Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 001, Travel Through Time And Space!

Chapter 1 001, travel through time and space!

February 28, 1950, Huaguo, on the outskirts of Rong County, Shu Province.

“Hey~ I’m still wearing it!”

Qin Tianru stood under a big tree, sighed slightly, and looked up at the gloomy and foggy sky. At this time, it was raining lightly, occasionally accompanied by gusts of cold wind.

Judging from the somewhat desolate surroundings and the temperature she felt, it should be in the early spring, and it would be a little cold.

At the moment, she is wearing a home clothes, a pink ruffled short-sleeved T-shirt, white shorts, and a pair of pink cute bunny head sandals on her feet.

Mo’s long hair was casually scattered, with slightly curled ends, a pink headband tied on his head, and a bunny ear shape twisted on purpose.

He has a fair oval face, curved eyebrows, and long, slightly curled eyelashes, with a pair of watery eyes, clear and bright, a small and beautiful nose, and a small mouth as pink as cherry blossoms.

It’s just the image of a sweet and soft girl paper!

“Hope my mom wasn’t frightened.”

Qin Tianru sighed again, her crossing was too sudden, without any precautions or warning, she was suddenly brought here.

A moment ago, she and her mother were drinking afternoon tea in the glass conservatory on the roof of the villa. As she was talking, she suddenly felt an attraction, and then she was in a trance, and then in the blink of an eye, she was standing in this wilderness. .

This change came so suddenly, it was totally unexpected!

However, her mother must be worried, but there is absolutely no possibility of being scared crazy.

After all, in their home, their mother is the originator of crossing.

Because of his mother’s adventure, several brothers and sisters in their family are all gifted, and their life experiences are also somewhat magical.

Therefore, Qin Tianru expressed that she was very calm about the fact that she was suddenly dragged into the time-space tunnel and traveled through time and space. Anyway, before that, she also followed her family through the time-space tunnel.

But this time, it was the first time for her to travel through time and space alone, and it was not under the system operation of her mother, so she suddenly wore it.

In short, it was quite sudden!

Thinking about her eldest sister’s previous crossing, she still had an accidental experience as a bridge, and there was a dream foreshadowing before crossing, so when she got to her place, she wore it directly.

嗐, it’s quite easy!

Qin Tianru pursed her lips, watching Xiaoyu’s tendency to gradually get bigger, she couldn’t help but take a few steps back, leaned her back on the tree pole, and began to think about her current situation.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, Qin Tian turned to his side and looked back.


Qin Tianru covered his face and screamed, his body trembling!

Mama, I want to go home!

What the **** is this place?

It was desolate enough in the wilderness, and a ghost even came to scare her.

God knows how scary she was when she turned around and saw a blood-stained hand!

She can accept time-travel calmly, and can also use science to explain, what time-space flow, time-space black hole, parallel space, the most important thing is that time-space time-travel can be done in their home, and it can even be said that this is already a kind of their home. Get used to the custom.

But she is afraid of supernatural events!

These are two completely different things. For things beyond scientific understanding, she can’t keep calm.

Qin Tianru was so frightened that she stood there and didn’t dare to move, not because she didn’t want to run, but because her legs were weak and she couldn’t run, so she could only cover her face, hoping that the ghosts would not see her.

In the end, after waiting for a while, Qin Tianru found that nothing strange happened, and there was still only a gust of wind and rain in his ears.

Qin Tianru resisted the trembling of her body and slightly opened her fingers to cover her eyes. She squinted slightly and looked through the gaps between her fingers.

Uh, there was nothing in front of her, and there was no scary and hideous grimace in her imagination.

Then, she couldn’t help but aim her eyes at the ground, the next second she was short of breath, her whole body froze.

She wanted to cry!

is the ghost hand just now!

At this time, the hand covered with blood scabs was lying on the ground. The sleeves were completely torn into strips of cloth, and the color of the original cloth could not be seen because of the dirt. On the exposed arm, there were several eye-catching lines. bloodstains.

Qin Tianru swallowed nervously, and inadvertently swept his gaze to the back of the tree pole, revealing a corner of his clothes.

Qin Tianru blinked, tilted his head and probed behind the tree pole.

Hey, is there someone behind the big tree?

She took a step forward with her feet, and cautiously looked behind the tree pole again, confirming that there was indeed a person sitting behind the tree pole, and she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s good that it’s not a ghost or a ghost.

It looked like she had fainted, otherwise she would have been able to wake people up just by screaming just now.

Confirming that the other party is not aggressive, Qin Tianru boldly walked up.

“Wow~ he’s a handsome man!”

The Qin family are all good-looking people, and they inevitably have a tendency to control their appearance. Naturally, Qin Tianru is no exception.

The man sitting against the tree pole in front of him, even though his whole body looked dirty, his clothes were a little tattered, and even his handsome face had some dirt on his face, but it was difficult to hide his handsomeness.

The man’s facial features are very three-dimensional, revealing a sharp and angular cold handsomeness, slanted and straight eyebrows, a high nose bridge, thin and pursed lips, and a slender, tall but not rude figure.

A few strands of broken hair fell from the man’s forehead, covering his full forehead. At this time, his eyes were tightly closed, and he didn’t know what kind of brilliance they would reveal when they were opened.

Qin Tianru looked at it in a daze, this is the type she likes~

Open a new book~Sahua~

As always, the warm chronology, I hope you can collect and support it!

P:1: Overhead ~ I hope that the party is more serious, all plots are based on the world of this book, so don’t talk about common sense and historical development.

This is a chronology, Benyan has made a new attempt and added some other elements, I hope you will like it.

PS2: For Mengxin who read this novel, this book is a series of texts of Muyan’s other two concluding articles.

“The Blessed Wife Full of System Shuttle” and this book are mother-daughter series.

“The Koi Wife of the Boss of the Age” is a sister series to this book.

If there is something you don’t understand about the Qin family, you can go and read the other two series of articles first.

(end of this chapter)

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