Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 158: Crossing Tribulation Part 2

"Quick thinking!" After a giant thousand meters tall and wide spiritual pagoda appeared, covering the thunderbolt clouds, Mira praised Yan Yijun.

"But why can we pass our body inside? Isn't it supposed to protect us from thunderbolts?" Michal pushed his hand forward and his hand pierced the spiritual pagoda.

"No, it was created to stop the aura of tribulation from escaping out. If this aura escapes out, many monsters will sense it. Then we will bring destruction to ourselves if eight or ninth rank monsters move out."

"Sect master forgets the tribulation is not something trivial. Once it descends, it will gather thousands of creature's attention. Fortunately, Elder Yan thought quickly and blocked the aura." Mira slowly explained. But her explanation shocked Michal.

He walked near her and pinched her cheeks.

"What are you doing?" She felt a little pain in her cheeks which made her push him away and ask with dissatisfaction.

"I was checking whether you are really Mira or not? How come you speak like Klink?"  Michal asked as if he has seen completely different 

"Jeez! I love him, of course, I will speak like him." Hearing his question, she remembered something and a blush appeared on her face. She could tell 'that' to other girls but she can't say it to boys especially her cousin. But she quickly hid her blush and pouted.

"Hmm! That is hard to get. I know you love him, and so does our family. But you never try to imitate him, so how come you began to speak like him now?" Michal put his hands on his chin, thinking for a while suddenly a thought came to his mind as he shouted "Does this has anything to do with your Klink helping you in your cultivation?"

"Bam" "So what if it is related?" His question led her to blush even harder. Although her personality was slowly turning like a swordsman, she was still shy. When Michal touched her soft spot, she gave him a hard slap.

'Ahh! This is so embarrassing. My cultivation depends upon dual cultivation. But I can't say something so shameful loudly. Sorry Michal, but you have been in dark for some time.' After slapping Michal, she ran away. But her slap was so hard, he fell a hundred meters away on the ground with a red mark on his cheeks.

"These two?" Yan Yijun who had already seen through the truth shook his head. Suddenly, an image formed in his mind, an image of a young beautiful deer. The next moment, he heartaches.

"What exactly is going on?" Charlotte who had no idea about anything asked Natasha with a suspicious face.

Seeing her face, Natasha chuckled and whispered in her ears. The next moment, charlotte's face turned red with shame and anger "How could they do something so indecent for the sake of cultivation?"

Hearing her questions, suddenly a memory flashed in Natasha's mind. She still remembered that day when that ant wiped out their teammates. Suddenly, she remembered their words and once again whispered at her ears with mischievous thoughts.

"No, I will never do something so indecent for the sake of cultivation." Hearing Natasha's words, her face burn like a sun. She felt like digging a hole to hide. Unfortunately, she couldn't so she could only pout at Natasha and run away.

"Hehe" Seeing her running, Natasha chuckled.

At the same time, Rose arrived with another girl in her hand. Luo Qing's clothes were rather messy since she was sleeping after that incident. When she arrived, she saw giant black clouds roaming high in the sky. Everything seems to be covered with a golden pagoda but she could see everything.

Inside the pagoda,

Johnny was looking at the thunder clouds that were domineering, getting ready to fall any moment. He was surprised by the pagoda but he trusted Yan Yijun. When he saw Luo Qing, he took out his transmitter from the spatial ring and called Rose.

"Rose, once thunder descends I'll fight against it. Once the power of thunder weakens, send Luo Qing inside and ask her to absorb the power of thunder. Her physique needs a lot of thunder energy to improve her cultivation."

Saying so, he put the transmitter back in his spatial ring and threw the spatial ring inside the Primal Chaos Bead. He also activated the Primal Chaos Bead. He knew these thunderbolts won't be easy to fight, so he was hoping to rely on Primal Chaos Bead.

But he knows there would be some risks. What if the power of tribulation increase after sensing the existence of Primal Chaos Bead? After all, this was a heaven-defying treasure. But he also understands, without this bead he wouldn't have good chances to fight against the thunder tribulation.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The thunder clouds began to collide even louder, the sound of the tribulation spread far wide. This made Yan Yijun and other startled. Their expression turned ugly that moment. Suddenly, Rose flew up. Seeing this, everyone was a little surprised.

They didn't know what Rose was going to do. Floating in the sky, she closed her eyes and muttered "Cosmic God Heart- Monarch Will"

Suddenly, her body burst the powerful spiritual pressure. It was so powerful, everything around it was suppressed. But this wasn't her intention, with the burst of spiritual pressure, an intense energy burst inside her body.

This energy was very strong. When this energy flows through her veins, she opened her eyes her but her eyes were glowing with silver light. At the same time, she lifts her finger and clicked on the air. Suddenly, a powerful silver circle burst out of her body, spreading in the shape of the circular disk.

Although the sound had already passed everywhere, the main and nosiest sound was still flowing in the same wave. Her circular disk spreads around ten miles. At this moment, she clenched another fist and murmured "Space Vacuum"

Suddenly, everything was silent the sound couldn't be passed in a vacuum, the air present in that circular disk disappeared. At this moment, Rose suddenly coughed blood out of her mouth "Gui"

At the same time, the sound disappeared with the silver disk. While coughing blood, she gritted her teeth "Space Transfer"

Then, her body disappeared and appeared next to Yin Yijun. She held her shoulder and spoke "C…Can y--you block the sound before the next collision?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Miss Rose!" Yan Yijun patted her hands and slowly lay her down on the ground. At the same time, the golden energy burst out of his body, looking at the golden pagoda, he thought of something else.

Suddenly, he took out a yellow paper and a pen. Then, he poured his golden energy into the pen and wrote some words on the yellow paper. While writing, he was standing on his rear limb. Although his hands were difficult to hold the pen, he had trained himself, so rather than using his own hand, he creates a human hand with his golden energy.

"Spiritual Talisman- Silent World"

While writing, his body was drenched in sweat. He had spent a lot of energy and stamina just to write few words. But when he finished it, he only threw it towards the pagoda. The red words on the yellow paper glowed and smashed against the pagoda.

Unlike humans or any other creature, it didn't pass through. Rather it got stuck on the pagoda, but that was exactly what he wanted. Suddenly mysterious red energy poured out of those words and infused with the golden pagoda.

Fortunately, he was fast because the next moment, those thunder clouds collided against each other once again. The sound was canceled though.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


Only Johnny could hear it, but the next moment he found the thunder was finally going to fall. Johnny didn't take out his sword, he knows the best way to fight against thunder would be the body itself. And because of Undead Bloodline, he was confident to block the first tribulation with his body, at least.

"Well, I am not going to run away. I'll face you head-on." The excitement flashed on his eyes, clenching his fist, he was ready to burst any moment. Suddenly, the black energy flows out of his body. The black energy coated his fists and released a powerful aura.

"Ugh!" This aura was so powerful when it was released even Yan Yijun and others who were very far away from him got infected. But the power was still very low, so they only felt it for a moment. But they can't explain what they felt in a single word.

For a moment, they felt Johnny was the King, King of everything that exists.

But Johnny was completely unaware of this. He was completely focused on the thunder tribulation that may descend any moment. His fists covered with the conqueror armament.

"Bang" Suddenly the thunder or rather the lightning fell upon him. But he knows this low-level lightning can only be called thunder. But even if it was low-level lightning, it was insanely powerful.

"Nine Yang Bursting Sun Art- Golden Fist"


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