Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 021, Is It Really Not A Fairy?

Chapter 21 021, is it really not a fairy?

But this life is different, he can change the fate of their family in advance, maybe he also has the ability to create happiness.

I don’t know if the two of them are really destined for marriage. The ideal wife he once imagined is just like her.

Pretty, cute, gentle, laughing, well-behaved.

Every bit of what he imagined was seen in her, and it felt as if she was the perfect wife just for him.

That’s why he felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. He always felt that the surprise came too quickly, like a dream.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was reborn inexplicably. As soon as he was reborn, he inexplicably had a little daughter-in-law?

One after another, his mind became a little inflexible.

Seeing Qi Han finished eating, Qin Tianru said righteously, “Okay, let’s start the treatment next.”

“Huh?” Qi Han was stunned.

Qin Tianru smiled and said, “Have you forgotten? Didn’t I just say that I can cure your injury? Actually, when you were in a coma, I had already treated you almost.

But I’m afraid that all your injuries will be cured in one go, and you will be frightened when you wake up, so I reserved a few points. Now that we are also honest with each other, there is nothing to worry about. ”

“Well.” Qi Han was stunned, she did mention this before, but at that time his attention was on her origin, and he automatically ignored everything else.

“Roll up your trousers.” Qin Tianru gestured to his right leg.

Qi Han immediately rolled up his trousers, and when he saw the trauma to his right leg, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He remembered that the injury to his right leg was very serious in the last life. Not only did he have a deep **** hole, but he also had some fractures inside. He could not walk normally for several months.

However, the trauma is almost healed now, but the fracture of the internal injury is still painful.

Looking back and thinking about it, it is no wonder that he was able to walk all the way from the position of the tree to the cave here, and his foot injury was much better.

After walking with a limp for so long just now, he didn’t even realize that maybe his mind was on rebirth and the extra ‘little daughter-in-law’.

Suddenly, Qi Han felt a cool touch on his right calf, and saw Qin Tianru put her right hand on his leg.

Little hands are cool, but extra soft.

What is this for? Don’t you want to heal?

Just when Qi Han felt puzzled, his eyes suddenly widened.

“This, this is?”

Qin Tianru smiled, “I’m healing you~”

Qi Han was stunned again!

He felt that the things he had experienced since he woke up were extremely unbelievable.

Is he really reborn back to the year when he was nineteen?

Why did he somehow come to a magical and fantastic world?

He actually saw that the little hand she put on his injured leg was glowing with a faint green light, and what was even more surprising was that he clearly felt a comfortable warm current wrapping his injured leg.

And the pain is gradually decreasing, he just feels very comfortable, there is a feeling of relief.

Huh? This feels a little familiar. It seems that when he sank into the dark vortex, he was pulled back by this sudden warm current.

Sure enough, it was because of her!

Qi Han’s eyes suddenly showed a hint of warmth, and he looked at Qin Tianru who was seriously treating his wounds with a gentle expression.

“You, are you really not a fairy?”

(end of this chapter)

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