with a smile on her face.

Wei’s eyes were instantly moved, and she wanted to say no, but at this time, the other two companies also took out some small items and gave them to the three of them to show their gratitude. He simply gave the rice bucket to the three of them.

“It’s useless for us to keep this rice bucket, you can take it.” Wei Yi said.

(end of this chapter)

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