Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 159: Crossing Tribulation Part 3

Johnny condensed the infinite energy-burning with Primordial Origin Fire instead of normal fire. This fire condensed the blue fist instead of golden though. But still, the power condensed within his fist was very powerful.

Coated with conqueror armament, his fist turned black and blue, striped with two different powers, two different colors. Seeing the thunderbolt in front of his eyes, Johnny stomped on the ground, moving up in the air.


His black and blue fist collided against the thunderbolt that was nearly a meter thick but it's one end was very sharp. When the fist collided against the thunderbolt, his body suddenly backed down by the impact.


But Johnny had no chance to give up, roaring against the thunderbolt, he pushed his fist with all his strength. If he had his previous strength, he might have slammed this thunderbolt but now he only had an iron rank body.

The thunder made hundreds of small destructive thunder particles that burst into his body. His arms, legs, chest, face, hair, every part of his body was smashed by these particles. But at the same time, Undead Bloodline was running with its maximum potential, healing all of his wounds in that instant.

"Nine Yang Bursting Sun Art- Flame Overlord"

Pushing his fist against the thunder, he burst the Primordial Flames out of his fist. The blue flames pouring out of his fist, incinerating towards the thunder. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his lips. He was right, his fire, his Primordial Origin Fire can burn everything including thunder.

"Boom" The blue fire burst like a wave of wind. It was forcing its way against the thunder, but it was pushing it rather than burning it. The thunder energy at the edges was burnt to the ashes, at the end thunder was also energy.

But it wasn't enough, at least against such thunderbolt, he couldn't win with two moves only.

"So what? I still got the third move." Denying his negative thoughts, Johnny scoffed the thunder and suddenly burst open his palm. Inside his palm, a small blue dot was condensed. Seeing this dot, Johnny smiled and fell down.

"Bang" When he retreated, the thunder got the edge and strike against his chest. He felt with his chest facing towards the thunder. Raising his fist, he muttered

"Nine Yang Bursting Sun Art- Phoenix Flames Incinerate"


In the middle of the thunder, a huge explosion occurred. This explosion was not only huge but also powerful, when it burst, it shreds the thunder apart. Suddenly when the thunder losses its part, a creepy evil smile appeared on Johnny's face "Your death is imminent so why stick with me."

"Bang" Coating his fist with conqueror armament, he smashed the remaining thunder with his hand.

"Thud" "Ku-ek"

But Johnny was very much injured, so he couldn't regain his composure in mid-air. His body fell heavily on the ground, the impact caused his cough blood out of his mouth.

Yan Yijun was watching everything from the start to the end. He was nervous and he was also ready to save Johnny any moment. He knows current Johnny's strength has decreased a lot, by a lot means a lot.

Only when he coughed the blood after passing the first tribulation, he let Luo Qing in. Rose was unconscious because she used too much energy, others were still standing but nobody dares to go. Even Yan Yijun didn't enter because he knows his interference will increase the power of thunder tribulation.

"Master!" With tears gushing out of her eyes, she rushed towards his body. She felt very sad seeing him injured.

"Cough! Qing, absorb the thunder energy scattered around. Don't worry about me." His undead bloodline was running crazy, and the ancient tree was still releasing an intense amount of vitality. Although he coughed while speaking, at the end of his speech, his condition had got better.

Seeing his healing so fast, Luo Qing was shocked for a moment then nodded her head and sat down on the ground.

"Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art"

Turning the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art, the thunder energies scattered throughout the space inside the pagoda shook for a moment and rushed towards her. The number of energies was still intense, but her physique was there.

The thunder energy drilled inside her body, following through her veins, reaching each and every part of her cell. At the same time, no matter how much she absorbed, she didn't feel any trouble. Her body was like a devouring black hole with no limit.

But this doesn't end here, while Johnny's wounds were still healing, another crash happened.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Hearing this noise, Luo Qing forcefully stopped her cultivation and opened her eyes. But suddenly a warm hand patted her shoulder, as her master spoke "Don't worry! Your master is still here. Leave everything to me!"

While his body was still injured, he didn't forget to keep his cool in front of his disciple. He was beaming with energy even with his injures. Seeing his kind smile, Luo Qing couldn't decline. She nodded her head and continued her cultivation.

Johnny slowly walked forward while asking himself "So, is it the time to show off some tricks?"

"Heh" Suddenly a crazy smile formed on his lips. He looked nothing like an innocent Johnny, at this moment as if the devil inside of him had awakened. His actions were getting crazier, at this moment he didn't hesitate to activate.

"Infinite Cosmic Universal Cultivation" + "Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art"

Then he looked at the thunderbolt falling towards him and spoke "I, JOHNNY FENTON shall step upon your tribulation."

"Bloodline Ability- Nine Steps of Death"

"First Step" Activating this bloodline ability, Johnny took a step forward. This step wasn't hard to take, but the enormous amount of energy released out of his body. It was mixed energy, including spiritual energy, blood energy, and bloodline power.

Everything mixed up and soared towards the sky. Suddenly, in the high sky, a giant foot was formed. This foot was nearly a thousand meters thick and long. Its power was filled with terrifying gloomy and killing aura.

Suddenly, the thunder instead of falling down rose up.

Nobody challenges thunder, even if they do, nobody steps upon thunder. Thunder represents lightning, lightning represents heaven, heaven represents luck, and luck represents destiny. Cultivators do not go against heaven, they go against destiny.

Some chosen by destiny represent the Will of Destiny. But Johnny wasn't the chosen one. He was the destiny itself, how could a mere Will threaten him? People do not go against destiny because challenging it means your luck is down.

He was the destiny, the ultimate form of destiny. Of course, Johnny himself doesn't know anything about it. He only knows his luck is against heaven. So even if he challenges heaven, his luck doesn't get zero. More importantly, he was just challenging heaven on a wimp.

He never got thoughts of truly challenging heaven. He just wanted to show off to his disciple. When the thunder goes on against the death step, it was trembling with anger. The thunder was getting intense as it collides against the death step.


The collision was so huge, it shook the sky. The giant step was crushed while thunder was also down. Only pure thunder energy remained. At the same time, both master and disciple were relying on their cultivation art, sucking all of that energy.

Originally, Luo Qing's physique could devour more than him but with the infinite universe inside him, he also got no limit. Not to mention, he got the real black hole, unlike Luo Qing.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


This time the tribulation didn't give him time to do much. The next tribulation had already been summoned. This thunder was even more overbearing, turning dark purple, the thunder fell upon him.

At this moment, he took a step. But before his step landed on the ground, his skin got torn, his veins were popping out, and his bones were trembling. In just a few seconds, he turned into a bloody man.

"Nine Steps of Death- Second Step" "Ahhhhhh!"

His body was torn apart, if not for the fact he has already gone through insane pain, he might have fallen apart. But it still hurts. Crying in pain, he put all of his Will power, coating his leg with Conqueror Armament, finally step on the ground.

Once again, the thunder didn't fall. Instead, it went up. At this moment, Johnny's body was releasing an insane amount of spiritual energy soaring into the sky. The entire sky turned red for a moment as if the god itself was descending down, the sky began to tremble.

Maybe it was due to lack of strength, he felt this was too epic. Johnny looked up in the sky, seeing something unbelievable.

In front of him, just an illusion not even the spiritual energy, but unclear. An image of himself was formed with his body big as hundred planets, only his feet were condensed, stepping upon the thunderbolt that wanted to go against him.


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