Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 022, Healing Power

Chapter 22 022, Healing Power

If not, how did she come to him across time and space?

How can the green light from the palm heal the wound?

Even conjuring things out of thin air?

With such a magical ability, how could she be an ordinary person, and what kind of fairy world did she come from?

Qi Han found himself more and more curious and fascinated by her.

Hearing this, Qin Tianru laughed out loud, “If you like, you can call me little fairy, but I am indeed an ordinary person just like you.

It’s just that I mentioned that the situation in my family is a bit special. My mother is a person with adventures, and even her family has some special experiences. ”

Qi Han looked deeply at the little green hand, “Then what are you?”

If it wasn’t for his own personal experience of rebirth, it is estimated that he would not have thought that there are such wonderful things in this world.

But now that he himself has come back to life, it seems that there are other miraculous things happening, and it is not too strange.

“This is called an ability, and you can understand it as a superpower that is born in the human body.”

Qin Tianru explained to Qi Han frankly, although they still don’t know the specific reason for rebirth and time travel, but they are obviously tied to each other.

The key to these two must be related to a certain point between them, so sooner or later you will know about her abilities.

Since that’s the case, it’s better to take advantage of today to make a one-time confession, and his foot injury has recovered, which is also beneficial to their next trip.

After all, excluding her abilities, she is really just a delicate woman who can’t handle him as a big man.

“Superpowers? Well, I probably get it.”

Qi Han nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. After his body became seriously ill in the last life, when he had nothing to do, he also read some folk anecdotes.

Suddenly, the green light in Qin Tianru’s palm disappeared.

“What’s the situation? Healing power disappeared?”

This change made both of them stunned.

Qin Tianru was still in a state of confusion about the newly upgraded ability, and he had not fully understood the characteristics of this new ability. Seeing that it could heal wounds, he called it Healing Power for the time being.

Originally, she thought that this healing power would always exist, but she didn’t expect it to dissipate, so she was very confused in the face of this situation.

If Qin Tianru is in a state of being half-dazed, then Qi Han is completely at a loss, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it, so he can only tentatively make suggestions.

“Will you try again?”

Qin Tianru nodded and put his hand on Qi Han’s right calf again.

But a minute has passed. Two minutes have passed

“Or not.”

Qin Tianru looked at his hand and frowned, thinking, is there any secret to this healing power?

She thought about it carefully, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came.


“?” Qi Han looked at her suspiciously.

Qin Tianru explained, “Before I met you, my powers couldn’t heal wounds at all, until when my hand was stained with your blood, a green light suddenly appeared, and then the wound on your leg would heal.”

Qi Han was surprised that his blood was so magical?

“Then give it a try.”

said, Qi Han directly picked up the Swiss knife on the side and made a cut in his hand.


Qin Tianru exclaimed, it was too late to stop him.

Qi Han put his **** finger directly on her palm, followed by a ray of green light from the fingertips of Qin Tianru’s right hand, like a thin cloud of smoke, and disappeared in an instant.

Today’s update is complete~

Sahua, this book has been signed successfully today~

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Hantian couple, go for the duck!

(end of this chapter)

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