Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 002, Come For Him

Chapter 2 002, come for him

Qin Tianru reacted, and his cheeks immediately flushed.

The family is injured and unconscious. She still has the heart to stand on the side and admire the beauty, which is really unhumane.

Immediately, her right hand swayed slightly, and a small household medicine box appeared in her hand. Although the box is small, it can be said to have all the internal organs. This is a three-layer folded medicine box, so the basic necessities are prepared. Have.

Seeing the medicine box, Qin Tianru raised a sweet smile.

Fortunately, the storage space has not changed and can still be used.


Qin Tianru stretched out a finger and poked the man’s arm.

“Are you okay? Are you still conscious?”

The man’s expression was very calm, and he didn’t react at all, it was obvious that he was completely dizzy.

Qin Tianru said to himself, “Then I’ll give you medicine~”

Anyway, she said hello, so it’s not see no evil, right?

She is a polite child.

Qin Tianru was the first to take out the wet tissue paper and carefully clean up the dirt on the man’s body. First, she wiped the man’s face, neck, and exposed arms clean.

Before applying the medicine, the wound needs to be cleaned first. The man’s body is not only covered with dirt, but also has some withered grass.

But good-looking people, even if their clothes are worn out, will not reduce their appearance.

“Fortunately I didn’t hurt my face, otherwise it would be a pity~”

Qin Tianru murmured with a small mouth, but the movements of his hands were very gentle. There was a scratch on the man’s forehead, but fortunately, the wound was not deep, and a Band-Aid was enough to fix it.

“These hands are really good-looking, with well-defined joints, slender and fair, and they definitely look good when playing the piano.”

Qin Tianru was applying medicine to the man’s palm while making comments as if he was admiring some artwork.

The most serious part of the man’s hands was the index finger of the right hand. The nail shell was somewhat damaged, and it was mixed with soil and formed a blood scab.

There are also several scratches on the exposed forearm. It looks like it was scratched by some sharp hard object. The wound is not serious, but the surface is a little red and swollen, which needs to be anti-inflammatory to avoid infection.

After cleaning the exposed wound, Qin Tianru pouted at the ignorant man.

“I’m going to take off your clothes now~ I’m not trying to take advantage of you, I just want to check your injury.”

If it wasn’t for a serious injury on his body, he wouldn’t faint.

The man wore a black cotton jacket with a white shirt inside. Qin Tianru took off the jacket directly. Fortunately, the white shirt was not stained with too much blood.

But in order to make sure, Qin Tianru still checked it carefully. The man had a relatively deep scratch on his back, and the rest were small or bruised and swollen skin injuries.

These small wounds can be treated with some medicine, and they are not in the way.

The most serious problem was the man’s right calf, because the man was wearing black pants, so Qin Tianru didn’t notice it immediately. It was during her inspection that she saw a crack in the pants, and only found it after she rolled up the trousers.

The wound is relatively large, and the opening is still a little deep, as if it was injured by some blunt instrument, and the swelling around the wound is relatively severe, and a lot of blood scabs have condensed.

At the center of the wound, there is still a trace of blood beads. Looking at this situation, it must be that the injury was not treated in time, but instead continued to walk, which led to the aggravation of the injury.

These are the traumas visible to the naked eye at present. As for whether there are more serious internal injuries, Qin Tianru doesn’t know.

Looking at Fierce’s wound, Qin Tianru first cleaned the wound with a wet tissue, and then pressed a piece of hemostatic cotton on the wound.

Watching the blood bead was absorbed by the cotton little by little, the snow-white cotton ball was instantly dyed red.

Just when Qin Tianru was about to pick up the cotton ball, she was startled again, a light green light appeared from the tip of her finger?

It was green and sparkling, as if revealing a sense of vitality and hope, and looking at it made her feel inexplicably happy and intimate.

But what surprised her most was that the infected blood beads on the cotton ball were gone?

Qin Tianru quickly retracted his right hand in shock.

“what happened?”

She looked at her right hand in astonishment, and turned it back and forth to check, but there was nothing unusual about her right hand.

She couldn’t help but look down at the man’s right calf, her eyes suddenly startled!

what happened?

The redness and swelling around the wound actually disappeared, and the wound, which was still a bit terrifying, actually had a tendency to heal, obviously looking better than the wound just now.

Qin Tianru blinked his eyes blankly, a little confused about the current situation.

When did she become so powerful? She never knew she had the super power to heal wounds?

That’s right, she does have supernatural powers, but her supernormal powers are just to ripen all kinds of seeds and speed up the growth of plants, and there has never been any evolution in the past ten years.

Even though she had absorbed a very special green gem before, she didn’t see any changes.

Why now her fingers glow green after touching this man’s blood?

If she read it correctly, the green light that came out of her fingertips just now lingered on the wound on the man’s leg, so it was the green light that healed the wound?

In order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, Qin Tianru put his finger on the man’s wound again.

The next second, she saw a light green light again, slowly surrounding the wound, and after a few seconds, she withdrew her hand again.

Sure enough, the injury slowed down again!

At this time, the injury on the man’s right calf was only a small finger-length wound, and the wound around it was white, no difference from normal skin color, and there was no trace of redness and swelling before.

Looked like this, as if the injury was already in the healing period.

Qin Tianru didn’t dare to try again. If the man woke up and found that his wounds were all healed, would he faint again from fright?

In order not to reveal the stuffing, hurry up and wrap it up!

Just when Qin Tianru was burying his head and bandaging, the man in a coma slightly opened his eyes, but soon his consciousness fell into chaos again.

“I’m exhausted~”

This operation caused some beads of sweat to appear on Qin Tianru’s forehead, which made the air cold.

She doesn’t care about her image anymore, the environmental sanitation is unsanitary, and she just sat down against the tree pole.

She couldn’t help but turn her head to look at the unconscious man on the left, with a look of contemplation in her eyes.

Before she saw the man, she felt inexplicable about the sudden crossing, but now she has an answer in her heart.

Perhaps, this time crossing is not an accident, nor a sudden, but a predestined fate.

She came for him!

Upload a chapter~

Originally planned to take a good rest and relax this Spring Festival, because the previous books were updated consecutively, and almost never rested, so this book wanted to relax and then update.

But the editor said that if the article is not updated for a long time, the client is easily blocked.

So in order to reduce the trouble, I decided to update a chapter on Monday, Thursday, and July.

Wait until the beginning of 2021, 2, 21, and return to normal daily changes.

Thank you for your support~!

(end of this chapter)

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